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Home/ ITYPA12/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jean-Marie Gilliot

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jean-Marie Gilliot

Jean-Marie Gilliot

10 propositions pour débuter dans le Libre (sans avoir rien à coder) - Framablog - 0 views

    sympa :-)
Jean-Marie Gilliot

Universités : promesse de FUN pour les plates-formes pédagogiques ouvertes en... - 2 views

    avec le biais sur les citations de l'animation, mais pas tout à fait puisque @cvaufrey est co-fondatrice
Jean-Marie Gilliot

Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2012: MOOCs | Inside Higher Ed - 2 views

  • was students — two from India and one from Canada — who created what I think is the among most important MOOC innovations this year — 6.003z. As I wrote in August, “6.003z is the creation of Amol Bhave, a 17-year-old high school student from Jabalpur, India who was disappointed to learn that MITx had no plans to offer the follow-up class to 6.002x. Typically, the next class students take at MIT is 6.003, Signals and Systems. So Bhave took matters into his own hands, creating his own open online course with help from two other members of the 6.002 learning community – a class based on a blend of MIT OpenCourseWare and student-created materials.”
  • I only completed one.
    • Jean-Marie Gilliot
      1 fini pour plusieurs inscrits : à la fois non significatif pour un écrivain sur le sujet et cohérent avec l'analyse de Cornu
    les événements marquants la place des étudiants
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