Anti-Defamation League - 0 views
Laken Kraft on 14 Oct 12Overview The purpose of this website is not only to inform people about anti-Semitism during WWII but also to inform the audience of how anti-Semitism continues today in many different countries and how bigotry for other people has increased vastly as time has gone on. The audience for this website is for higher-level education especially civil rights activists. This website has information not only on the Holocaust but on many other conflicts going on right now that would be helpful in understanding what anti-Semitism is. Content and Design Based on the evaluations done for this website the information is very factual and relevant to what is says it is trying to do. There is plenty of information on the Holocaust and anti-Semitism along with sources to support their evidence. The design of the website is very well done, easy to move around with all of the links working properly. There is a very descriptive table of contents to help find any information needed along with a way of contacting support and donating. The website developer is not stated on the site but the sponsor of the site is.