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What would you do with 100 times the bandwidth? - 0 views

    what would you do with 20, or 100, times the bandwidth you currently have? This may become a possibility very soon, so I thought it would be interesting to compile a list of future applications that could exist with a much bigger pipe. Feel free to chirp in with your own ideas!
Philipp Arytsok

8 SOA mistakes architects should avoid - 0 views

  • 8 SOA mistakes architects should avoid
    A pessimistic approach towards SOA seems to prevail in some blogs. But these opinions strike me by surprise. In the industries I am working for - public sector, healthcare and Defense/ public security - SOA is predominant and you will find only rare examples of tenders where SOA is not highlighted as the guiding principle for the whole architecture. SAP's CTO Vishal Sikka has already provided the community with some very helpful insights concerning these discussions. I just want to add some points from an architect's point of view: From my point of view it is not the SOA approach itself which should be questioned but the way how we architects sometimes work on SOA. Some of the mistakes that are listed below I have encountered during my SOA projects. Others are based on discussions with other architects and decision makers inside and outside SAP, from customers and from partners. My intention is simple: I want to help to avoid these mistakes in the future and to strengthen the SOA approach which is for me without an alternative.

Summer Plans Revealed: More Innovation, Less Fish - 0 views

    Many companies become lax during summer hours, but some real innovators hunker down in the heat and create products that can make business easier in the future. One such company is Newton Software.

Will the industrial internet disrupt future smart factories? - 0 views

Philipp Arytsok

SOA ist nicht tot - SOA ist Mainstream || IT-Republik - Business Technology - News - 0 views

  • SOA ist nicht tot – SOA ist Mainstream
    SOA ist nicht tot - SOA ist Mainstream
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