Go-2-School | Home - 0 views
Rachel Linke on 01 Sep 10Rachel Linke8/31/10ITEC 2360 Overview I did not like any aspect of this website, and would not recommend it to others. The purpose of this site I believe is a sort of online classroom for elementary students. It is unclear who the intended audience is but I would assume it would be the students who may be part of this online school and their parents. There do seem to be several resources available due to the indication of other links, forums, and blogs on the homepage. Content Evaluation I would not come back to this site for multiple reasons. The major thing is probably the lack of clarity and organization to the page. If you were to stumble across this website on accident I do not think that you would be able to infer as to what the site was about. There is a toolbar on the homepage, but the page is unclear and thus it is not clear as to what the toolbar would assist you with. Design Evaluation My review for the design of the website is much the same as the content. For there is a lack of organization and clarity, and there is not much appeal to the site. The design does get good marks for the multimedia aspect though. There seems to be many current technologies within the site such as twitter, blogs, forums, videos, and youtube.