It is inherent in human nature to express oneself in order to forge a personal identity. The medium has only recently taken a complete shift into new territories, the online identity. An online identity is anything and everything we want it to be. Facebook has become a phenomenon, reaching millions of people all over the world. It has also become our generation's form of personal expression. Through it we can create a profile of ourselves that we wish to share with others. We are allowed to see our own profiles and therefore our own identities from the third person perspective. This different perspective is imperative to how Facebook has changed our identities.
Facebook, a site primarily used by college students and young graduates transitioning into the work force. The outcome of this initial case study is a framework for understanding how users manage self-presentation while maintaining social relationships in heterogeneous networks.
The present study investigates identity construction on Facebook, a newly emerged nonymous online environment. Based on content analysis of 63 Facebook accounts, we find that the identities produced in this nonymous environment differ from those constructed in the anonymous online environments previously reported. Facebook users predominantly claim their identities implicitly rather than explicitly; they "show rather than tell" and stress group and consumer identities over personally narrated ones. The characteristics of such identities are described and the implications of this finding are discussed.
This video tells a different perspective on befriending on Facebook. He talks about how if you just add people that you don't know it can be dangerous. There have be people who befriend a person they didn't really know and that person ended up tracking them down and breaking into their house and robbing them. The man on this video also talks about how the police are trying to befriend people posing as someone else to catch underage drinking. They are pretending to be a cute girl or guy to find drinking pictures and tracking those people down and arresting them. The main idea of the video is to make people aware that you need to be careful who you let be your friend.
Facebook is all about the individual and collective experiences of you and your friends. It's filled with hundreds of millions of stories. Which ones inspire you? What's your Facebook story?