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Home/ IT100_52/Fall 2009/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ryan Taylor

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ryan Taylor


Google: The open-source savior we deserve | The Open Road - CNET News - 0 views

  • Until we cross the border into Utopia, we're going to continue to see the biggest investments in open-source innovation come from Google and its peers: companies with wallets fat with proprietary profits.
    • Ryan Taylor
      WIll the open source market ever be overseen/censored/controlled by the companies that create the vast majority of open source software?

Motorola Droid Phone Review - PC World - 1 views

    throw away your iPhones and GPS's...Droid does it all...FOR FREE

Wikipedia:Modelling Wikipedia extended growth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Date   Article Count       Increase during year   % Increase during year   Average increase per day of year  2001-12-31  19,700 19,700 ∞ 54 2002-12-31 96,500 76,800 390% 210 2003-12-31 188,800 92,300 96% 253 2004-12-31 438,500 249,700 132% 682 2005-12-31 895,000 456,500 104% 1251 2006-12-31 1,560,000 665,000 74% 1822 2007-12-31 2,153,000 593,000 38% 1625 2008-12-31 2,679,000 526,000 24% 1437 2009-10-15 3,062,127 [a]383,127    --    ~1330[a][b]
    • Ryan Taylor
      average Wikipedia growth

The Writing Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - 2 views

  • What is an abstract? An abstract is a stand-alone statement that briefly conveys the essential information of a paper, article, document or book; presents the objective, methods, results, and conclusions of a research project; has a brief, non-repetitive style.
    Definition of an Abstract

What's the difference between a 'Trojan Horse' a 'Worm' and a 'Virus'? - 1 views

  • is a program - really, that's all any of this is. A virus is just a computer program. It's written by some individual or individuals, presumably with the intent of spreading and causing grief. makes the infected computer "sick" - in the computer sense, "sick" can mean poor performance, crashes, lost files and data, or more. replicates itself - just like you can copy a file from one disk to another, and now have copies on both disks, a computer virus is in part defined by its ability to make copies of itself. Typically the copies aren't on the infected computer, but rather on other computers, which leads us to the last characteristic... infects other computers - exactly how depends on the virus, of course, but another key defining point for a computer virus is that it can spread, on its own.
    • Ryan Taylor
      definition of virus
  • a) a Worm does cause damage to the infected system, and b) worms and viruses differ from how they are transmitted: a worm is a stand-alone program, while a virus propagates by attaching itself to another program.
    • Ryan Taylor
      difference between worm and virus
  • program that claims to be one thing, but is, in fact, another.
    • Ryan Taylor
      definition of Trojan
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  • It's email that looks like it comes from some official site such as your bank, Paypal or eBay, but in fact it comes from someone pretending to be them.
    • Ryan Taylor
      definition of phishing

Idea Lab - Becoming Screen Literate - - 0 views

  • The past is a rush of data streams cut and rearranged into a new mashup, while truth is something you assemble yourself on your own screen as you jump from link to link.
    • Ryan Taylor
      I think this is a great definition of how truth is defined. If technology and modern media have proven anything, it is that the truth is completely relative. Truth is purely based on one's own opinion and beliefs. Any information can be manipulated in order to support one's argument. I the author of this article does an excellent job here of showing that truth is an assemblance of information, not just one piece of information.
  • To the utter bafflement of the experts who confidently claimed that viewers would never rise from their reclining passivity, tens of millions of people have in recent years spent uncountable hours making movies of their own design.
    • Ryan Taylor
      This concept is nothing new. When pen-and-ink based writing was dominant, there were thousands who would write books as amateurs. Amateurism has always existed. Amateurism in film is just the next generation of amateurism, not a new concept.
  • Just as in the TV cookoff contest “Iron Chef,” the Iron Editor must remix videos in real time in front of an audience while competing with other editors to demonstrate superior visual literacy.
    • Ryan Taylor
      This is an incredibly interesting concept. It is very cool to see that people who are expanding the capabilities of technology being respected and admired. In the past people who have been technological revolutionaries were refered to as "nerds" (Bill Gates as an example). I believe this is a clear step in showing that technology is no longer a thing that fat guys in their mother's basements partake in, but a staple of social interaction in society.
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  • But even online I cannot link from this sentence to those “passages” in an online movie. We don’t have the equivalent of a hyperlink for film yet. With true screen fluency, I’d be able to cite specific frames of a film, or specific items in a frame.
    • Ryan Taylor
      I believe this is the next step in furthering the visual arts. When various film images can be linked together, such as how various articles are linked together to more fully explain a topic, then screen literacy will reach a new level of understanding. WIth the advent of things such as YouTube, I don't think that this concept of film cross-referencing via some sort of hyperlink is that far off. The biggest hurdle for this to happen is the stuidos who produce the images who want to maintain an ownership role over their film. Unfortunately, they miss out on realizing that by doing such a thing that they are blocking the continuing trend of new knowledge and understanding of various subjects through a visual medium.

The Technium - 0 views

  • The leading edge of technology (lightweight, disembodied, highly leveraged stuff — solar panels, gene therapies, and quantum computers) races forward, but only because its subsumed foundations also march forward.
    • Ryan Taylor
      This is an excellent look at the building of technology. Thousands of years ago agriculture was the greatest leap forward in technology. To this day the basis of current technology still rests on agriculture. Each technological advance adds another stair to a never-ending staircase of knowledge and information. Without the initial discovery of something such as agriculture there would have been no way to sustain a society that would go on to make further technological advances.
  • Extropy is neither wave nor particle, nor pure energy. It is an immaterial force that is very much like information. Since extropy is defined as negative entropy — the reversal of disorder — it is, by definition, an increase in order.
    • Ryan Taylor
      I believe this is one of the most important statements in the article. Without being given Kelly's initial desriptions of extropy and entropy the rest of the article would be quite confusing. It is indteresting to ponder the reversal of disorder because one would automatically assume that the answer is order. However, as knowledge continues to expand the definition may change. I agree with Kelly's analysis that information is a fluid process.
  • The most mechanical superstructures we've ever built - say skyscrapers, or the Space Shuttle, or the Hadron Supercollider — are giant physical manifestations of incredibly structured information.
    • Ryan Taylor
      This sentence oddly reminds me of Semantic Web. When searching with Semantic Web for Space Shuttle you would not only receive pictures of a Space Shuttle, but also video and text about it. A parallel can be drawn because Space Shuttle is an embodiment of multiple sources and types of information just as the Space Shuttle is the embodiment of all types of mathematics and sciences. Semantic Web, and ultimately these embodiments, are actually just large amounts of information put into one thing.
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  • The self-organization that is common to chemistry, life, and the technium moves through the universe and time in the same way.
    • Ryan Taylor
      This is an incorrect assumption on Kelly's part. The physical world of chemistry has always existed, regardless of the fact that humans could decipher it or not. The same goes with life. The technium did not exist until humans discovered the technology to make it exist. CPU's, motherboards, jet engines, and other various bits of technology did not just exist on their own, waiting to be explained by mankind. I think Kelly assumes too much in order to further his own beliefs.
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