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Ann Thomas

PowerSearch  Document - 0 views

  • Progress in the treatment of cancer in cats and dogs is likely to benefit humans, scientists said yesterday. Forms of bone cancerinvariably fatal in young men and women are now being successfully treated in animals (Our Science Correspondent writes). The researchers are using an anti-cancer compound, PTMC, which in some cases has enabled dogs, cats and horses suffering from bone tumours to live for up to two years after diagnosis, according to Mr Brian Singleton, director of the Animal Health Trust, which funds the research into the diseases.
    Progress in the treatment of cancer in cats and dogs is likely to benefit humans, scientists said yesterday. Forms of bone cancerinvariably fatal in young men and women are now being successfully treated in animals (Our Science Correspondent writes). The researchers are using an anti-cancer compound, PTMC, which in some cases has enabled dogs, cats and horses suffering from bone tumours to live for up to two years after diagnosis, according to Mr Brian Singleton, director of the Animal Health Trust, which funds the research into the diseases.
Kate L

What types of alternative fuels are being explored or used in automobiles today? How ef... - 0 views

  • The primary fuels now used in automobiles, namely gasoline and diesel, are essentially derived from crude oil (petroleum)
  • properties as natural gas, coal and other carbonaceous fuels
  • as Fischer-Tropsch Diesel, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • not require a major shift from current automobile design.
  • address this question, we will assume that "alternative" refers to those fuels that are produced from a nonfossil source or to those fuels (fossil or otherwise) that would require substantial changes in automotive design or in the distribution and marketing infrastructure.
  • proposed a number of compounds--including methanol, ethanol, hydrogen, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), so-called biodiesel and hydrogen--
    Types of alternative fuels
Stephania D

Water Pollution - 0 views

  • According to the American College Dictionary, pollution is defined as:  �to make foul or unclean; dirty.
  • When it is unfit for its intended use, water is considered polluted.
  • Point sources of pollution occur when harmful substances are emitted directly into a body of water.
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  • A nonpoint source delivers pollutants indirectly through environmental changes.
  • Nonpoint sources are much more difficult to control.
  • Pollution arising from nonpoint sources accounts for a majority of the contaminants in streams and lakes.  
  • Many causes of pollution including sewage and fertilizers contain nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates.  In excess levels, nutrients over stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and algae.  Excessive growth of these types of organisms consequently clogs our waterways, use up dissolved oxygen as they decompose, and block light to deeper waters.
  • Pollution in the form of organic material enters waterways in many different forms as sewage, as leaves and grass clippings, or as runoff from livestock feedlots and pastures.
  •     Pathogens are another type of pollution that prove very harmful.
  • Three last forms of water pollution exist in the forms of petroleum, radioactive substances, and heat.
  •      Ninety-five percent of all fresh water on earth is ground water
  • Ground water is found in natural rock formations.
  • These formations, called aquifers, are a vital natural resource with many uses.  Nationally, 53% of the population relies on ground water as a source of drinking water.  In rural areas this figure is even higher.  Eighty one percent of community water is dependent on ground water.  Although the 1992 Section 305(b) State Water Quality Reports indicate that, overall, the Nation�s ground water quality is good to excellent, many local areas have experienced significant ground water contamination. Some examples are leaking underground storage tanks and municipal landfills.
    Full description of water pollution, etc.
cory delacruz

Why Did All Dinosaurs Become Extinct? | - 0 views

  • Adapted from Dinosaurs: The Very Latest Information and Hands-On Activities From the Museum of the Rockies, by Liza Charlesworth and Bonnie Sachatello-Sawyer. A Scholastic Professional Book. The last dinosaurs died approximately 65 million years ago. Although the cause of their extinction is still a mystery, climatic change, diseases, changing plant communities, and geologic events could all have played a role. Lately, dinosaur extinction theories have been the subject of much debate and controversy. A recent explanation, supported by many scientists, suggests that dinosaurs died out soon after a huge meteorite crashed to Earth near the Gulf of Mexico. A giant meteorite, they reason, could have landed with an impact that kicked up enough dust and debris to block out sunlight for a long time — leading to a deadly chain of events. Without the sun, all the plants died; without the plants, all the plant-eaters died; and without the plant-eaters, all the meat-eaters died. Sounds reasonable. But there is one problem with this theory: Paleontologists have not yet been able to find dinosaur skeletons in rocks dating to the period of impact. Some evidence even seems to indicate that all the dinosaurs had died before the meteorite hit. What is the answer? As paleontologists search for clues to support their theories, they agree to disagree.
    • cory delacruz
      sounds interseting so i could use this to learn.........................................................................................................................................................................................................
    I can use this to give a general idea of what exactly made the dinosaurs extinct.
Krisly Philip

Ways to Prevent Global Warming - 0 views

  • Reasons for Global Warming Global warming can be minimized to a great extent, if we eliminate the causes which are mostly human made. The responsibility of preventing global warming rests both on individual as well as the state. In individual level we can change our practices such as minimize the usage of fossil based fuel, reduce the electricity consumption by using energy efficient appliances. Vehicular pollution can be minimized by using the public transport system. The nucleus goal is to beget the global warming under control by restricting the carbon dioxide release and other heat ensnaring greenhouse gases into the environment. On an average nearly 10000 pounds of carbon dioxide is released per year in significant countries like Canada and US. This can be immediately curtailed by becoming energy efficient. Reducing the usage of oil, coal and gasoline are one of the effective ways of preventing global warming.
Deepankar Sinha

United States Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    wikipedia us army
Deepankar Sinha

United States Military Weapons of War - 0 views

    waepons about us army
Christina T

Japan - THE ARTS - 0 views

  • The introduction of Western cultural values, which had flooded Japan by the late nineteenth century, led to a dichotomy between traditional values and attempts to duplicate and assimilate a variety of clashing new ideas
  • Japanese aesthetics provide a key to understanding artistic works perceivably different from those coming from Western traditions.
  • Within the East Asian artistic tradition, China has been the acknowledged teacher and Japan the devoted student.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Japanese painters used the devices of the cutoff, close-up, and fade-out by the twelfth century in yamato-e, or Japanese-style, scroll painting, perhaps one reason why modern filmmaking has been such a natural and successful art form in Japan.
  • The calligrapher--a member of the Confucian literati class, or samurai--had a higher status, while artists of great genius were often recognized in the medieval period by receiving a name from a feudal lord and thus rising socially.
  • Artists divided into two main camps, those continuing in traditional Japanese style and those who wholeheartedly studied the new Western culture.
  • After World War II, many artists began working in art forms derivied from the international scene, moving away from local artistic developments into the mainstream of world art.
  • Two terms originating from Zen Buddhist meditative practices describe degrees of tranquillity: one, the repose found in humble melancholy (wabi), the other, the serenity accompanying the enjoyment of subdued beauty (sabi).
  • The Cultural Affairs Division is concerned with such areas as art and culture promotion, arts copyrights, and improvements in the national language.
  • A new generation of the avant-garde has broken with this tradition, often receiving its training in the West. In the traditional arts, however, the master-pupil system preserves the secrets and skills of the past.
  • Another seminal center is Tama Arts University in Tokyo, which produced many of Japan's late twentieth- century innovative young artists
  • In 1989 the fifth woman ever to be so distinguished was cited for Japanese-style painting, while for the first time two women--a writer and a costume designer--were nominated for the Order of Cultural Merit, another official honor carrying the same stipend.
  • The Cultural Properties Protection Division originally was established to oversee restorations after World War II.
  • During the 1980s, many important prehistoric and historic sites were investigated by the archaeological institutes that the agency funded, resulting in about 2,000 excavations in 1989.
  • A 1975 amendment to the Cultural Properties Protection Act of 1897 enabled the Agency for Cultural Affairs to designate traditional areas and buildings in urban centers for preservation.
  • Individual artists and groups, such as a dance troupe or a pottery village, are designated as mukei bunkazai (intangible cultural assets) in recognition of their skill.
  • A growing number of large corporations join major newspapers in sponsoring exhibitions and performances and in giving yearly prizes.
  • A number of foundations promoting the arts arose in the 1980s, including the Cultural Properties Foundation set up to preserve historic sites overseas, especially along the Silk Route in Inner Asia and at Dunhuang in China.
  • After World War II, artists typically gathered in arts associations, some of which were long-established professional societies while others reflected the latest arts movement.
  • By the 1980s, however, avant-garde painters and sculptors had eschewed all groups and were "unattached" artists.
Deepankar Sinha

ABC-CLIO: World History: Modern: Entry Display - 0 views

    U.S. Objectives and Programs for National Security

Causes of Drug Addiction - LoveToKnow Recovery - 0 views

  • Elite athletes are susceptible to using drugs. They use them for performance enhancing abilities. Steroids can make muscles bigger, while amphetamines help reduce or numb pain, allowing persons to play injured. Recently, major league baseball has come under fire for drug abuse. Though not as prominent, high school and college athletes have also been known to use drugs to enhance their performance.

Steroid Use Causes Long-term Agression, Northeastern University Report Indicates - 0 views

  • who studies the link between steroid use and aggression, has recently found evidence that use of anabolic steroids may have long-term effects on behavior and aggression levels well after they stop abusing these performance enhancing drugs.

BCIT : : health services : : athletes and steroid use - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 01 Dec 08 - Cached
  • Some athletes choose to use "anabolic" (or growth-promoting) steroids in the hopes of improving athletic performance
  • Steroids are substances that your body makes naturally in the form of hormones.
  • These are examples of steroids requiring physician prescription which are banned in sport competition:
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Methandrostenolone (Danabol) Stanazol(Winstrol) Oxandrolone(Oxadrin) Methyltestosterone (Android,Virilon,Testred) Oxymethyolone (Anadrol, Anapolon) Testosterone proprionate (Andriol, Climacteron, Androderm, Testex) Testosterone cypionate (Depo-testosterone, Duratest) Nandrolone (Deca-durabol)
  • Almost all steroid users do get some side effects. Some get bad acne. Some get headaches and nosebleeds.. Steroids can also stop bones from growing: if you're a teenager, you may never grow to your full height - and there's no second chance. Steroid use can also affect your hair growth and can cause premature baldness!
  • Steroids can contribute to high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels - the leading causes of heart disease, the number one killer in North America. Steroids have also been linked to kidney disease and liver disease or cancer. Men may have an increasing chance of developing prostate cancer later in life.

Anabolic steroid use increases heart attack risk and causes liver damage - UCSF News Of... - 0 views

  • Anabolic steroid use increases heart attack risk and causes liver damage
Kate L

Alternative Fuel Sources - Cheaper And Eco-Friendly - 0 views

  • The conventional and traditional fuel sources are becoming more and more expensive to extract and their indiscriminate use in the past century has resulted in their depletion.
  • natural fuel sources will reach critically low levels and precipitate a crisis much earlier than we think.
  • promising discoveries
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • mankind would have perfected and commercialized alternate sources of fuel that will be eco- friendly and affordable too.
  • Its contents of 15% gasoline and 85% ethanol mean that it is at least better than using pure gasoline.
  • E 85, bio-diesel
  • Bio-diesel is one such alternate fuel source that is extracted from plants.
  • uch alternate fuel sources like E 85 score above gasoline, they still pollute and require a vast amount of corn to be grown
  • translates into availability of lesser land for growing food for people.
  • electric cars seem to be the best alternate fuel source that we have
  • conserve our natural fuel sources.
  • efficient because all of the electricity that they need can be generated at one central location.
  • much better option than consuming petroleum derivatives and polluting more by using small and inefficient combustion motors.
  • Electricity
  • produced in any manner that suits the needs on a particular location depending on the resources it has
  • coal, hydro-electric or wind to produce this electricity that is required for electric cars.
    alternative fuel sources
Stephania D

Cactus Goo - 0 views

  • used for scouring arsenic, bacteria and cloudiness out of rural drinking water
  • There, the residual water from boiling the flat, oval-shaped lobes of prickly pear for salads and other dishes was used to clear up cloudy water drawn from the river before use for cooking or drinking.
  • Mucilage is the clear, gooey, viscous liquid from within the cactus which helps to seal water inside the plant so it can survive desert-dry conditions.
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  • She found that the mucilage binds to the dirt and causes the particles to coagulate, forming large enough clumps that they can settle out of the water.
  • The group's more recent research has shown that the mucilage can also form a complex with arsenic, a carcinogenic water contaminant that can occur naturally or from industrial or agricultural pollution.
  • "Sometimes we get 80 percent removal, and sometimes we get lower than 50 percent removal," Alcantar said. "We don't yet know exactly what it is; we haven't found what are the exact best conditions for the mucilage [to get the most arsenic removal]."
    Cactus goo can make water safer
~ * josie * ~

Music Therapy - How and Why Music Therapy Is Effective - 0 views

  • Research has shown that music has a profound effect on your body and psyche. In fact, there’s a growing field of health care known as Music Therapy, which uses music to heal. Those who practice music therapy are finding a benefit in using music to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even hospitals are beginning to use music and music therapy to help with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension, and for many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring. This is not surprising, as music affects the body and mind in many powerful ways. The following are some of effects of music, which help to explain the effectivene
Aloysius Utomo

Panda - Enchanted Learning Software - 0 views

    • Aloysius Utomo
      Size of pandas
  • Chinese people call the panda "Da xiong mao,"
  • "giant bear cat"
  • ...41 more annotations...
  • symbol of peace in China
  • Female pandas are called sows
  • males are called boars
  • young are called cubs
  • Most bears' eyes have round pupils
  • giant panda, whose pupils are vertical slits
  • Pandas have very good eyesight
  • largest pandas grow to be about 250 pounds
  • 5.25 to 6 feet (1.6 to 1.8 m) long
  • weighs about 220 pounds
  • 40 pounds (18 kg) of food each day
  • Bamboo is very low in nutrition
  • cannot digest it very well
  • 12 hours every day
  • throat and stomach have extra-tough linings to protect them from the tough food
  • captivity (zoos and breeding centers), pandas eat bamboo, rice cereal, carrots, apples, and sweet potatoes
  • usually eat while sitting in an upright positio
  • strong teeth and jaws are very important to a panda's survival
  • Giant pandas have large molars (flat teeth used for crushing food)
  • few sharp teeth which they use to bite tough bamboo stalks
  • Pandas have 42 teeth
  • very thick, oily, woolly fur
  • two types of hairs
  • long, thick, coarse hairs
  • fur is waterproof
  • shorter, fine, dense underfur
  • endangered species
  • roughly 1,000-1,500 pandas living in the wild (in China)
  • 120 living in zoos and breeding centers around the world
  • extremely vulnerable to extinction because of humans
  • mostly shy, solitary animals
  • mostly silent, but they can bleat!
  • 11 different calls, four of which are only used during mating
  • live longer in captivity than in the wild
  • Unlike many other bears, pandas cannot walk on their hind legs
  • do not hibernate since their food is available all year long
  • During the cold winter months, giant pandas go to lower altitudes where it is a bit warmer
  • don't seem to have permanent dens
  • very slow reproductive rate
  • mate in the spring
  • give birth between 95 and 160 days after mating
    lota facts
cory delacruz

Blue Sky - Why is the Sky Blue? - 0 views

  • end of the spectrum are the reds and oranges. These gradually shade into yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The colors have different wavelengths, frequencies, and energies. Violet has the shortest wavelength in the visible spectrum. That means it has the highest frequency and energy. Red has the longest wavelength, and lowest frequency and energy. LIGHT IN THE AIR Light travels through space in a straight line as long as nothing disturbs it. As light moves through the atmosphere, it continues to go straight until it bumps into a bit of dust or a gas molecule. Then what happens to the light depends on its wave length and the size of the thing it hits. Dust particles and water droplets are much larger than the wavelength of visible light. When light hits these large particles, it gets reflected, or bounced off, in different directions. The different colors of light are all reflected by the particle in the same way. The reflected light appears white because it still contains all of the same colors. Gas molecules are smaller than the wavelength of visible light. If light bumps into them, it acts differently. When light hits a gas molecule, some of it may get absorbed. After awhile, the molecule radiates (releases, or gives off) the light in a different direction. The color that is radiated is the same color that was absorbed. The different colors of light are affected differently. All of the co
  • d after Lord John Rayleigh, an English physicist, who first described it in the 1870's.) WHY IS THE SKY BLUE? The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by t
  • As you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.
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  • THE BLACK SKY AND WHITE SUN On Earth, the sun appears yellow. If you were out in space, or on the moon, the sun would look white. In space, there is no atmosphere to scatter the sun's light. On Earth, some of the shorter wavelength light (the blues and violets) are removed from the direct rays of the sun by scattering. The remaining colors together appear yellow. Also, out in space, the sky looks dark and black, instead of blue. This is because there is no atmosphere. There is no scattered light to reach your eyes. WHY IS THE SUNSET RED? As the sun begins to set, the light must travel farther through the atmosphere before it gets to you. More of the light is reflected and scattered. As less reaches you directly, the sun appears less
  • The sky around the setting sun may take on many colors. The most spectacular shows occur when the air contains many small particles of dust or water. These particles reflect light in all directions. Then, as some of the light heads towards you, different amounts of the shorter wavelength colors are scattered out. You see the longer wavelengths, and the sky appears red, pink or orange.
  • RE ABOUT:THE ATMOSPHERE WHAT IS THE ATMOSPHERE? The atmosphere is the mixture of gases and other materials that surround the Earth in a thin, mostly transparent shell. It is held in place by the Earth's gravity. The main components are nitrogen (78.09%), oxygen (20.95%), argon (0.93%), and carbon dioxide (0.03%). The atmosphere also contains small amounts, or traces, of water (in local concentrations ranging from 0% to 4%), solid particles, neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, xenon and ozone. The study of the atmosphere is called meteorology. Life on Earth would not be possible without the atmosphere.
  • gen we need to breath. But it also serves other important functions. It moderates the planet's temperature, reducing the extremes that occur on airless worlds. For example, temperatures on the moon range from 120 °C (about 250 °F) in the day to -170 °C (about -275 °F) at night. The atmosphere
  • hes the Earth, 30% is reflected back into space by clouds and the Earth's surface. The atmosphere absorbs 19%. Only 51% is absorbed by the Earth's surface. We are not normally aware of it but air does have weight. The column of air above us exerts pressure on us. This pressure at sea level is defined as one atmosphere. Other equivalent measurements you may hear used are 1,013 millibars, 760 mm Hg (mercury), 29.92 inches of Hg, or 14.7 pounds/square inch (psi). Atmospheric pressure decreases rapidly with height. Pressure drops by a factor of 10 for every 16 km (10 miles) increase in altitude. This means that the pressure is 1 atmosphere at sea level, but 0.1 atmosphere at 16 km and only 0.01 atmosphere at 32 km. The density of the lower atmosphere is about 1 kg/cubic meter (1 oz./cubic foot). There are approximately 300 billion billion (3 x 10**20, or a 3 followed by 20 zeros) molecules per cubic inch (16.4 cubic ce
  • ers). At ground level, each molecule is moving at about 1600 km/hr (1000 miles/hr), and collides with other molecules 5 billion times per second. The density of air also decreases rapidly with altitude. At 3 km (2 miles) air density has decreased by 30%. People who normally live closer to sea level experience temporary breathing difficulties when traveling to these altitudes. The highest permanent human settlements are at about 4 km (3 miles). LAYERS OF THE ATMOSPHERE The atmosphere is divided into layers based on temperature, composition and electrical properties. These layers are approximate and the boundaries vary, depending on the seasons and latitude. (The boundaries also depend on which "authority" is defining them.) LAYERS BASED ON COMPOSITION Homosphere
  • LAYERS BASED ON TEMPERATURE Troposphere - Height depends on the seasons and latitude. It extends from ground level up to about 16 km (10 miles) at the equator, and to 9 km (5 miles) at the North and South Poles. · The prefix "tropo" means change. Changing conditions in the Troposphere result in our weather. · Temperature decreases with increasing altitude. Warm air rises, then cools and falls back to Earth. This process is called convection, and results in huge movements of air. Winds in this layer are mostly vertical. · Contains more air molecules than
  • · The air is very thin. · The prefix "strato" is related to layers, or stratification. · The bottom of this layer is calm. Jet planes often fly in the lower Stratosphere to avoid bad weather in the Troposphere. · The upper part of the Stratosphere holds the high winds known as the jet streams. These blow horizontally at speeds up to 480 km/hour (300 miles/hour) · Contains the "ozone layer" located
  • d increases with increasing altitude. The increase is caused by the absorption of UV radiation by the oxygen and ozone. · The temperature increase with altitude results in a layering effect. It creates a global "inversion layer", and reduces vertical convection. Mesosphere - Extends out to about 100 km (65 miles) · Temperature decreases rapidly with increasing altitude. Thermosphere - Extends out to about 400 km ( 250 miles)
    • cory delacruz
      sounds good, by the way am i annoying you with my sticky note??? well, TOO BAD!!!!!!
Alex Kuzma

The legacy of Krakatoa - Australasia, World - The Independent - 0 views

    rakata, is the creator of the original krakatoa(which used to be called Krakatau)
Jilliane Velazco

Top music seller's store has no door - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

  • Apple Inc. has surpassed Wal-Mart to become America’s No. 1 music store, the first time that a seller of digital downloads has ever beaten the big CD retailers.
  • Video game companies and other software makers are selling more of their products as downloads rather than CDs.
  • Songs could be downloaded faster than movies or TV shows, both legally and illegally.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • devices such as Apple’s iPod made songs easy to listen to anywhere.
  • It said it counted every 12 singles sold as one album, and that Apple probably received a boost during the two months by people cashing in iTunes gift cards – which Wal-Mart and other retailers also sell – received during the holiday season.
  • Apple launched iTunes in 2003, creating an online business model for a music industry that was struggling with plummeting CD sales and online piracy. In addition to selling albums, iTunes offered hundreds of thousands of individual songs for 99 cents each. That was ideal for customers who wanted to buy hot singles or old favorites without buying the whole album.
  • it reported $808 million in revenue for a category that includes iTunes store sales, a 27% jump from the same quarter the previous year.
  • Although Apple has given the music industry a new way to sell songs, it has become so powerful that music companies have sought to help create and fortify potential iTunes rivals.
    apple is the top seller of music; on and off the computer! =] apple overtakes wal-mart as the biggest US music seller
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