Tips on Becoming a Teacher - 0 views
Joey Skalsky on 02 Sep 10Website: Content The adprima website is for teachers looking for educational advice. However the content is not broken up and gets hard to read. There are links but they take you to other pages that have the same design. It was fairly easy to pick the basic content because it tells you what the site is about and the audience is for teachers. There is good material here it is a bit bias at times. It is a website that is made as a guideline. There are spelling errors. It is current as of June 24, 2010. Design I did not find any multimedia. The material is try and blocky making it hard to read. Site is easily navigatable. The website is not appealing to the eye. There is no color or contrast to keep you involved. The speed is quick because there is just text to load. It is browser friendly. Material is ok but very hard to keep interested. Overview I did not enjoy this website. It was very bland and difficult to read. They do keep it updated however. The material is decent but is dry and formatted badly. The content was good but the design of the website took too much away from its content. Joey Skalsky Itech 2360 Sec 4