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Miranda Ratajczak

The future of streaming video - four predictions for 2013 - Tech News and Analysis - 0 views

    This tells us some predictions that people had for 2013 but could still happen later on rather just then this year. they make some good points about streaming videos
ahmed safwat

Video about IMAX theaters - 0 views

    This video talks about the new IMAX technologies and future ones as well. IMAX CEO is in this video where he talks about film screens and future plans of his company
Miranda Ratajczak

Video-on-Demand - Wikipedia - 0 views

    Basic info about Video on demand.
Miranda Ratajczak

4G and the Future of Mobile Streaming Video - 0 views

    Gives us some stats about the future of streaming videos in the upcoming years.
Miranda Ratajczak

The Future of Video: Becoming People of the Screen | Institute For The Future - 0 views

    Gives us some info on the future of video and how we are becoming people who stare at screens constantly.
Teng Lee

YouTube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    How youtube came to be. I thought this would be important in the film industry. Advertising and Illegal video sharing how that has affected the film business
Miranda Ratajczak

Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the web | Video on - 0 views

    Info about the web ted talk. he talks about streaming video on the web and predicts the future of the web
Miranda Ratajczak

The Future Of 3D Animated graphics - How It Is Found in Movies ... - 0 views

    Gives us an insight to what will happen later on with 3d video.
Andrew Turman

Tribeca's Future of Film Live: Todd Wagner: Theaters vs. Distributors - YouTube - 0 views

    A youtube video of Todd Wagner talking about Theaters vs. Distributors and the importance of them working together.
Miranda Ratajczak

The future of Netflix isn't just streaming - it's original programming - Online Video News - 0 views

    Tells us the future of Netflix and it won't just be streaming it will have actual shows being made from it
Andrew Turman

'Drinking Buddies' just latest film opening in theaters, living rooms via video on dema... - 0 views

    An article about drinking buddies that was released in theaters and via VOD, the movie doesn't really matter but its interesting to see more movies releasing not only in theaters but in our homes on the same day.
Andrew Turman

▶ Kevin Spacey urges TV channels to give control to viewers - YouTube - 0 views

    A video of kevin spacey talking about story telling, most of it is about TV but we can use a portion of it to talk about movies, very interesting clip highly recommend watching it
Veronica Carlson

How Redbox Reinvented the Video Rental Business - 0 views

    7 min video about rebox.
Mai Thao

8mm Film Projector in action - 0 views

shared by Mai Thao on 15 Sep 13 - No Cached
    This is a great short little video where we can show other how a film projector work.
ahmed safwat

Hollywood faces challenge in China - 0 views

    This video tells us that hollywood blockbusters are pushed back from their anticipated due dates because of chinese domestic films. Also it highlights some information about the competition between their movies and foreign movies.
Miranda Ratajczak

How Does Downloading Free Movies Affect the Movie Industry? | - 0 views

    Tells us how the getting movies online is effecting the industry
Mai Thao

Zoetrope - 0 views

    The link shows the history of Zoetropes. There's also a video on how it worked and when it was used.
    This tell what is a zoetrope and this also tell the contribution of zoetrope to film.
Veronica Carlson

Film History - Origins Of The Motion Picture - 0 views

    This is a cool video cause it shows some of the very first motion pictures and goes through the history of key people and technology.
Miranda Ratajczak

Technicolor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Gives us all the insight and info about technicolor, from its history to how its used.
Mai Thao

Avatar: What's the Future of Film? - 0 views

shared by Mai Thao on 20 Sep 13 - No Cached
    This short three minutes video is very good. It talks about how the future film will change. There will be more 3D movie in the future and more in people's homes.
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