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Hendy Irawan

HowToConfigureExtendedWADL - Jersey: RESTful Web services made easy - - 0 views

    "This page describes how you can get an extended WADL from your REST app. It aligns mostly with the extended-wadl-webapp sample and uses these features: Add additional doc tags to the WADL Create JAXB beans from xsd - you might also create the schema from your beans Add the grammars element that includes the xsd file from which JAXB beans were generated to the WADL Add javadoc from your resource classes to the WADL, using most of the supported javadoc tags For getting the extended WADL as described above these things have to be done: Configure the maven-jaxb-plugin to create JAXB beans from xsd - this is described here just to describe what's done in the sample. Add the application-doc.xml and application-grammars.xml to the build classpath Configure the maven-javadoc-plugin with the ResourceDoclet provided by the wadl-resourcedoc-doclet artifact to create the resource-doc.xml. Create a subclass of WadlGeneratorConfig that defines/configures the WadlGenerators to use Specify your custom WadlGeneratorConfig in the web.xml as the WadlGeneratorConfig"
Paul Sydney Orozco

How to Use @Required Annotation in Spring - 0 views

    An Example explaining on how @Required annotation from Spring Framework works. Provides sample on how to use @Required and expected exception if beans are not properly configured like BeanInitializationException or Property is required for bean.
Hendy Irawan

Creating JEE6 Vaadin Applications - Wiki - - 0 views

    Special thanks to Piero Sartini who came up with this alternative. It is basically the same as the previous alternative, but it uses the new JEE6 Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) and session scoped beans instead of EJBs. This alternative should have better performance than using EJBs. Instead of annotating the Vaadin application as a stateful session bean, it should be annotated using the @SessionScoped annotation, like so:
Hendy Irawan

Maven - Json-lib::Welcome - 0 views

    JSON-lib is a java library for transforming beans, maps, collections, java arrays and XML to JSON and back again to beans and DynaBeans. It is based on the work by Douglas Crockford in The following tables sumarizes the types conversion between java and javascript:

1. Working with Spring Data Repositories - 0 views

  • Typically, your repository interface will extend Repository, CrudRepository or PagingAndSortingRepository. Alternatively, if you do not want to extend Spring Data interfaces, you can also annotate your repository interface with @RepositoryDefinition
  • It allows quick query definition by method names but also custom-tuning of these queries by introducing declared queries as needed.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • the first By acts as delimiter to indicate the start of the actual criteria
  • The mechanism strips the prefixes find…By, read…By, and get…By from the method and starts parsing the rest of it
  • you can define conditions on entity properties and concatenate them with And and Or
  • The introducing clause can contain further expressions such as a Distinct to set a distinct flag
  • List<Person> findByEmailAddressAndLastname(EmailAddress emailAddress, String lastname); // Enables the distinct flag for the query List<Person> findDistinctPeopleByLastnameOrFirstname(String lastname, String firstname); List<Person> findPeopleDistinctByLastnameOrFirstname(String lastname, String firstname); // Enabling ignoring case for an individual property List<Person> findByLastnameIgnoreCase(String lastname); // Enabling ignoring case for all suitable properties List<Person> findByLastnameAndFirstnameAllIgnoreCase(String lastname, String firstname); // Enabling static ORDER BY for a query List<Person> findByLastnameOrderByFirstnameAsc(String lastname); List<Person> findByLastnameOrderByFirstnameDesc(String lastname);
  • You can combine property expressions with AND and OR. You also get support for operators such as Between, LessThan, GreaterThan, Like for the property expressions
  • AllIgnoreCase
  • IgnoreCase
  • The resolution algorithm starts with interpreting the entire part (AddressZipCode) as the property and checks the domain class for a property with that name (uncapitalized). If the algorithm succeeds it uses that property. If not, the algorithm splits up the source at the camel case parts from the right side into a head and a tail and tries to find the corresponding property, in our example, AddressZip and Code.
  • he infrastructure will recognize certain specific types like Pageable and Sort to apply pagination and sorting to your queries dynamically
  • Pageable
  • Sort sort
  • The first method allows you to pass an instance to the query method to dynamically add paging to your statically defined query. Sorting options are handled through the Pageable instance too
  • <repositories base-package="com.acme.repositories" />
  • Spring is instructed to scan com.acme.repositories and all its subpackages for interfaces extending Repository or one of its subinterfaces. For each interface found, the infrastructure registers the persistence technology-specific FactoryBean to create the appropriate proxies that handle invocations of the query methods. Each bean is registered under a bean name that is derived from the interface name, so an interface of UserRepository would be registered under userRepository
  • This postfix defaults to Impl.Example 1.12. Configuration example<repositories base-package="com.acme.repository" /> <repositories base-package="com.acme.repository" repository-impl-postfix="FooBar" />The first configuration example will try to look up a class com.acme.repository.UserRepositoryImpl to act as custom repository implementation, where the second example will try to lookup com.acme.repository.UserRepositoryFoo
  • To exclude an interface that extends Repository from being instantiated as a repository instance, you can either annotate it with @NoRepositoryBean or move it outside of the configured base-package.
  • ]In general, the integration support is enabled by using the @EnableSpringDataWebSupport annotation in your JavaConfig configuration class.
  • @Configuration @EnableWebMvc @EnableSpringDataWebSupport class WebConfiguration { }
  • In case you need multiple Pageables or Sorts to be resolved from the request (for multiple tables, for example) you can use Spring's @Qualifier annotation to distinguish one from another
  • Spring HATEOAS ships with a representation model class PagedResources that allows enrichting the content of a Page instance with the necessary Page metadata as well as links to let the clients easily navigate the pages.
Baron M

GAME OVER - Java Server Faces | ComeSolveGo - 0 views

  • Almost everything is wrong with the framework
  • Little control over generated HTML
  • While you need basic functionalities, everything is fine. When you need to modify the component (which is configurable, right?) you are facing the problems
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • EXTREMELY idiotic thing - because JSF has their famous lifecycle with lots of magic phases, some backing bean getters are called multiple times!
  • Back button problem.
  • Unreadable URLs. JSF always does the POST.
  • JSF is submitting a form on itself so it could call a backing bean method to handle an event. Of course, if you have a request, there is unnecessary repeated initialization, getter calls, postconstruct etc
  • Reusability? Good joke…
  • JSF - you are FIRED!
  • IDE support
  • Development of custom component? No way, extremely complicated. Extensible? In the movie, maybe…
    I think many people have the same feeling (of course including me)
Hendy Irawan

Apache CXF -- Index - 0 views

    Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI. CXF includes a broad feature set, but it is primarily focused on the following areas: Web Services Standards Support: CXF supports a variety of web service standards including SOAP, the WS-I Basic Profile, WSDL, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Security, WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-SecureConverstation, and WS-Trust (partial). Frontends: CXF supports a variety of "frontend" programming models. CXF implements the JAX-WS APIs (TCK compliant). CXF JAX-WS support includes some extensions to the standard that make it significantly easier to use, compared to the reference implementation: It will automatically generate code for request and response bean classes, and does not require a WSDL for simple cases. It also includes a "simple frontend" which allows creation of clients and endpoints without annotations. CXF supports both contract first development with WSDL and code first development starting from Java. For REST, CXF also supports a JAX-RS (TCK compliant) frontend. Ease of use: CXF is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. There are simple APIs to quickly build code-first services, Maven plug-ins to make tooling integration easy, JAX-WS API support, Spring 2.x XML support to make configuration a snap, and much more. Binary and Legacy Protocol Support: CXF has been designed to provide a pluggable architecture that supports not only XML but also non-XML type bindings, such as JSON and CORBA, in combination with any type of transport. To get started using CXF, check out the downloads, the user's guide, or the mailing lists to get more information!
Hendy Irawan

jaxen: universal Java XPath engine - jaxen - 0 views

    "Jaxen is an open source XPath library written in Java. It is adaptable to many different object models, including DOM, XOM, dom4j, and JDOM. Is it also possible to write adapters that treat non-XML trees such as compiled Java byte code or Java beans as XML, thus enabling you to query these trees with XPath too. "
Hendy Irawan

AtomServer 2.3.4 - - 0 views

    "AtomServer is a generic data store implemented as a RESTful web service. It is designed as a GData-style Atom Store. It is based on the following concepts and protocols; REST. REST is a design pattern. It's not a technology like SOAP or HTTP. REST is a proven design pattern for building loosely-coupled, highly-scalable applications. There are important benefits to sticking to the REST design pattern; Simple. REST is incredibly simple to define. There are just a handful of principles and well defined semantics associated with it. Scalable. REST leads to a very scalable solution by promoting a stateless protocol and allowing state to be distributed across the web. Layered. REST allows any number of intermediaries, such as proxies, gateways, and firewalls. Ultimately REST is just a web site, albeit one that adheres to a design pattern, so one can easily layer aspects such as Security, Compression, etc. on an as needed basis. Atom. Fundamentally, Atom is an XML vocabulary for describing lists of timestamped entries. These entries can be anything, although because Atom was originally conceived to replace RSS, Atom lists are Feeds, and the items in the lists are Entries. Atom is a RESTful protocol. AtomServer stands on the shoulders of giants. It is built on top of several open source projects - most notably, Apache Abdera (a Java-based Atom Publishing framework) and Spring. AtomServer is an Atom Store. Thus, it requires a relational database to run. AtomServer currently supports; PostgresSQL, SQLServer, and HSQLDB. Using HSQLDB, AtomServer requires zero configuration and can run out-of-the-box. While this configuration is suitable for many applications, those that see significant load will likely require a database with better transactional semantics, such as PostgreSQL. AtomServer is easy to use. It deploys as a simple WAR file into any Servlet container. Or alternately, can be used out-of-the-box as a standalone server, running with
Hendy Irawan

Seam Framework - Persistence Module Home - 0 views

    " Brings transactions and persistence to managed beans, provides a simplified transaction API and hooks transaction propagation events to the CDI event bus."

Getting Started with RequestFactory - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code - 0 views

  • Entity Proxies
    • anonymous
      Proxy type (on the Client) vs Entity type (on the server)
  • proxy types
  • entity types
  • ...147 more annotations...
  • methods that return service stubs
  • one RequestFactory interface for your application
  • employeeRequest();
  • @Service(Employee.class)
  • extends RequestContext
  • extends RequestFactory
  • service stub
  • RequestFactory service stubs
  • must extend RequestContext
  • The methods in a service stub do not return entities directly
  • return subclasses of
  • This allows the methods on the interface to be invoked asynchronously with
  • fire(    new Receiver()
  • onSuccess
  • callers pass an AsyncCallback that implements onSuccess()
  • takes a Receiver which must implement onSuccess()
  • Receiver is an abstract class having a default implementation of onFailure()
  • you can extend Receiver and override onFailure()
  • onViolation()
  • any constraint violations on the server
  • The Request type returned from each method
  • parameterized with the return type of the service method.
  • Methods that have no return value should return type Request<Void>
  • BigDecimal, BigInteger, Boolean, Byte, Enum, Character, Date, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, String, Void
  • subclass of EntityProxy
  • List<T> or Set<T>
  • primitive types are not supported
  • methods that operate on an entity itself
  • like persist() and remove()
  • return objects of type InstanceRequest rather than Reques
  • Server Implementations
  • methods defined in an
  • entity's service interface
  • implemented in the class named
  • @Service annotation
  • in these examples, is the entity class
  • service implementations do not directly implement the RequestContext interface
  • server-side implementations use the domain entity types
  • @Entity
  • EntityManager
  • createQuery
  • getResultList();
  • entityManager()
  • createEntityManager()
  • em.persist(this);
  • em.remove(attached
  • em.close();
  • defined in the service's
  • RequestContext interface
  • even though the implementation does not formally implement the interface in Java
  • name and argument list for each method
  • same on client and server
  • Client side methods
  • return Request<T>
  • only T on the server
  • EntityProxy types become the domain entity type on the server
  • Methods that return a Request object in the client interface are implemented as static methods on the entity
  • Methods that operate on a single instance of an entity, like persist() and remove(),
  • eturn an
  • InstanceRequest
  • in the client interface
  • Instance methods do not pass the instance directly, but rather via the
  • using()
  • instance methods must be implemented as non-static methods in the entity type
  • Four special methods are required on all entities
  • as they are used by the RequestFactory servlet:
  • constructor
  • findEntity
  • An entity's getId()
  • is typically auto-generated by the persistence engine (JDO, JPA, Objectify, etc.)
  • "find by ID" method has a special naming convention
  • find()
  • "find" plus the type's simple name
  • On the server
  • getVersion() method is used by RequestFactory to infer if an entity has changed
  • backing store (JDO, JPA, etc.) is responsible for updating the version each time the object is persisted,
  • RequestFactoryServlet sends an UPDATE
  • if an entity changes as
  • Second, the client maintains a version cache of recently seen entities
  • Whenever it sees an entity whose version has changed, it fires
  • UPDATE events on the event bus
  • so that listeners can update the view
  • GWT.create
  • and initialize it with your application's EventBus
  • GWT.create
  • requestFactory.initialize
  • create a new entity on the client
  • EmployeeRequest request
  • EmployeeProxy newEmployee
  • All client-side code should use the EmployeeProxy
  • not the Employee entity itself
  • unlike GWT-RPC, where the same concrete type is used on both client and server
  • RequestFactory
  • designed to be used with an ORM layer like JDO or JPA
  • on the server
  • to build data-oriented (CRUD) apps with an ORM-like interface
  • on the client
  • easy to implement a data access layer
  • structure your server-side code in a data-centric way
  • GWT-RPC, which is service-oriented
  • On the client side, RequestFactory keeps track of objects that have been modified and sends only changes
  • lightweight network payloads
  • solid foundation for automatic batching and caching of requests in the future
  • RequestFactoryServlet
  • RequestFactory uses its own servlet
  • own protocol
  • not designed for general purpose services like GWT-RPC
  • implements its
  • It is designed specifically for implementing a persistence layer on both client and server.
  • In persistence frameworks like JDO and JPA, entities are annotated with
  • client-side representation of an entity
  • known as a
  • DTO (Data Transfer Object)
  • hook used to indicate that an object can be managed by RequestFactory
  • RequestFactory
  • EntityProxy interface
  • automatically populates bean-style properties between entities on the server and the corresponding EntityProxy on the client,
  • send only changes ("deltas") to the server
  • extends EntityProxy
  • interface
  • @ProxyFor
  • reference the server-side entity being represented
  • It is not necessary to represent every property and method from the server-side entity in the EntityProxy
  • EntityProxyId returned by this method is used throughout RequestFactory-related classes
  • while getId() is shown in this example, most client code will want to refer to
  • EntityProxy.stableId() i
  • to represent any type
  • is not required to expose an ID and version
  • often used to represent embedded object types within entities
  • @Embedded
  • Address
  • Address type
  • POJO with no persistence annotations
  • Address is represented as a ValueProxy
  • extends ValueProxy
  • interface
  • extends EntityProxy
  • interface
  • AddressProxy
  • AddressProxy
  • ValueProxy can be used to pass any type to and from the server
  • RequestFactory
  • interface between your client and server code
  • RequestContext interface
  • The server-side service
  • must implement each method
Hendy Irawan

Java Tips - Inheritance and the Java Persistence API - 0 views

    "This Tech Tip presents some of the features of inheritance supported in the Java Persistence API. A sample package accompanies the Tech Tip. It demonstrates some of the features discussed in the tip. The examples in the tip are taken from the source code for the sample (which is included in the package). The sample uses an open source reference implementation of Java EE 5 called GlassFish. You can download GlassFish from the GlassFish Community Downloads page."
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