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Twitter worm was unleashed by 17-year-old Australian - 1 views

    This article is about a 17-year old teenager had wanted to put Javascript code in a tweet. But then, others picked up the code and hacked Twitter by leading to viruses and pornography sites. It wasn't his intention to spread the worm to any users, but he wanted to see if it was possible to break the 140 words challenge on a tweet.
    This news post provides information regarding to three strands of the ITGS triangle. It's based on home and leisure and due to many privacy issues. Stakeholders are the Twitter users who have posted tweets and received viruses on their computers. Privacy and anonymity determines whether a user wants to post certain tweets regarding him/her and the anonymity would be how this teen had caused the spread of this worm onto other's computers which was a severe consequence for many. Tweets are meant to be secure, however any users that have accessed Twitter and clicked on the harmful link which have caused damages to their computers. The lack of security measure is terrible because it's suppose to prevent employess and users from having access to hacking; but it had done the opposite. The topic of people and machine is the benefit of Twitter. Users who have tweeted are somehow 'addicted' to posting personal information online and to their friends. It's a daily habit and a routine that most people do almost every five minutes each day. Twitter hits 50 million tweets a day and not only that, but people are very much attached to their cyber life nowadays. The internet is definitely not the safest place to talk about your daily life and the worm was spread across the cyberspace because of a advertisement that advertised for colored tweets on profiles, which was a mistake to click on.
    Poor guy! was my first thought, at the age of 17 and caused such a problem on twitter. This makes me think about how technology can go wrong so fast, which is why we shouldnt become so dependent on technology all the time! A simple java script on a tweet and bam! A worm was caught by all the other twitter users. And it wasnt even done intentiionally, imagine if it were done? The numerous things that can occur. Well thanks for sharing!

How Good Software makes us Stupid - 1 views

    This article discusses the drawbacks of using digital technology as a mode of acquiring knowledge. Although many believe that the emergence of digital technology allows individuals to increase their knowledge through the use of navigation devices and laptops, studies show how our intellectual capacity of storing and memorizing information is suddenly decreasing due to our dependancy on such devices.
    Within our current society, individuals are very dependent on their digital devices in order to provide them with knowledge. However, studies prove that the more reliant we become on this technology our ability to calculate, process, and store information decreases. We resort to our laptops, cellphones, and navigational system devices in order to find out how to get to a certain location or to quickly gain some information about a certain topic. This article investigates the social and ethical concerns involving people and machines: individuals are able to access knowledge, gain answers to their questions, and fulfill their curiosity using digital devices. This is beneficial in the way that we able to expand our knowledge on a variety of separate topics in a generally fast and efficient way. However a drawback that is triggered through the continuous use of this technology is the dependancy on using it as the only mode of gaining information. Traditional means of reading a newspaper or book have been abandoned and many individuals have resorted to search engines on the internet. This alternately limits our in-depth knowledge on a focused subject. The stake holders in this case are taxi driver who would usually memorize highways and routes to various places within a city have adopted to using their GPS as a easy guide to reach their destination. Additionally students, parents, and many organizations also often just use their digital devices such as the GPS, cellphones and their laptops to get quick answers. This article explores the use of IT in the process of teaching and learning. We are using our digital devices to learn from online forums and research from search engines like google. Individuals immediately turn to technology to search up the answer to a question that they have. Additionally it concerns the idea of mapping virtual globes through the use of GPS, taxi cab drivers are able to locate the destination that the passenger wants to arrive at.

'One app for all' effort launches - 1 views

    This is an article about a European team creating an app can be downloaded on to any internet connected communications device. However, even after being presented with 10m euros, this group of 22 organizations hasn't yet received help from companies such as Apple. Apple still wishes to be different from others.
    This meets the requirements for the IT triangle because within the article it refers to some companies not accepting this application. Within strand 1 the issue of The digital divide and equality of access comes up. Within the article i learned about the organizations who are trying to make this app for all people with internet connected devices. This shows that the Apple company is at a sort of disadvantage for being behind in this new "App for all" program. By staying out of they will not be allowing the app created to the devices the company has created. This also related to Strand 2. In this app it will created to work on what ever people desire the app to work on. This is expressed in the article through "The idea would enable a given app to work, for example, on a web-ready television, in a car and on a mobile, no matter the makers of the devices." It would work on all of these things listed. This is represented through "Home and Leisure" and "Political Process". It would relate to "Home and Leisure" because the app can connect to computers and cell phones. It can also relate to the political process, with Apple not really wanting to get involved with the project. The relation between this article and Strand 3 is that this article involves Personal and Public Communications. This app can be downloaded by just about anyone with a internet connected device. The stakeholders in this situation would be the people using the apps. Another stakeholder would be the 22 organizations creating the app. The other stakeholders would the Companies who are allowing this app into their device;.

Google Reports on Government Requests and Censorship - - 2 views

    Google has came up with a tool in which people can view the government's censorships. It keeps track of how many times the government has requested for Google to take down certain information due to privacy.
    Strand 1: 1.2: Security: Google isn't secure if they put statistics and a counter on how many times they were asked to take information down. 1.7 surveillance: Governments don't want to be monitored and therefore, many of them refuse to share whether or not their censorship demands. 1.3 Privacy and anonymity: Google created this tool which keeps track of how many different countries would want their government "secrets" and policies to be taken down; there fore, google does respect that to a certain extent. Although, many countries do make a huge number of requests for their data to be taken down. Strand 2: 2.6:This Google transparency tool can be used to view the demands and requests of data been removed by specific countries and their governments. Stakeholders: Google is the organization that created such a tool. And it's main purpose was to show the world that censorship and privacy is asked for by many. The governments around the world are asking for either data requests to be taken off, or data requests based on their country from the transparency tool. Strand 3: 3.4 Internet: it plays the main role of how Google puts up too much information and due to privacy and surveillance issues, the IT system is shown as a map that organizes the lack of information that can be seen by viewers and the amount of information that are taken off due to requests.
    Please go back and "cache" this page. I see by the URL that this is a blog. Although the lines between bloggers and journalists are somewhat blurred these days, blogs are usually opinion pieces and not considered journalism in the same way as edited news items. For example, this summer, you blogged on the NY Times site. That wasn't "news" it was your opinion about what you read about what was happening.

10 Websites To See What HTML5 Is All About - 1 views

    Shows what HTML 5 is all about.


    This article strikes the seam that privacy is invaded by those who buy things in stores that are tracked by RFID tags. There are many times that people actually were tracked, two cases in fact, and thus their privacy was breached by the store itself. The group Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering are currently fighting against this so that they make sure that the people have the rights that they deserve, but many stores refuse to bow down.

Tieto Gets Outsourcing Contract From Nokia Siemens - - 3 views

    This article is primarily concerned with the announcement of two companies, Tieto and Siemens, joining in an outsourcing contract. According to the article this is done in order to increase the business benefits. In the perspective of business, the move is more profitable, and allows both companies to expand globally in term of the audience. The two companies are well known, especially for certain groups of people, so by joining some aspects of their business, they will be able to join their individual audiences. By the companies working together and using employers from both businesses then they will be able to generate a larger acceptance and recognition. Globalization makes this possible, and optimizes the profit and efficiency of both companies. However, it can lead to problems involving the jobs of the people who work at either of the two companies. Tieto, specifically, is using forty of the workers from Nokia Siemens. This means that jobs will be lost from the people who work at the original company. Instead of giving the jobs to people at the headquarters, the jobs will go to the people off site. This will benefit the companies, as it is the most beneficial business scenario, but will take a toll on the lives of the unemployed. However, the amount of jobs that are being added in one company and taken away in the other company is very small in comparison to a much larger company that needs to expand greatly. The use of VOIP and the internet itself allows the smooth interaction between the two companies and with the growth of IT, more and more methods will be introduced for the companies to interact without leaving their respective office. Because Nokia and Tieto have been partners for several years, they have been utlizing these methods of communication that are different from having everything on site and going to meetings in person. Yet, they have decided that the partnership, using outsourcing, is the best possible way for both companies to grow. Thus, outs

Banks to send IT roles offshore - 1 views

    An offshore bank is a bank located outside the country of residence of the depositor, typically in a low tax location that provides financial and legal advantages. These advantages typically include: low or no taxation and easy access to deposits. This article discusses how the TSB bank is offering IT roles in India based on the back's outsourcing plans. According to the spokesman, the UK IT jobs would be offshored to support international growth of services; which would result in a dramatic cut to the domestic IT workforce. The primary stakeholders, are the the domestic IT staff and the IT roles that are being established in India and Africa.

Keeping Secrets WikiSafe - - 0 views

    WikiLeaks has led to several problems related to privacy and security of government data. The legal debate weighs whether the posting of this data is against Constitutional laws, but many others in the Government fear the magnitude of this problem. Some people ask, what would the founding fathers have done....but the world of the internet is a whole other ball field. The latest on the WikiLeaks threats claim that Assange still has more documents which were uploaded onto the website. However, the files are encrypted. Many people have access to these files, but because they are in cipher text, they cannot be read. As soon as Assange, or anyone who has access to the information publishes the Public Key, the encrypted documents will be decoded, using the same software that Assange used to encrypt it. If these documents have material in them that could threaten national security, then the USFG will have a stronger case against Assange on the basis of a privacy breach. Because of the high security, and the reliability of the encryption software, these documents have little value at the moment. The Obama Administration is clearly keeping an eye on the situation, because they wish to protect the privacy of the documents, but also because they want to find a way to take down the documents before they create damage. However, there is an extreme level of difficulty in decrypting the data, which is protected by a mathematical algorithm specific to the software that Assange initially used. The intersection of the privacy of the Government and the reliable security that Assange used comes to show that the IT world is constantly expanding, beyond the prediction of one business, or even the Government. But these Assange and the USFG aren't the only ones involved. Many people around the world are trying to attain access to these documents, primarily in the US in order to understand national secrets that have been held back from the public. The internet as a form of media has transfo
    continued.....transformed the notion of what is private and what isn't, and clearly now more than ever privacy needs to be secured. Maybe the USFG should look into some high security protocols such as encryption, and their data files wouldn't be intercepted and posted on the internet.

How to make sure your smartphone payments are secure - 0 views

    This news article specifies the considerations of using a cellphone to make secure payments. In order to make secure transactions using one's cellphone, a certain procedure must take place. Of course, the mobile phone must have access to the internet, and will go to any website of their choice in which they find something they want to buy, or to simply pay a bill. Also, this can be done using an "application" such as PayPal. PayPal is technically more secure considering that a consumer would only have to write they're credit card information in one place. But with so many people using it, it becomes easier for hackers to access this data, especially with vast quantities of money in the savings. Afterwards, no matter which way you started a transaction, encryptions are always used to transform the that so that only the consumer and business company can read the transaction with the decryption. One possible stakeholder is the consumer whom is indeed effected by making payments using their mobile devices. It's only been recently that they began trusting the internet using a computer, but using the internet via cellphone is a new change that must take time to adjust to. But they are effected since hackers can easily take their money. Plus a third party, can occur during the process of the transaction while the consumer is using another window, and might not notice that they're information is not only going to the business itself. These are all issues of security.

Video of purported PlayStation Phone hits Web | The Digital Home - CNET News - 0 views

    There is supposedly a new telephone that supports the Sony game playing experience coming out, running under the Android OS, found under the website The main stakeholders here are those who look forward to a gaming telephone, so basically it can run from kids to adults that look for a phone with all this phones capabilities. This development will change the life of gamers who can now take a system that can work as a psp and a phone at the same, and also an mp3 player, picture taker, and other big upgrades to the psp, play station portable. The biggest impact is the development of a new Android phone. This phone combines game play and a cell phone all in one, and the quality of game play is much higher than all phones that have come out so far, which begs questions to be asked, will the phone, which runs under Android, have problems with battery time? Will it be able to have such good game play and be able to function as a fully functional phone, without lag time? If this phone fully functions as a gaming system and a phone, then there will definitely be success to the Android Company, and Sony as well, these two companies will thrive from the money that they will make. Since the phone functions as a computer, its processor is required to be high, especially since it will be playing video games, and the RAM must also be high. The processor and RAM, or random access memory, both define the speed and capability of this cell phone/gaming system. It all comes down to the specs and the scrutiny of the stakeholders, those who will be using this cell phone
    I liked my own work XD

Data Security Laws Seem Likely, So Consumers and Businesses Vie to Shape Them - 0 views

    During 2005, political organizations advocated for strict laws implementing data security enforcement, as rising concerns stemmed out of alarming statistical studies and research, revealing identity theft, credit card frauds and hacking as emerging and terrorizing practices overtaking much of the internet realm. This article introduces the beginning of the rise in public awareness, as technology strongly began to redirect the business world into another more digital phase. It was during that year, the primary stakeholders, also known as the businesses ( participants of e-commerce that stored, verified and utilized private consumer data), vocalized their needs clarifying their desire for the creation of constraints in regards to the consequences or negative implications of passing certain bills (for data security). The past exemplifies the various influences the introduction of data security measures, passed by the government legislatures, had upon newly initiated businesses; among the most significant implications discussed were: the need to build a secure database for reliable storage of clientele digital data with the utilization of particular software as well as improving business organizational structure in order to maximize the rate of security notifications towards consumers based on a foundation of rigid security standards. Far from the adaptation to such implications, the political crisis of establishing solid ground for a new set of security data policies and standards became an overwhelming process for politicians, congress members in conjunction with consumer and data privacy groups that rivaled in attaining the responsibilities of passing the needed laws. The politicians (stakeholders, holding the role of administering governmental legislation to stabilize data security breaches), came into opposition with the concerns of many members of advocacy groups (stakeholders, holding the responsibility of supervising and publicly navigating the direction of th
    continuation: the adjusted standards enforced by politicians). The problem of adhering to the instruction of newly created laws motioning businesses to appoint data security officers, draft policies, to comply with policies and procedures involving giving access to files in business databases for the Federal Trade Commission to check comes into collision with what most online businesses want to go through the process of doing. However, with the issue of security surfacing future consumer problems, as security breaches become major forces threatening the safe entering of digitally encrypted information (such as credit card codes), many companies become increasingly aware of the needed adherence to the strict security data laws, in order to continue profiting financially in order to keep the rate of consumer trust and payment increasing.

In Haiiti, Practicing Medicine From Afar - 0 views

    After the January earthquake in Haiti, many people were left under extremely bad health conditions, with little or no health care being at their service. Haiti is a poor country, and with a natural disaster like that occurring, medical treatment for those that required it to the minimal extent was rare, let alone for the people that needed to be operated upon (such as surgical patients). The solution that some United States officials found after attempting to help Haiti with this issue was telehealth, better known as telemedicine; telemedicine was initially used for space astronauts back in the 1960s. In the situation with Haiti however (better known as "real-time"), it essentially involves a video-conference between a patient and a health professional and/or doctor in a different location (often times in hospitals or offices). Also during certain operations however, a doctor at the scene will be conferencing with a specialist at a different geographical location through the uses and benefits of telemedicine. The main IT system involved in this situation with telemedicine is satellite connections. A satellite communication system requires a satellite to function. Thus, a satellite is in high orbit over the Earth (stationary or geosynchronous, which means that the speed of the satellite is complementary to the speed of the rotaion of the Earth, thus it will always remain above the same spot). A satellite dish on Earth is then directed at the satellite, and all the signals (voice & data information, television signals, etc.) are transmitted on an uplink. The satellite itself (while still in orbit outer space) has a receiving antenna mechanism which is able to capture the incoming signals towards it and is able to diverge them through an amplifying network.
    continued.... After this process, it then re-transmits the signals to the designated receivers (these signals are waves that go upon a certain frequency). Depending on what the frequencies are, when it comes to telemedicine, the frequencies are repudicated for an instance, and the digital data is then linked to set receivers. These data packets are routed through satellite, which makes the end (whether it is a phone call or the merging of voice and data transmission such as video-conferencing) come along. The satellite may be compared to a ground-based signal, in which the signal points upward and it is later reflected down back at the user/client. Therefore, with sufficient bandwidth, Haiti is running on high-speed Internet access. As a result of this IT system involved (as well as the use of telemedicine), social and ethical issues emerge. The use of such IT devices and systems such as satellite linkage and telemedicine through video-conferencing was not present in Haiti even before the earthquake. However, with the aid of other countries, more advanced form of health care came into view. This is a breakthrough from the digital divide, where Haiti was not able to provide proper medical care for its citizens. Another issue that comes into play (vexing from the digital divide) is globalization. Doctors on the seen are able to provide their patients with the best care by either consulting a specialist from a remote area far away, or the patients who require health care have video-conferences with doctors in order to discuss health related issues. This breaks down the barrier in which Haitians were facing with little or no medical support.

Privacy Issue Complicates Push to Link Medical Data - 1 views

    This article deals with the use of electronic health records in order to record medical information of patients. Congress wishes to pass a bill to enforce the use of electronic health records, however issues regarding the privacy of patients and information stored on these databases have arose. Electronic health records are used to record personal patient information such as name, age, address along with health sicknesses and symptoms. This also allows doctors to send e-prescriptions to the patient. However the computerization of health records triggers obvious privacy issues which prevent many hospitals to completely switch to using these electronic databases. Stakeholders of this technology include the patients whose medical information is being stored and sent on the databases, the hospitals and doctors that use the databases to track and send prescriptions to their patients, along with policy makers such as Congress and President Obama who promote the use of electronic health databases. The major stakeholder is the patient, whose private information is at risk by using these databases. Doctors can also use the electronic databases to send prescriptions to their patients for medicines or further appointments. Patient databases include sensitive personal information that may be at risk of being hacked or seen by an unauthorized user. In the article, solutions to these privacy issues have been proposed such as increased spending and investments in order to create solutions to privacy issues. Measures can be taken to safeguard medical information such as using encryption technology to secure private information that is sent online or kept on the hospital's computer database. This encryption would prevent unauthorized users from accessing and using patient information. However, in cases where this encryption technology fails to protect patient information, policies have been created that the patient must be notified if their personal information has been h
    continued: have been created that the patient must be notified if their personal information has been hacked or seen by an outsider. Other policies have been enforced that give patients the ability to control and prevent hospitals from sending private information for research without their permission. These policies help prevent private patient information from being seen by unwanted individuals.

U.S. Tries Open-Source Model for Health Data Systems - - 1 views

  • easily and securely share information
  • A fancy electronic patient record, unconnected, is just an expensive way to capture data.
  • Getting many different health care providers and suppliers of specialized software to agree on how to do that is no simple task.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The solution the group agreed to is essentially Internet-based e-mail and public key encryption technology, tailored for health care.
  • For health care technology companies, the data-sharing standards, experts say, should stimulate the market for electronic health records and allow them to focus their efforts on making their individual offerings more affordable and easier to use.
    This article is primarily about setting standards and protocols so that an electronic health records could world easily and securely for many health care providers and suppliers. The reason the introduction of an EHR hasn't worked before, is that there were no data-sharing standards, which would ensure that the data is transmitted securely across the internet. These standards are also in accordance of many of the interests of all of the health providers and stakeholders involved, which was a major problem previously. Without the issue of connecting the EHR from provider to provider, then the records would be a "fancy...way to capture data," and it's full potential would never be recognized. However, these new standards and protocols, filled with secure transactions based on encryptions, have made the introduction of an electronic health record possible. There are many benefits to the use of an EHR, including productivity and financial improvement for the companies and the employees. For example, doctors/nurses no longer need to spend time pulling a patient's file, or writing the details of the visit afterwards. There are also fewer repetitive tasks, and improved communication between doctor and nurse, or doctor and another doctor. Quality of care may also improve because doctors have quick access to a patient's information, there is better monitoring and discovery of chronic illnesses, and doctors can return phone calls/ provide medication refills immediately. Also, in general, the electronic charts allow for a more efficient office, which leads to a less stressful environment and more attention on the patients' care rather than searching for their charts. This can only be done through the introduction of an EHR, leading to easier queries, instant reorganization, and file management that could be transmitted to both the patient and any other doctors. This minimizes the ambiguity of not having tests results from one doctor, and allows all doctors treating a p
    patient to see all of the patient's history. This is important in having a correct diagnosis and treatment. However, there are also some drawbacks. Initially, doctors who chose to engage in the implementation of a EHR, see some decreases in productivity. This is because entering information and learning how to use the software takes some time. Some doctors also do not have the money to invest in such software and accompanying hardware to, and others no not want to because they are accustomed to their hand-written charts. There are also some security issues, leading to greater privacy issues. The EHR maintains very personal data about a patient, and if the records are breached, then the privacy of the patient may be put at risk. There is also the issue of interoperability, which was brought up in the article. Many of the companies in different countries wishing to engage in the implementation of EHR have different standards involving the usage. This could harm the usage of an international EHR.

In Haiti, Practicing Medicine From Afar - 0 views

    (NOT FINISHED) After the devastation of Haiti's earthquake, impoverishment plagued the millions of patients, in dire need for medical assistance and resources. The "low tech" equipment failed to meet the needs of the population, so tele medicine is being adapted.
    Medical facilities in Haiti are in essence trying to integrate satellite connection and internet service (along with increased bandwidth) in order to greatly expand the distribution and administering of medical services. Donated by the other organizations in Miami, the Haitian hospitals are now given the opportunity to form intercommunication via a wireless regional network system (internet service provided by neighboring countries, such as the Dominican Republic). One of the primary stakeholders, the patient and injured Haitian individuals required to maintain necessary medical help from the American doctors and medical professionals (other primary stakeholder). Such IT systems, enable the patients suffering from the devastating results of the earthquake to retrieve an increased amount of help and attention from doctors and other medical health professionals in other parts of the world, specifically recruiting medical help centralized in the United States. The adapted procedures of tele health already in American hospitals, including the use of internet messaging, x rays, scans, and medical reports all enable doctors to obtain confrontation and collaboration with Haitian patients on accurate and more reliable grounds. The scenario included in the article is Health, and the main theme is"medical information administration and marketing sales" for this pertains to telemedicine as a branched off aspect. In regards to the social and ethical considerations, the issue of the digital divide and equality of access is greatly highlighted in the article; telemedicine linked medical services found in another nation, to the needy Haitian population thus diminishing global boundaries placed up by the differences in development and advancement in certain regions of the globe. The digital divide that took control over Haitian lives( due to the catastrophic events of the earthquake) eliminated sources of internet connection, hardware and available software equipment to run teleme
    In Diigo, you can always go back in and edit your own postings. It's only in the moodle that there is a time bomb that causes you to comment on your own reflections if you go back later to expand upon your initial thoughts.

Select a Laundry Room - 0 views

    Check this out

Oneupweb : SEO Misconduct | Oneupweb : StraightUpSearch Blog - 9 views

  • SEO tactics get noticed by google.

BBC NEWS | Technology | BMW given Google 'death penalty' - 0 views

    A very old article, but worth the read.
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