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dr tech

Microsoft's Excel Might Be The Most Dangerous Software On The Planet - Forbes - 0 views

    "No, really, it's possible that Microsoft's Excel is the most dangerous software on the planet. Yes, more dangerous than rogue code running a nuclear power plant, than the Stuxnet that was deliberately sent off to sabotage Iran's nuclear program, worse, even, than whatever rent in the fabric of space time led to the invention of Lolcats. Really, that serious."
dr tech

Google's 'Pay Per Gaze' and the Future of Connected Advertising - 0 views

    "While Google has played down the notion of rolling out anything soon (it will take years until Glass builds up enough users to make it worthwhile), marketers can't stop buzzing about the possibility of paying for ads in the physical world based on user engagement and reactions. The patent even details how a device like Google Glass could infer a user's emotional response to an ad - whether they were happy, sad or indifferent - and adjust pricing accordingly."
dr tech

Big Data: Career Opportunities Abound in Tech's Hottest Field - 0 views

    "Big data is the advance in data management technology, which allows for an increase in the scale and manipulation of a company's data. It allows companies to know more about their customers, products and their own infrastructure. More recently, people have become increasingly focused on the monetization of that data."
dr tech

Alliance for Open Media - 0 views

    "The initial project will pursue a new, open royalty-free video codec specification and open-source implementation based on the contributions of members, along with binding specifications for media format, content encryption and adaptive streaming, thereby creating opportunities for next-generation media experiences."

Twitter takes on Facebook, Snapchat with improved photo tools | Gigaom - 0 views

    "The new tools appear to allow Twitter users to share images with text overlays, stickers, and other modifications. Twitter's existing tools merely allow people to crop images or run them through filters that greatly change their appearance, whether it's by upping the contrast or making them look like old Polaroid shots."

The BBC micro:bit will, predictably, be delayed until 2016 (Wired UK) - 0 views

    A cool bit of tech that should help educated young brits on coding and other things to help them in jobs later in life although this could put the younger people at an advantage due to the inequality between older students and younger ones

New Chromecast and Chromecast Audio dongles take on games and music (Wired UK) - 0 views

    Google is never giving up on developing their tech- devices whether its successful or not. Google ought to making a new difference to their old headphones so that they made it suitable for both audio and video consumption.Although they have succeeded in developing such headphones with a cheap price yet they made it only completable with two TV companies
dr tech

Cory Doctorow's >> Blog Archive » Promoting statistical literacy: a modest proposal - 0 views

    Youngtroopz - right up your EE alley!
Max van Mesdag

Common Sense Media Claims 72 Percent Support Violent Game Bill - 0 views

    Many Californians support a new law to allow underage customers to purchase mature content, including movies and games.
Max van Mesdag

Tim Berners-Lee calls for free internet worldwide - 0 views

    The creator of the world wide web would like to see the service become free for everybody to use.
Max van Mesdag

Grid storage gets updraft from auto batteries | Green Tech - CNET News - 0 views

    Energy storage has seen a new innovation from A123 Systems.
Mcdoogleh CDKEY

BBC News - Money sharing comes to Facebook - 0 views

    This is interesting, if payments are made over facebook, doesn't that mean that a bigger bang will happen if a data-breach occurs? 
Mcdoogleh CDKEY

BBC News - PlayStation 3 gaming console clock bug 'fixed' - 0 views

    This did not bode well for PS3 when it did happen :P
Mcdoogleh CDKEY

BBC News - Microsoft browser ballot criticised for being 'limited' - 0 views

    I'm not gonna lie, this is a big step for microsoft in terms of being drawn out of monopolization. 
Max van Mesdag

Gamasutra - News - World Of Warcraft China Downtime Continues In NetEase Transition - 1 views

    The world's most popular multiplayer online role-playing game, World of Warcraft, has lost half of its players as servers in China have been taken offline. Will this be their downfall?
    Do you think this is in the area of business and employment or arts, entertainment and leisure?
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