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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Stefan Oliver

Stefan Oliver

Kevin Kelly - 0 views

shared by Stefan Oliver on 21 Oct 09 - Cached
Stefan Oliver

Idea Lab - Becoming Screen Literate - - 0 views

    • Stefan Oliver
      I think this is incredably important. With more advances in video and the further video is spread written liturature is losing its place in the world. Everything will soon be placed in online databases and there wont be a need to libraries or books. IT isnt because we are leazy, it is because there is more and more information everyday and we simply wont be able to physicaly store it all.
  • There were more than 10 billion views of video on YouTube in September.
    • Stefan Oliver
      Youtube is also another very important tool involving the flow of information or just for use in media. Viral Videos are spread using this and many other video hosting sites and are often more effect advertising tool than billboards or ads because of the number of people that see them.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • With our fingers we will drag objects out of films and cast them in our own movies. A click of our phone camera will capture a landscape, then display its history, which we can use to annotate the image. Text, sound, motion will continue to merge into a single intermedia as they flow through the always-on network. With the assistance of screen fluency tools we might even be able to summon up realistic fantasies spontaneously. Standing before a screen, we could create the visual image of a turquoise rose, glistening with dew, poised in a trim ruby vase, as fast as we could write these words. If we were truly screen literate, maybe even faster. And that is just the opening scene.
    • Stefan Oliver
      I highlighted this paragraph because things like this are happening today, now. We are advancing technology so quickly that things are becoming outdated nearly every week. WE have touch screen computers and touch interaces. The next step will be virtualy interacting with videos and games and everything. We need to be ready for when things change.
  • It is a formidable task, but in the past decade computers have gotten much better at recognizing objects in a picture than most people realize. Researchers have started training computers to recognize a human face.
    • Stefan Oliver
      This shows how automated computers are becoming. They are requiring less and less human interaction to perform tasks. They detect faces and auto correct images. They fix spelling errors and perform back actions without us even commanding it. But we must ensure that there is always a requirment for a human control with any computer system.
Stefan Oliver

The Technium: Major Transitions in Technology - 0 views

  • Primate communication --) Language Oral lore --) Writing/math notation Scripts --) Printing Scholarly knowledge --) Science Social production --) Industrial production Material culture --) Universal communication
    • Stefan Oliver
      This is a good quick ex[lanation of how we have adcanced. It clearly shows how the progression icluded advances in technology. One of the biggest is the tranistion to language. It granted us the ability to create an alphebet, record history, and make education wide spread.
  • The scientific method followed printing as a more refined way to deal with the exploding amount of information humans were generating. Via scholarly correspondence and later journals, science offered a method of extracting reliable information, testing it, and then linking it to a growing body of other tested, interlinked facts.
    • Stefan Oliver
      The Scienctific Method is another key section fo this article. It allowed us to organize the vast amounts of data and properly test it. It could than be linked to other tested facts. This lead to more advances especially in craft.
  • Finally, the last major transition in the organization of knowledge is happening right now. We are in the midst of a movement where we embed information into all matter around us. We inject order into everything we manufacture by designing it, but now we are also adding small microscopic chips that can perform small amounts of computation and communication. Even the smallest disposable item will share a small thin sliver of our collective mind. This all-pervasive flow of information, expanded to include manufactured objects as well as humans, and distributed around the globe in one large web, is the greatest (but not final) ordering of information. And it marks the most recent major stage of technology.
    • Stefan Oliver
      Information and technology has become to portable and accesible. Even the smallest thing will have microchips in them that will carry data and distribute it all over the world. This is the greatest ordering of information to date.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The invention of writing systems for language and math structured this learning even more. Ideas could be remembered more accurately, and just as importantly, their organization could be examined and analyzed. Ideas could also be indexed, retrieved, and propagated easier. Writing allowed the organization of information to penetrate into many aspects of life and vastly accelerated trade, creation of calendars, and laws – all of which organized information further.
    • Stefan Oliver
      Math allowed ideas to be examinded and analyzed. Writing pushed learning even further. Writing allowed information to penatrate many aspects of life. It also accelated trade, laws, and creations of calenders which pushed information even more.
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