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nicholas n

U.S. Tries Open-Source Model for Health Data Systems - - 1 views

    This article is about the idea of putting all existing medical records into electronic form. This would cut the costs needed for storage of such information, this would also increase how fast a medical official can access the records of a sick patient. However, as listed in Strand 1, there are many positive and negative social/ethical issues. One such issue is security. By making the records digitized and put into the hospital database, people without the proper authorization would not be able to gain access to the data. This can also coincide with authenticity. The information that relates to the patient should be accessible by the patient. The patient would need to be able to get through the encryption of the data. Another social/ethical issue would be the equality of access, this would allow only certain people the ability to look at the data. Even with these positive social/ethical issues there are some negative issue. One negative issue would be integrity. There are people who can hack the encryption of this data and tamper with it. This would cause the data to be different in other places and a breach in security. This would be a great help to organizing data. Using a paper file system, the doctor would have to go through a lot of papers and cabinets to find the patient's medical history. By using a paper file cabinet documents are more likely to go missing or get mixed up with another patient's records. However, by using a database this data is much more organized. There is a smaller chance of losing the patient's data, by using back-ups the data could be easily restored. There is also a much smaller change or mixing up multiple patient's data. If the wrong data was use for the wrong person, the person may not have the correct medical treatment they need. With databases the information is much more organized. The patient's data can be found very fast, compared to a paper file system (this could take more than an hour depending on the amount of patients).
    Continued...The hardware involved with creating databases in the health industry would be a DBMS Engine. This is also known as a Database Managing System. This takes the logical request from DBMS subsystems and converts them to physical equivalents. This also requires interactive processing. This replaces batch processing. This allows users to interact with data through terminals and view values online in real time. By having real time the doctors can give the patients what they need at the moment the patient needs it. The stakeholders in this specific case would be the hospitals adapting the database managing system and the patients whose information is stored in this database. If the database is tampered and there are not back-ups the patient would not have his/her medical history. This could cause the patient to be on a delay for an operation that is extremely important to their life. This could also place a lawsuit on the hospital.
Madeline Brownstone

BBC NEWS | UK | Airport face scanners tested - 0 views

    New face recognition scanners which work with biometric passports are being trialled at Manchester airport to help increase security and prevent passenger congestion.
    New face recognition scanners which work with biometric passports are being trialled at Manchester airport to help increase security and prevent passenger congestion.
Madeline Brownstone

BBC NEWS | Technology | Big Brother is watching you shop - 0 views

    "There is an enormous pent-up demand for personalised location advertising, whether it is on your cellphone or PDA, on your radio in your car, or on the billboards you walk by on the streets and inside stores," says Bruce Schneier, chief security technology officer of BT. "This is yet another technological intrusion into privacy. And like all such intrusions, it will be taken as far as the owner of that intrusion finds it profitable."
    "There is an enormous pent-up demand for personalised location advertising, whether it is on your cellphone or PDA, on your radio in your car, or on the billboards you walk by on the streets and inside stores," says Bruce Schneier, chief security technology officer of BT. "This is yet another technological intrusion into privacy. And like all such intrusions, it will be taken as far as the owner of that intrusion finds it profitable."
Jialin C

Twitter worm was unleashed by 17-year-old Australian - 1 views

    This article is about a 17-year old teenager had wanted to put Javascript code in a tweet. But then, others picked up the code and hacked Twitter by leading to viruses and pornography sites. It wasn't his intention to spread the worm to any users, but he wanted to see if it was possible to break the 140 words challenge on a tweet.
    This news post provides information regarding to three strands of the ITGS triangle. It's based on home and leisure and due to many privacy issues. Stakeholders are the Twitter users who have posted tweets and received viruses on their computers. Privacy and anonymity determines whether a user wants to post certain tweets regarding him/her and the anonymity would be how this teen had caused the spread of this worm onto other's computers which was a severe consequence for many. Tweets are meant to be secure, however any users that have accessed Twitter and clicked on the harmful link which have caused damages to their computers. The lack of security measure is terrible because it's suppose to prevent employess and users from having access to hacking; but it had done the opposite. The topic of people and machine is the benefit of Twitter. Users who have tweeted are somehow 'addicted' to posting personal information online and to their friends. It's a daily habit and a routine that most people do almost every five minutes each day. Twitter hits 50 million tweets a day and not only that, but people are very much attached to their cyber life nowadays. The internet is definitely not the safest place to talk about your daily life and the worm was spread across the cyberspace because of a advertisement that advertised for colored tweets on profiles, which was a mistake to click on.
    Poor guy! was my first thought, at the age of 17 and caused such a problem on twitter. This makes me think about how technology can go wrong so fast, which is why we shouldnt become so dependent on technology all the time! A simple java script on a tweet and bam! A worm was caught by all the other twitter users. And it wasnt even done intentiionally, imagine if it were done? The numerous things that can occur. Well thanks for sharing!
Jialin C

Google Reports on Government Requests and Censorship - - 2 views

    Google has came up with a tool in which people can view the government's censorships. It keeps track of how many times the government has requested for Google to take down certain information due to privacy.
    Strand 1: 1.2: Security: Google isn't secure if they put statistics and a counter on how many times they were asked to take information down. 1.7 surveillance: Governments don't want to be monitored and therefore, many of them refuse to share whether or not their censorship demands. 1.3 Privacy and anonymity: Google created this tool which keeps track of how many different countries would want their government "secrets" and policies to be taken down; there fore, google does respect that to a certain extent. Although, many countries do make a huge number of requests for their data to be taken down. Strand 2: 2.6:This Google transparency tool can be used to view the demands and requests of data been removed by specific countries and their governments. Stakeholders: Google is the organization that created such a tool. And it's main purpose was to show the world that censorship and privacy is asked for by many. The governments around the world are asking for either data requests to be taken off, or data requests based on their country from the transparency tool. Strand 3: 3.4 Internet: it plays the main role of how Google puts up too much information and due to privacy and surveillance issues, the IT system is shown as a map that organizes the lack of information that can be seen by viewers and the amount of information that are taken off due to requests.
    Please go back and "cache" this page. I see by the URL that this is a blog. Although the lines between bloggers and journalists are somewhat blurred these days, blogs are usually opinion pieces and not considered journalism in the same way as edited news items. For example, this summer, you blogged on the NY Times site. That wasn't "news" it was your opinion about what you read about what was happening.
Elisavet M

"China defends internet censorship" - 3 views

    Chinese government refuses to fully admit the extent of internet censorship enforced within the country, expanding beyond the realm of securing internet browsing in order to prevent pornographic sites and other inappropriate or harmful content. Government officials state that political enforcement for internet censorship, does not suppress the human rights of individual expression on the internet. However, many organizations and groups do argue that Chinese efforts to regulate the data being seen is aimed upon preventing perspectives of the public to be heard through the web.
Kristin O

BBC NEWS | Technology | Consumer concern over RFID tags - 1 views

    This article talks about the security concerns that the customers of a supermarkets have with the use of RFID technology. They feel that the RFID technology is to invasive and can be used to track where abouts of items after they have been purchased at the store.
Daniell S

Security risk found in new credit cards - Technology - International Herald Tribune - 1 views

    In this article it talks about the idea of putting RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification technology into a credit card. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. It would be a good thing because it would totally change the way a business could work. It would decrease the amount of time a person spends in a store. A person could simply walk in and out of the supermarket with the items they wanted and the amount of money would be charged directly to the persons credit card. However, this could result in an increase in credit card abuse. with RFID technology the signal could be picked up by any radio frequency. This can result in identity theft, and credit card fraud. This is a a violation of the social and ethical issue Security. The stakeholders in this situation would be the credit card users, and the companies issuing the credit card. The users would become angered that their credit cards could be maxed out without them using it more than once and the companies could be sued for each credit card they issued.
Madeline Brownstone

Method, The Swinfen Charitable Trust - 0 views

    "The charity facilitates a low cost telemedicine service linking doctors at hospitals in the developing world with leading medical and surgical consultants who generously give free advice. Local doctors can send clinical photos, a patient's history and any other relevant material (such as X-rays) to the Trust. A secure web-based messaging system is used, see below. This allows referring practitioners access to a panel of over 400 specialists in a wide range of disciplines. The median length of time between receipt of original message and first reply by a specialist consultant is currently 1.8 days."
Madeline Brownstone

Electronic health records raise doubt - The Boston Globe - 11 views

    "Google Health and others in the fast-growing personal health record business say they are offering a revolutionary tool to help patients navigate a fragmented healthcare system, but some doctors fear that inaccurate information from billing data could lead to improper treatment."
  • ...10 more comments...
    This article provides a possible service that can be used in the east African country our case study is on. Google health is a free service that would give all patients the opportunity to store their health records digitially, making it easier for doctors to access it. Especially if telemedicine were to be used, having electronic health records would be a great benefit. However, the issue of reliability is especially troubling when it comes to using services like Google health in this context. There have been many reported errors with the diagnoses of patients using this service, and it is crucial that the records are checked by both patients and doctors to ensure that all information listed is correct. Literacy rates are much lower in rural African settings, creating a problem for patients who may be unaware of inaccurate information on their records. Especially for individuals in critical conditions, fatal mistakes can therefore be made.
    Electronic Health Records are also used in the case study. Patients and doctors rely on these records for accurate data, but it is rather difficult, due to the lack of reliability with which Google Health updates patient's health data. In order for Dr. Ogola's plan to work (face the challenges, create a modern health system), he must implement such health records that will store patients' information on an accessible, secure and easy to use database. This would help patients, doctors and nurses share data without having to travel long distances. Data would be secure and also accessible to the three parties. However, this would require a reliable system (more than Google Health) so as to not provide inaccurate data to the patients. Patient involvement in the care of his/her own data would be required for an such an erroneous system, as would a reliable source of healthcare information on the patients. Unreliable sources can potentially damage the whole system.
    The use of Electronic Health Records in this article can be applied to our case study. Firstly, it would make the transfer of patient data easier and faster, this would increase the quality of care that the hospitals and clinics offer to their patients. These Electronic Health Records can also keep data from different doctors in order, for example if a patient visits several Doctors all of their information will be in one place and ready to access when ever necessary. In the case study if doctors had a more accurate picture of the patients medical history they would be more prepared to make diagnoses, especially when they are working with strange cases. This would also help to increase the quality of treatment that the patient would receive. Digital Health Records are easy to update both the patient and the doctor can edit the Electronic Health Record, it also can keep track of test results, and medications that the patient is currently using. Electronic Health Records allow patients to be more active in their health care allowing them to see and have access to all of their medical information. Even though this IT system is ideal for our case study there are some things we should take into consideration. In our case study we would have to make sure that equality of access is equal for everyone, there may be some people living on the outskirts of villages that might not have access to Digital Health Records. We would also have to assume that everyone would know how to use the Digital Health Record. Meaning how to update it and how to look for errors. Lastly we would have to assume that the patient would make good use out of having an Electronic Health Record. They would have to constantly be updating and checking their records to see if there is any missing information or any errors within their data. Lastly, the coding system would have to be revised, it is confusing and very inaccurate, there should be a new coding system that makes understanding your own records
    In this article, the use of electronic health records is discussed. However, some problems arising from their use are also introduced, including inaccurate patient information. In the world of the case study, this IT system, electronic health records. is quite relevant and can be useful. EHRs can be used in Africa to connect rural doctors to hospitals and other professional health care workers in better facilities. This way patients' records can be reviewed, diagnoses can be made and other help can be given. However, if this system is taken advantage of in Africa, its users must be certain that the information in the records is accurate and comes from a reliable source. This is because if the information in a record is inaccurate, incorrect diagnosis and/or medication can be given as was the situation in the article. These kinds of mistakes can be detrimental to some patients.
    This article elaborates on the drawbacks of electronic health files. Although the IT System, Google Health, seems that it will make getting quality health care much easier and quicker, there is a major issue of possible inaccurate information. These inaccuracies or exaggerated diagnoses on Google Health may prevent patients from receiving the care they need, and Google Earth is prone to human error as real people are responsible for inputting insurance billing codes or mislabeling a lab test with a disease that is hoped to be ruled out. This has an impact on our African case study as this article illustrates one of the highly potential problems that arise from the use of telemedicine. Although medical centers in Africa would be able to eliminate the tedious process of paper work by instantly communicating records over the internet, these records can be inaccurate and therefore compromise an already sick patients health even further. However, for the case study, EMR's prove to be a very feasible solution for the lack of communication and distances between villages and health centers, but a solution must be made in order to counteract the potential misdiagnoses'. One solution could be that patients would check their EMR's for accuracy, but with the poor conditions of living in the African villages and poor or no internet service, this solution does not seem possible for the case study.
    This article is about a man getting his health information in an electronic health records massed up. There's an issue with the EMRs in the sense that they are sometimes unreliable. In regard to the Case study, as they want to place EMRs into their hospitals and clinics they ma have this issue with reliability. But it has shown signs of improvement from paper records. But the hospitals and clinics in the East African cities will need to hire more staff to make sure these records are up to date and accurate. As for the health of the patients, EMRs has its benefits and drawbacks. If the information is accurate then a life could be saved and that person could be properly cared for in a more timely fashion, but if the information isn't accurate they could be given unneeded surgery or given the wrong drugs. The EMRs could help the efficiency of the hospitals and clinics because they could work faster and get to more patients without wasting countless time looking through paper records.
    This article arises a social and ethical issue of integrity of electronic health records. In this article, Dave deBronkart faced this issue when he transferred his medical records to Google Health. His information was inaccurately transferred because of the incorrect coding that insurance companies use. The database then used this incorrect coding and stated that Dave had other health problems, which he never had. The lack of codes makes the database more likely to make an inaccurate diagnosis. It also suffers from reliability because if the information, doctors can't rely on it to make correct diagnosis. Electronic databases are very useful and can be used in Oobunta if its integrity is improved. It will allow patients in villages that can't afford travel to share their symptoms and past medical history with doctors in the hospital. This will cut costs for both doctors and patients because they won't have to pay for transportation. It will also benefit the patients because it will let them be diagnosed accurately especially if they don't have enough resources or medical care in their village.
    This article covers a recent problem that has risen from the use of Electronic Medical Records. Google's new Google Health, a service that gathers e-health records for patients all in one place has become unreliable. Google Health gathers medical information from billing records, which is an inaccurate source of information. The medical records on the site also do not distinguish between recent illnesses and past illnesses, and does not indicate the level of severity for the health issues. The diagnostic medical coding is to blame for inaccuracies in information gleaned from insurance data, mostly because it is clunky and includes tests for diseases that doctors hope to rule out, not for diseases that the patients necessarily have. The problems that the unwieldy code and medical records in Google Health bring up are enormous. Information is inaccurate and out of date, and this is potentially deadly when patients are being treated. The issue of reliability is that data in the records is out of date, and entered incorrectly, which could be the difference between life and death for patients with dangerous diseases.
    This article was about electronic medical records. They allow patients to share their health information with doctors over the Internet, using Goggle Health. However, this application is not completely accurate. It takes information from insurance bills. These insurance bills may not be precise in describing the treatment of a patient because of their lack of codes. This raises the issue of reliability of the electronic health records. Inaccurate records could stop a doctor from performing a life saving procedure on a patient. The article relates to the case study because it talks about the drawbacks of having electronic medical records. In order for issues with reliability and integrity to be avoided in Oobunta, patients should regularly check their records to ensure their accuracy. Doctors and patients should also communicate more to eliminate problems within the health records.
    In this article, a new electronic health system arose. In order for one to use this newly aged system, their personal health records must be transferred. According to the article, "accuracy gets lost in translation" (Wangsness). Due to the fact that certain information is getting lost in translation, many issues have been brought up, such as reliability. Health records are vital for every individual because they contain information that cannot be found anywhere else. A loss in data, such as certain dates, can lead to many problems for the patients during treatment. As a solution, people are asked to do one thing. They are told to check out their record and see if everything is accurate. There is a positive side for this new system and it relates directly to our case study. These Google health records are easily transferable. If one needs to send out their information to a hospital for a diagnosis, they can do so in no time. In the case study, people in Africa are having trouble getting to a hospital because of the expenses and lack of transportation. By using these Google electronic health records, the people would be able to e-mail their record to a hospital for a direct prognoses. This would save them so much money and time because they would be able to complete this task in the comfort of their own home, or anyplace with internet access. These electronic health records can solve many problems in Africa.
    This case study tackles the issues of Integrity and Reliability. The article talks about inaccurate health records and it effect on patients who want to follow updates on their health status. The stakeholders in this articles are patients because they are the ones who need accurate information, doctors because patients come to them when they read inaccurate information about their health and the people who control the information in the databases because they are the ones responsible for whether or not the information is accurate. Integrity is an appropriate Social and Ethical Issue because the information in the databases have a been changed accidentally, in turn affecting accuracy. Reliability is even better because is directly about accuracy of data, if it is entered incorrectly. If data is entered wrong patients lose trust in them. This is especially relevant to databases which is the major IT system discussed in this article. In relation to the case study it is important to find a solution for the patients of Africa, that is as efficient as possible. In a place like the one described in the study it is important to save time by being as accurate as possible and making sure that patents and doctors can understand the information on databases, ensuring more successful treatments for the patients.
    In the East African city, the medical facilities all contain databases that their patient's health records are recorded on, however the platform for each database varies between each clinic and the main hospital. This in turn makes it more difficult to exchange health records between each clinic and the main hospital.This article brings up a solution to the health records exchange problem that are within this East African Region. Google Health is a database that is in the cloud and makes it possible to exchange health records through the internet. This form of exchanging data for a patient helps to keep a patient's data up to date. Now though this could be a great solution it comes with many drawbacks from the system and the lacking materials from the East African region makes it difficulty to better utilize it.
Madeline Brownstone

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Cambridgeshire | Security tightened over data loss - 1 views

    "In a statement the ICO said the Trust reported the loss of an unencrypted memory stick containing treatment details "after a member of staff left it in an unattended vehicle" towards the end of last year. Other ICO cases revealed Central Lancashire Trust lost an encrypted memory stick with details of 6,360 prison patients of HMP Preston The North West London Hospitals Trust reported the theft of computers containing the details of test results of 361 patients. Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust reported the loss and theft of computers containing details of 2,300 patients. The memory stick, which was privately owned, was discovered by a car wash attendant who was able to access the contents to establish ownership and returned it to the Trust. Three other health trusts have also been found to have breached the Data Protection Act: Central Lancashire Primary Care Trust, North West London Hospitals NHS Trust and Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust. All four have all signed formal undertakings outlining that they will process personal information in line with the Data Protection Act. "
Madeline Brownstone

Keeping Uncle Sam from spying on citizens | InSecurity Complex - CNET News - 1 views

    "But things might be turning around. The CDT and other civil liberties groups have been able to convince Congress to consider reforming a part of the law that gave the FBI the authority to issue "National Security Letters" (NSL) ordering ISPs and other types of businesses to turn over sensitive customer records. A measure before the U.S. House of Representatives would require that records sought with an NSL pertain to somebody who is either a terrorist or a spy or someone known to be in contact with a terrorist or spy, Nojeim said. For Americans with no ties to such individuals, the FBI can require a company to turn over its financial information and communications only after judicial review or with a subpoena in a criminal investigation, he said. The issue is likely to be resolved in the spring, he added."
T Graham

Page 2 Bringing IT outsourcing closer to home - - 1 views

    This article presents a unique view of outsourcing from the perspective of the big businesses turning to places like India to save money in labor. This article argues about the negative aspects of offshoring. The author Naoum argues that the negatives of sending IT labor to India outweigh the positives. Naoum writes that even though offshoring may save money in terms of lower costs to pay Indian workers many business owners are not aware of the hidden costs associated with this type of move. He goes on to give statistics of businesses who have sunk due to offshoring without researching all the costs. Naoum points out that business owners may be solely focused on the fact that they are saving some money but ignore that consequences that include the lowering of labor quality and "business innovation." The article mostly focuses on the American or European business owner who is considering offsourcing. The area of impact is business and employment because it involves first world businesses and the labor (employment) of skilled third world citizens. The issue raised in this article is that of reliability he is questioning the quality of IT business done in these nations and whether or not it is worth the extra costs. At the end of the article he suggests outsourcing somewhere a little closer where people are more skilled and the hidden costs are not a threat. For example he suggests outsourcing to Spain where 20% of the older workers are educated in the use of IT. Naoum also raises the issue of security in offshoring to a place like India. He uses the example of a business that outsourced to India and experienced a leak of sensitive information about its clients. Naoum brings an alternate view about outsourcing/offshoring, he points out the negative aspects that people don't usually recognize.
    Seems like you missed the point of data security.
Karen M

BBC NEWS | Business | India faces battle for outsourcing - 0 views

    This article is about the issues that India is now facing because they are the world leader in IT outsourcing. The IT system in this article is the call centers that are located in India. The area of impact is Business and Employment. Outsourcing provides jobs for the citizens of India. Their employment is at risk because of the fact that India now has to compete against other countries for the same outsourcing jobs. The stakeholders are the Indian workers, global customers, competitors, and the companies who are outsourcing. The Indian workers now need to work even harder to keep their jobs because there are other countries who are trying to step up their people so that they could be capable of doing the same work. For example, Africa is starting to become well-known in the world of outsourcing because they have the same amount of talent and can also speak English. India is no longer the first country that comes to mind when companies are thinking about outsourcing. Other countries are willing to do the same job for less money, leading for companies to choose them over India. There have also been cases where the customers are not satisfied by the calls that they make offshore. This would play into the decision of the company of whether they want to move their outsourcing site or not. One issue mentioned in the article is security. There have been instances in which a customer's financial information has been sold by unscrupulous employees. By outsourcing, the head company is putting a lot of trust in the company they hire to do the job. They are risking their customers' satisfaction by allowing foreign countries manage their operations. Although a call center may not seem really important in the company, the workers are still dealing with customers of the company and should make sure to keep them satisfied. If the customers are not satisfied, they would probably take their money and invest in another company who would give them a more secure experience.
Kim T

Federal Telemedicine News: UTMB Responds to Disasters - 0 views

    Even during natural disasters such as hurricanes, patients can get medical help because of telemedicine. The University of Texas Medical Branch have set up a consult service in the Houston Area in case of a devastating hurricane. The use of telephones in this situation is used to help provide people with medical attention. The doctors can have a consult to help them with triaging and diagnosing patients. This method however, is not reliable because it uses other industries' networks, which can cause problems with connecting. Data which is also backed up is also located far away from the site which may make it unreliable if it is forwarded manually. Then there are standards which must be applied to the use of the information being stored because there are health records of a general public and must be handled securely. 
    Careful, when you say: "also located far away from the site which may make it unreliable if it is forwarded manually. " you make a faulty assumption about the causes of reliability problems.
Kim T

Study: EMRs not always linked to better health care | Health Tech - CNET News - 0 views

    Medical researchers have found that the use of EMRs have not really been helping the patients. The patients who are stakeholders, who may be spending a lot of time and money giving detailed information to the hospitals may not be benefiting from it but rather are having a negative effect. EMRs are electronic medical records which were intended to benefit patients by processing information taken from the patient to find a possible solution. The information in advanced is not particularly useful, even compared to more basic EMRs. These patients are also giving personal medical information out and are putting it in danger of being seen if there is a breach of security from someone who may find access to the records. 
sarah d

AML Case Study: New Way to Fight Fraud - 3 views

    The IT system is the behavior-based software that uses artificial intelligence. the stakeholders are the bank implementing this software and the customers of the bank. The area of impact is business and employment, specifically banking. The issue with the use of this system is reliability. If this software is not reliable, then the customers at the bank are less protected from fraud. Also an issue that arises from the use of this system is security. The use of this system is to protect against fraud. However, if the computer becomes insecure, fraud would not be detected. 
    This is a really interesting case. Although it's not robots that one can see that are being used, banks are using artificial intelligence to help them recognize patterns and catch fraudulent people. Small banks are the real stakeholders in this case, and they want to protect their customers and their finances. The automation of the fraud-catching has given the banks more time and makes it easier to handle all the paperwork necessary for a case.
Kristin O

Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling - 6 views

    This article starts out with a scenario about a professional online poker player figuring out that he was actually playing against a bot, which is designed to beat its opponents against all odds. There area of impact of this article can be arts entertatinment and leisure because the players do play for money and compete with one another online. This is from the point of view from the players however it can be also seen as business and employment because bots are being sold on line to do this specific task and to win earnings for whoever has paid for them. The Social and ethical issues here can be Security when looking at it from the point of view of the poker site owner, they are supposed to try and root out any bots to make online playing fair for everyone else. People and Machines can also be applied here because the bots are taking something that is meant for recreation by humans and extending their faculties but to the extent of not playing by the rules and playing an unfair game with some one else. The stakeholders of this issue are the online poker players, the people who own the poker playing website and the people who sell and use the poker bots. The IT system referred to in the article are the bots.
    I found this article really interesting because I had not thought about it at all. This is an important case to pay attention to because of the fact that machines are taking over another aspect of the human life. Not only are machines capable of replacing jobs, such as the repetitive ones in factories, but they are also able to take away the fun in gambling. They are also bending the rules and creating an unfair environment for gamblers on the Internet.
    This article piqued my interest because it made me think about my own article in a broader way. My article talked about the issue of artificial intelligence talking menial and low skill jobs from people. This article attracted me because it show AI used in another way to make money for people. It takes what is mentioned in my article and extends it to another dimension. People are using these bots to actually make money by competing against human competitors but this is occurring to players unsuspecting players, technically this is using advanced technology to steal.
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