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yc c

Online javascript beautifier - 0 views

    This beautifier can process your messy or compacted javascript, making it all neatly and consistently formatted and readable. You can always see the latest version of the code in github, and you can download the beautifier for local use (zip, tar.gz) as well.

How to auto-format phone numbers and mask telephone numbers using Javascript - 0 views

    How to auto-format phone numbers and mask telephone numbers using Javascript
Mike Chelen

Processing 1.0 (BETA) - JSON in Processing - 0 views

    Hi. I've just started getting into processing and am really enjoying it -- great work! I'm working on a project that uses data in JSON format ( It took me a while to get it going in processing, so I thought I'd post what I did here. If there's a better way (which undoubtedly there is!), please let me know.
Julian Knight

Highlight source code formatter - 0 views

    Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting. Coloured output in HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, LaTeX and XML format. 120+ programming languages. Platform independent. Notepad++ plugin available.
yc c

JavaScript Beautifier - Online code beautifier for JavaScript - 1 views

    JavaScript Beautifier formats JavaScript source code to make it easier to read and understand.
Hendrik Yeyosa

CATATAN - 0 views


started by Hendrik Yeyosa on 17 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Ivan Pavlov

Service Mapping Description Proposal - JSON Schema - 0 views

    A Service Mapping Description (SMD) is a JSON representation describing web services. An SMD can defines the various aspects of a web service such that clients can coherently interact with the web services. An SMD can be used by generic tools to generate interfaces, human and programmatic, to access available web services. A wide array of web services can be described with SMD including REST services and JSON-RPC services. The SMD format is designed to be flexible, compact, simple, readable, and easily implemented.
Mike Chelen

Data scraping with YQL and jQuery | - 0 views

  • need a list of all the US National Parks in XML format
  • grab the data from this list on Wikipedia
  • navigating a HTML DOM
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • jQuery to parse the data
  • XPath to your YQL
  • relevant table from the Wikipedia document
  • SELECT * FROM html WHERE url="" AND xpath="//table[@class='wikitable sortable']"
  • XML or JSON
  • creating an XML document
  • AJAX call from jQuery and then loop over the JSON
  • documentation could maybe be clearer
  • CSS style selection engine as well as the XPath one
Javier Neira

Why REST ? | /var/log/mind - 0 views

  • ‘ls’ or ‘List Directory’
  • ‘cd’or ‘Change Directory’
  • ‘put’ or ‘Upload’
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • you soon realise that every file and directory is uniquely addressable by its fully qualified path (either absolute or relative) and you can refer to each file and directory by its path. You are also aware that a valid path will uniquely resolve to only one directory or file.
  • the server allows you to retrieve the list of subdirectories and files within your current directory. It always shows you the current state of that directory.
  • following elements
  • A shared understanding of where the files will be uploaded, how they will be uniquely named, their specific file extensions (optionally) and the specific format of the file eg.
  • daemon process on the central office computer (the FTP server) which regularly scans the directory, parses each file as it comes it, does the relevant processing on it, and generates the appropriate result files and places them in the appropriate directories using the shared understanding of the directory structure and the file naming convention to communicate back the results of the processing.
  • RPC allowed you to invoke remote procedures by supporting an ability to pass messages which included the message name and the values for all the parameters necessary to be supplied to the message. Unlike FTP which was meant to do data transfer across a network, RPC was geared to do things remotely.
  • FTP required understanding of very few basic verbs (ls, cd, get, put). Thus the training required to understand FTP semantics was far less than that for RPC. This was partially due to the fact that RPC had a programmatic interface.
  • Moreover each time, new procedures were added or parameters added, these required programmatic changes
  • HTTP protoco
  • Unlike FTP and email, this required the authors to understand a new language, but used a simple markup syntax to keep the learning curve to the minimum
  • get/view/download/save a document
  • Along with RPC, these were essentially different technical manifestations of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles.
  • Many services were usually expected to “do something” though quite often some services would simply return the requested data. Usually but not necessarily the services were identified by using ‘verbs’.
  • allow us to use the web to ‘do something’
  • Resource and media types as the basic units
  • Unique resource identifiers
  • Each resource has often one default manually readable representation
  • Each resource representation optionally includes contextually relevant hyperlinks to other resources
  • REST encourages a uniform interface
  • Default Rendering
  • a default HTML rendering capability
  • Aspects such as non maintenance of conversational state, greatly increase the scalability of REST applications even if they do incur a minor cost in efficiency (which can be due to repeated redundant communication of data elements, or additional processing requirements due to preclusion of conversation state).
  • is much easier to understand from a data perspective than an invoice processor API.
  • However the simpler, cleaner and minimalistic abstractions often are far more important than feature richness. A point I would want to make in favour of REST even as I admit that conventional SOA technologies are far more feature rich than REST.
  • REST encourages you to view and model your architecture as a set of resources rather than services.
yc c

The WebKit Open Source Project - WebKit Coding Style Guidelines - 1 views

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