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Rachel Keyes

Graphic novels as alternative lit. - 0 views

    Rachel Keyes ITEC 2360 01/24/11 Average site Overview This site discusses the use of the graphic novel as a form of alternative literature. The main point of the site is an article discussing the history of the graphic novel and where it is today. The audience is anyone who wants to learn more about the educational potential of the graphic novel. The article is from a Canadian site, so that could impact its usefulness to U.S. students and teachers. Content The main content of the site is the article. Other than that, there are no other links to find more information about alternative literature or graphic novels. The article is biased because the author is a reporter who has an opinion and doesn't provide the other side of the argument. The article was published in 2009, so it could be slightly outdated. Design The site has ads and pictures for the newspaper, which could be irrelevant to users from other countries. There is a biography of the author next to the article, but there is no way to contact him with questions. There is no copy right for the website itself. The information is well organized, but other than the article, there is no further information.
Bria Frame

Analysis: The Great Gatsby - 1 views

    • Bria Frame
      I feel like this really sums up the importance of symbolism. It's a really good synthesis of why we should note symbolism and how it gives the story meaning.
  • Green is the color of promise, hope, and renewal - so it is fitting that Gatsby's dream of a future with Daisy be represented physically in the novel by this green light.
    • Bria Frame
      Note: the Valley of Ashes was actually a place that Fitzgerald was describing, not a theoretical "valley of ashes."
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • it is through advertising that the material aspects of the American Dream are revealed.
  • Wilson, a very non-religious man, compares the doctor's eyes to those of God, watching over him through the "foul dust" and desolate wasteland in which the novel is set.
  • The Great Gatsby is
  • an insight into the flaws of real life during the "Roaring Twenties."
  • a symbol for the "Jazz Age,"
  • presenting the truth behind the twenties and creating an atmosphere which has earned a permanent place in American literature.
  • Daisy is compared to the "Holy Grail"
  • All these previous symbols - the green light, the ash heap, and the east and west - have one thing in common: change
  • all major characters change where they live, with Tom and Daisy a prime example - moving frequently from place to place throughout their life before arriving at East Egg.
  • Gatsby changes his name
  • finally we have the changing of the seasons, which symbolically correspond to changes in the storyline during The Great Gatsby
  • Overlooking this ash heap of the present are the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg, which change in meaning throughout the novel. In chapter two, they symbolize materialism and advertising gone mad, showing how corrupt the American Dream and American idealism have become. However, later in the novel his eyes are compared to those of God - changing their meaning to a more spiritual one - symbolizing how American spirituality has been corrupted by our quest for wealth and material possessions.
  • Gatsby cannot change because his life is based on a dream he set for himself as a youth and Tom and Daisy cannot develop because their life is one big advertisement, living in eternal youth, beauty, and wealth. Nick however, changes a great deal throughout the novel - which we see most prominently in two statements he makes
Bria Frame

Color symbolism essay.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Overview: The purpose of this web page is to analyze the significance of F. Scott Fitzgerald's color symbolism in The Great Gatsby. The audience is based around a high school-level English class. No information about the author is given, although it is implied that he is a high school student.Overall, this is a well-written essay that provides a number of insightful points that would be helpful in a classroom setting. Content: The content of this essay is particularly strong. It is well organized, despite the lack of a document map, and a reader is easily able to understand the purpose of the site. The author is identified, although virtually anonymous. The site cannot and does not need to be updated, as the content is timeless. While no specific further information is given, the content can be used to drive discussion and can be traced back to the novel. Design: This site doesn't have a strong design. It is a PDF of an essay. There is no form of ornamentation. This is good in the sense that it doesn't distract a reader from the content of the essay, but is simultaneously bland. However, the design of the page is infinitely less significant than the content, which is the critical piece of the discussion and the purpose of the site.
Bria Frame

JSTOR: College English, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Oct., 1952), pp. 7-12 - 0 views

shared by Bria Frame on 28 Nov 12 - No Cached
    Bria Frame Overview: The purpose of this site is to provide an in-depth analysis of The Great Gatsby using ideas that were not commonly discussed. The audience is intended for a college reading level, although advanced English classes could handle the reading. No resources are available on this site because it is an uploaded PDF document and no works cited page is given, although it may have been available in the original journal. Overall, the site is useful, but could be improved. Content: The content of this page is where the value really lies. Although the document hasn't been updated since the 1950s, this does not make the site any less valuable because it is a scholarly essay on a novel. The author is clearly identified and is qualified. The information is clear and well-discussed, although no further reading is given by the author. Design: The site is designed in the same manner that other JSTOR pages are. The PDF is uploaded and put against a simple background. This would have been more useful if solely the text had been uploaded. That said, the text is easily navigated with arrow buttons that advance the PDF. The content is well-displayed, as it is the purpose of the site, and that makes the site worthwhile.
Joseph Scherden

Different Teaching Methods? - 0 views

    This page was reviewed by Joseph Scherden on 1/23/2011 Content Review- I picked this page specifically because the other two pages I have reviewed were valuable and credible web pages. This one, however, is not so much. It does not list the author, publisher, or date published even. It was turned up as a result when I searched "teaching methods," on Google. This web pages information does not seem farfetched, but it would need to be verified through more credible sources. Design Review- The design of this page was another reason I picked it. The page is not as "retro" in appearance as, but it is still obviously not intended for research purposes solely. The home page loaded poorly on my computer when I linked through several of the page links. The tab set up separates different topics clearly and links are imbedded inside the information to provide definitions. Although some pieces of this pages designs are novel it should still be noted how many ads are on the page. Overall Review- This page has information that may be used as a jumping off point. It would be useful for learning key terms that are used when discussing teaching methods, but it is not a credible source on its own. I would say this site may be useful to education majors, but I emphasize its lack of credibility.
Kent McKee

ALA | YALSA: The Young Adult Library Services Association - 0 views

    Kent McKee 1/31/11 Overview: is a website by the Young Adult Services Association that intends to provide information to teachers and students alike in the field of Young Adult Literature. There are copious amounts of information on the site about novels, authors, online classes, news and events etc. The site is well organized. The purpose of this site is clear from the second you navigate to it, it's a resource for anyone interested in English Educations-specifically reading. Design: This website is put together in a clear and effective manner. It has multiple navigation options and is designed in a way that it is easy to get around; it's simple but still looks professional. The site achieves what it is intended for clearly and effectively. It's well organized and clear enough to understand that students and teachers alike could use this site. And because it isn't an overly complex website, it loads almost immediately. Content: The content on this site is clear from the second it is loaded onto the computer screen. It has all of the sites information on the center of the page with links taking you all throughout the site, and to the left hand side of the screen there are also many links to different, applicable websites. The authors of this website are clearly identified and all the information is very current.
Sydney Fancher

Vocabulary - 1 views

shared by Sydney Fancher on 02 Sep 10 - Cached
    Jaymie Sheehan ITEC 2360-04 9/2/2010 OVERVIEW For my this review I visited Vocabulary Games, . The site's intended audience is students from Kindergarten to 12th grade who want to improve their vocabulary. The intended purpose of the site is to provide these students with a fun and exciting way to improve vocabulary. The site has various resources depending on grade level. High school students can practice SAT words while Kindergarten kids can begin to understand reading and phonics. I felt that this site is valuable to students, teachers and parents. Often the hardest part of getting a child to be proficient in reading and writing is generating interest and this site does just that! The simple layout makes navigation quick and easy. This is a site I would use in the classroom and at home with children of all levels.
    Rebekah Asay January 23, 2011 Overview: This website offers a lot of free information on English vocabulary. There are games for each age level, vocabulary reading resources, and links to vocabulary around the world. Content: There is a lot of information on vocabulary, analogies, compound words, parts of speech, spelling, contractions, foreign languages, synonyms, and prefixes to name a few. There are a lot of additional resources for viewers who want to expand their search. Design: The design is a little weak. It is hard to navigate the website and it a little disorganized. There are a lot of adds surrounding the content that distract the eye.
    Overview: This site can be used by junior high and high school English students to help understand many texts that they will be required to read at some point in their academic career. It contains many games for various novels; the games are appropriate for older students, which is hard to come by. The appearance of the site is a little confusing because it appears to be geared for younger students but the content is that of older students. The games are helpful and applicable to class. Content: This website is mostly useful for junior high and early high school students. It offers interactive help for texts that are commonly read at those ages. Each book that is represented on the site has several games the user can try relating to different topics, such as vocabulary, content, and setting. The website also has information that is beneficial for upper high school students. It offers a variety of different interactive games to help with studying vocabulary for the SAT, or any other standardized test they will need to take. The information on the site is accurate and helpful for the audience. Design: The design of this website does not match well with its' intended audience. The content of this website is for junior high and high school students, but the design seems oriented for a much younger audience. The graphics are not beneficial to the site and may make the site lose some users because they think it is too young for them. However, the site is very easy to maneuver. Each different topic has a headline with a brief description of what the user can expect if they choose that link.
Rachel Keyes

Alternative Literature? Not even close. - 0 views

    Rachel Keyes ITEC 2360 01/24/11 Poor website Overview This site can be found by searching "alternative forms of literature" (commonly thought of as ways other than classical literature, such as graphic novels, movies, etc.) on Google. However, the purpose of this site is more to discuss alternative cultures and the negative influence that media has on society. My impression of this site is that it was made by a small magazine for a very specific audience. The audience is wary of the media and is searching for an alternative method to receive news. Content The content of this site is extremely random and scattered. At the top of the page there are quotes about being enlightened, followed by a listing of other alternative news sites, YouTube videos, and poems from different cultures about peace. All of the links work, but this site is just a random collection of information the editor believes is important. The editor is a man who, in his biography page, has no credentials other than he really enjoys writing. Design At first look, there is so much going on and so many links and videos posted that seem to be very random. There is a clear title, but some of the links on the page have nothing to do with the others; there is nothing connecting this information. The pictures and YouTube videos are irrelevant to the other links listed. There is no copyright date, so readers have no idea how up to date this site is. The only way to "contact" the editor is by subscribing to his newsletter. There is too much going on to accurately find any information, and because you can find this site while looking for alternative forms of literature, this site would be completely irrelevant to your search.
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