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Bangkok Post : Simulation systems could help - 2 views

    Describe these IT systems: satellite imagery remote systems climate databases Explain how these systems help with forecasting. april 26 soo
     Satellite imagery Photograph of Earth or other planets made by means of artificial satellites Sources:  Remote Systems System which may be connected to by a local computer by using a modem or network Sources:  Climate databases Climate databases can predict risk coverage areas by simulating water flows and rain density, with geo-informatics applied to estimate how many households could face damage  Explain how these systems help with forecasting By these systems, people can find out the wind flow, geology issues easily and fast. If these systems are developing, the false information will be eliminating. Also it can help authorities evaluate damage more efficiently. Systems using satellite imagery, remote sensing, climate databases and high computing power can predict risk coverage areas by simulating water flows and rain density, with geo-informatics applied to estimate how many households could face damage.
    1. ITGS 2. Simulation 3. Systems 4. Modeling simulations 5. Database 6. computer 7. network
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