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dr tech

Stolen data reaches five continents and 22 countries in 12 days on the Dark Web - 14 Apr 2015 - Computing News - 0 views

    "The files were then downloaded through the Bitglass proxy service, in which a unique watermark was applied to each copy, so that the company could track when the data was viewed and/or downloaded from that point forward. The firm used a basic "phishing" technique to entice criminals on the Dark Web. The data had been viewed over 200 times in just a few days, and in 12 days it had received more than 1,000 clicks, and had spread across the globe in 22 different countries, in five different continents."
Max van Mesdag

Industry Vet Predicts Full Digital Distribution by 2011 - 0 views

    Apparently all games (and who knows what else) for computers will only be available by downloads by the year 2011. If this is a good thing, we shall have to find out in a year's time.
dr tech

RIAA launches legal campaign against YouTube download sites | Boing Boing - 0 views

    "The argument is that even though it is used for legal purposes, the fact that it is even capable of circumventing a protection measure makes it illegal-a repurposing of copyright law to directly control what we do with computers."
dr tech

How India is bringing digital payments to its billion people without smartphones - 0 views

    "IDFC Bank has launched an app called Aadhaar Pay that aims to help millions of its citizens without a smartphone to pay for their purchases digitally with just their fingerprint.  Merchants will be able to download the app on their Android smartphones and attach a fingerprint scanner device. To make payments, buyers will only have to choose their bank name, input their unique Aadhaar number and scan their fingerprint, which acts as a password to make the payment directly from their bank account linked to their Aadhaar card."
dr tech

This Android malware has infected 85 million devices and makes its creators $300,000 a month | ZDNet - 0 views

    "A strain of of Android malware has infected 85 million victims across the globe, generating at least $300,000 every month for the gang behind it, thanks to millions of pop-up adverts and app downloads."
dr tech

RIAA: Someone Else Is Pirating Through Our IP-Addresses | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    Does not this suggest one reason that people should not be prosecuted - as an IP address is never a secure and final way of identifying a downloader?

Porn Studio 'Harassed' Man Over Piracy Claim - 0 views

    A porn studio "harrassed" someone it claims illegally downloaded their films by threatening to subpoena their neighbours and spouse if they didn't pay up, a judge has said.
Buka Zakaraia

Illegal downloaders 'spend the most on music', says poll - Crime, UK - The Independent - 1 views

    Is this article related to Business and Employment or Arts Entertainment and Leisure...
dr tech

Brazilian Judge Wants to Ban Secret App, Wipe It From Phones - 0 views

    "The judge also wants the app wiped from existing users' smartphones and tablets, though it's unclear which users that would apply to. It's also unknown at this point whether the judge has the power to enforce this ban and what the chances are of it going through. The report stated that three app store providers could be subject to a fine of 20,000 Brazilian real (about $9,000) for every day the app remains available for download after the 10-day period starting with Wednesday. The judge argues that the app violates Brazil's constitution The judge argues that the app violates Brazil's constitution, which states freedom of expression cannot be promoted if it's done anonymously."
dr tech

Chinese border guards put secret surveillance app on tourists' phones | World news | The Guardian - 0 views

    "The Chinese government has curbed freedoms in the province for the local Muslim population, installing facial recognition cameras on streets and in mosques and reportedly forcing residents to download software that searches their phones."
dr tech

Folding@home diverts users' computer power to finding coronavirus cure - 0 views

    "The computers are connected into a kind of hive mind via a downloadable software, allowing the system to run calculations with greater speed and efficiency than any individual device. This is necessary to do the complex work of simulating how the proteins that make up the novel coronavirus behave and where there could be potential binding sites for drugs to latch on to."
dr tech

Hey, Computer Scientists! Stop Hating on the Humanities | WIRED - 0 views

    "My personal coding projects have presented similarly thorny ethical questions. Should I write a computer program that will download the communications of thousands of teenagers suffering from eating disorders posted on an anorexia advice website? Write a program to post anonymous, suicidal messages on hundreds of college forums to see which colleges offer the most support? My answer to these questions, incidentally, was "no". But I considered it. And the glory and peril of computers is that they magnify the impact of your whims: an impulse becomes a program that can hurt thousands of people."

How artificial intelligence helps firms stay relevant amid pandemic - Opinion - The Jakarta Post - 0 views

  • AI and machine learning, combined with the science of turning data into insightful information (aka data science), have become more important than ever in the “new normal” to guide innovation based on new market trends and consumer preferences
    AI and machine learning, combined with the science of turning data into insightful information (aka data science), have become more important than ever in the "new normal" to guide innovation based on new market trends and consumer preferences This article was published in with the title "How artificial intelligence helps firms stay relevant amid pandemic - Opinion - The Jakarta Post". Click to read: Download The Jakarta Post app for easier and faster news access: Android: iOS:
dr tech

Companies are now writing reports tailored for AI readers - and it should worry us | Big data | The Guardian - 0 views

    "The researchers found that "increasing machine and AI readership … motivates firms to prepare filings that are more friendly to machine parsing and processing". So far, so predictable. But there's more: "firms with high expected machine downloads manage textual sentiment and audio emotion in ways catered to machine and AI readers""
dr tech

Android Users Need to Manually Remove These 16 Infected Apps - 0 views

    "The Joker malware circumvents the Google Play app vetting process through a combination of code tweaks, execution method variation, and changes to how it downloads the payload allowing it to function, steal information, and trigger the WAP service sign-ups. Google has removed the 16 infected apps from the Play Store and disabled them on devices where they are installed, thought to be in the region of 120,000 devices. "
dr tech

'Tech platforms haven't been designed to think about death': meet the expert on what happens online when we die | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "Something that a lot of mourners find disconcerting is when they receive automated prompts from social networking platforms telling them to friend somebody who has died, or connect with their dead spouse. Some platforms such as Twitter [now known as X] and TikTok lack a mechanism to treat a profile as being that of a dead person. Or, as in the case of LinkedIn, a mechanism exists but most people are not aware of it or don't use it. And while most platforms do offer an ability to download your archive, which you can then bequeath, it is far from straightforward. These products emanate from people who haven't had to think too much about the messiness of human existence Platforms can also delete dormant accounts, which can have repercussions. And there are also no guarantees how long any of the platforms we participate in will survive. That death hasn't been baked into tech platforms to begin with is a sign of a particular kind of privilege: these products emanate from people who haven't had to think too much about the messiness of human existence."
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