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Haris F

Facebook hurting moral values, says study | News | TechRadar - 0 views

  • Facebook hurting moral values, says study
  • According to the scientists who did tests on 13 volunteers measuring how long it took to emotionally respond to real stories of pain and heartache, we can't reflect properly on sad news that comes to use in quick micro chunks.
zane dickey

19 Climate Games that Could Change the Future « Climate Interactive - The Blog - 0 views

    User friendly simulations
    Games to play that make a difference.
zane dickey

Video Games Win a Beachhead in the Classroom - - 1 views

    This discusses how games may be used in education.
    This is interesting about Gaming and Technology.
Pulkit Sharma

Star Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    • Pulkit Sharma
      These awards show the standards of visual effects during the 70's. Compared to whats we see nowadays, the visual effects in the original Star Wars Trilogy weren't that good. However, to the critics and audience of the 70's those visual effects were deserving of a "special achievement award"
  • Special Achievement Award Win (Alien, Creature and Robot Voices) Win (Visual Effects) Win (Visual Effects)
Pulkit Sharma

Hollywood Visual Effects - YouTube - 0 views

    • Pulkit Sharma
      Eric Leven, a visual effects supervisor, talks about the use of visual effects in Hollywood movie. This video also give us information on how did some of the visual effects that are done now were done back in old. days. Also the video talks about how money also plays a big role in how much can be created either on computer or in real.
Pulkit Sharma

The Hollywood star - in a virtual world | This is Bristol - 1 views

    • Pulkit Sharma
      This article just shows the development of Technology in Hollywood. It went from animatronics to CGI elements. First, fro movies like Babe people would use mechanically controlled animals to make the movie, but now they use CGI to design and perfect the animals to make the movie.
  • recreating ancient Rome using CGI, and I knew then that I'd made the right decision
  • as the future of cinema
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Where special effects were clearly unavoidable – such as the scene where the horse gets trapped in the barbed wire – then I was determined to make it so life-like that nobody would know it was done with CGI. That was the big challenge, and I hope we got there with it.
Pulkit Sharma

Producer: Technology Bringing Hollywood a New Beginning - MarketingVOX - 0 views

    • Pulkit Sharma
      This article talks about Peter Gruber's views on how technology has changed Hollywood.
Omar Sow

Video game culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • 5.2 Gaming as portrayed by the media
  • Video game culture is a form of new media culture that has been influenced by video games
    • Omar Sow
      A new and ever-changing culture...
Omar Sow

One week playing violent video games alters brain activity | Health Tech - CNET News - 0 views

    • Omar Sow
    • Christian J
      This article does not express enough scientific proof. As you can see even in the comments below that video games do not make people violent. It is people themselves who cannot distinguish between the real world and the virtual world. That is not caused by "video games" but rather by damage mentallities or childhood trauma's
    • Omar Sow
      So then what would be considered good proof?
  • less activation in certain frontal brain regions
  • The researchers studied a healthy group of 28 22 18- to 29-year-old men with low previous exposure to violent video games, randomly splitting them into two groups of 14.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • If these results indicate anything, it is that when it comes to the effects of violent media on our brains, the jury is still out.
  • Randomly assigned young men exhibited less activity in certain frontal brain regions involving cognitive function and emotional control after playing a violent video game for 10 hours in one week.
  • University School of Medicin
  • A random sample of young men exhibited less activation in certain frontal brain regions following a week of playing violent video games. (Credit: Indiana University School of Medicine) It must be noted that the researchers, who presented
    • Omar Sow
      What does age matter? Should we consider different age groups?
Thomas L

Soccer for Peace - 2 views

shared by Thomas L on 29 Feb 12 - No Cached
  • The match took place in Yaoundé, Cameroon, last October and was part of a string of soccer tournaments around the world, together called Play Soccer Make Peace (PSMP). The PSMP strategy sounds simple: find at least eight teams in each of even the losing teams a significant sum (by developing-nation standards) so they can build up their soccer clubs and spread the PSMP principles. The whole program is supported by a $1 million grant from the Sun Moon Soccer Foundation and is administered by the World Association for Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO). "Play Soccer Make Peace has been initiated as a means to bring unity among the youth soccer associations in forty-four different countries," says PSMP director Robin Graham. "It is designed as a model that can be used by NGOs to teach the youths of various cultures the basic skills of the sport, along with a foundation of ethical behavior and sportsmanship. An emphasis is placed on creating a culture of peace through teaching the principles of faith, discipline, teamwork, and respect for the opponent."
    The match was no different from hundreds of others going on at the same time around a soccer-obsessed world. The sweating, panting players focused with Zen-like concentration on the ball, their teammates, their footwork, and their strategy.
Haris F

How scientific advancements have affected our moral values - 0 views

  • How scientific advancements have affected our moral values
  • To name a few, across the globe we are currently facing ethical questions of whether issues relating to stem cells, abortion, cloning, computer usage, Internet privacy and assisted suicide are morally correct or should even be allowed.
  • As technology evolves we hold the same traditional kinds of moral beliefs we've always held, but scientific advancements add a twist because different factors now apply to the equation in the choices we are needing to make.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Advancements do not mean we change our internal values, but it does mean that technology allows us to make choices we may or may not have previously made if the option was available.
  • The problem with scientific progress is we are suddenly faced with a myriad of options that previously seemed unattainable and this is overwhelming because there is no clear or definitive framework to
  • follow.
  • Visualize our world where we can now take cells and grow multi-celled beings, we can artificially create things which were previously impossible and only resided in between the words of science fiction novels. For most of history, these capabilities were a sheer impossibility and now suddenly a very real probability if not an actuality! As a result, the widely increased number of choices becomes a clash of ethical beliefs and moral foundations amongst individuals.
  • Unfortunately morals and progressive ideas don't always coexist peacefully. It's not uncommon we have to make trade-offs in order to meet solutions.
  • is perceived by as heightening security, but for others it is infringing on privacy.
  • Scientific advancements do not inherently change moral values, but they do impact and complicate the decision making process. Scientific advancements are fast, but taking the time to evaluate progress and the consequences from using it is slower paced.
Omar Sow

Violent games DO alter your brain - and the effect is visible in MRI scans in just a we... - 0 views

  • Test group of 22 young men showed 'clear' differences in MRI scans after one week of gaming
  • Science Home Pictures Gadgets Gifts and Toys Store My Profile Logout Login Find a Job M&S Wine Our Papers Feedback Wednesday, Feb 29 2012 12PM  36°C 3PM 41°C 5-Day Forecast
  • Differences in brain activity between young men who played violent games and ones who didn't were visible in a randomly assigned sample in just one week.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The other group did not play any games in either week.
    • Omar Sow
      shows consideration...
  • Violent video game play has an effect on brain functioning
  • Dr Wang told Medical News Today: 'These effects indicate that violent video game play has a long-term effect on brain functioning.'
Davide L

UNICEF - UNICEF People - Goodwill Ambassador - 0 views

    • Davide L
      This shows how soccer players are involved with the world, and how they work to promote peace. Messi is not the only player involved with UNICEF as there is David Beckham, Diouf (Senegalese), etc. 
  • Mr. Messi has dedicated time to UNICEF since 2004, supporting the offices in Spain and Argentina with advocacy and fundraising. He was among a team of top soccer players who were featured in a Public Service Announcement to launch the FIFA-UNICEF joint campaign for the 2006 FIFA World Cup held in Germany under the banner ‘Unite for Children, Unite for Peace.'
  • His personal childhood experiences have been the driving force behind his commitment and desire to help vulnerable children and to engage in charitable activities.  In 2008, he founded the Leo Messi Foundation, which collaborates with several medical and cultural institutions to give children and youth in Argentina and Spain a better chance in life.
Davide L

Soccer can promote peace in Middle East - 2 views

    • Davide L
      We can see from the highlighted part to the left of this sticky note that soccer is a great way to promote peace according to university faculty members. 
    • Thomas L
      yeah thats really good ay!!!<
  • designed to strengthen ties between Jordan and the U.S.
  • In fact, this group believes that soccer can bridge cultures, bringing people from various backgrounds closer to eliminate mistrust and misunderstanding.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Soccer is the world's most popular game. As millions view the World Cup every four years and thousands pack stadiums around the globe to watch their favorite teams play, we have learned that children are the key to building that trust between cultures.
    • Davide L
      This is the reason we chose soccer for our project, because it is the most popular game. If a sport were to be able to promote peace, then soccer would be the best choice as evinced by this website.
Haris F

What is Acta and why should you be worried about it? - 1 views

  • It's called the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and it's an international agreement that aims to establish multinational standards on intellectual property rights enforcement.
  • Acta made the headlines when online activists paralysed some of Poland's government sites to protest against Warsaw's plans to sign the international copyright treaty.
    • Haris F
      I find this very shocking. Governments negotiating international acts that could affect us all in secret isn't a good sign.
  • ...37 more annotations...
  • As noted earlier, ACTA is an international agreement that aims to create international standards on intellectual property rights enforcement.
    • Haris F
      I even heard that the negotiators in Europe weren't even elected officials.
  • It has been negotiated,
  • Many states have already signed up for Acta, well before the widespread web furore over Sopa.
  • mostly in secret, between various countries and the EU over the last four years.
  • European Union, Mexico and Switzerland have supported the treaty and shown a commitment to signing it in the future.
  • Acta was slipped through the European Council in an agriculture and fisheries meeting in December.
  • It is expected to be signed by the EU on Thursday, before the European Parliament has a chance to vote on it.
    • Haris F
  • This could mean any website found to be hosting pirated content that has a large audience or even those companies deemed to be "aiding and abetting" copyright infringement, which could extend to ISPs, but not necessarily to the average individual at home using Bittorrent to download a song.
  • trade agreement, which has allowed it certain freedoms from democratic scrutiny.
  • However, the European Commission was not allowed to negotiate over Article 23 -- the controversial part of the treaty which not only insists on criminal penalties for piracy but also for those accused of "aiding and abetting" copyright infringement -- the member states had to be represented at the table. They negotiated these new criminal sanctions behind closed doors
  • prison and large fines for companies that that are accused of copyright piracy on a "commercial scale"
  • Critics argue that this is copyright legislation being pushed through under the guise of a trade agreement so that it doesn't get debated as much. Unusually for a trade agreement, there are criminal sanctions.
  • supported by major copyright holders including pharmaceutical companies, movies studios and record labels.
  • GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, Monsanto Company, Time Warner, Sony, Verizon, The Walt Disney Company, the Motion Picture Association of America, News Corporation, and Viacom.
  • Acta is opposed by internet companies, digital rights groups such as La Quadrature du Net, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Anonymous, The Pirate Party, Reporters without Borders, Oxfam, and 13 Sakharov Laureates. It is also opposed by the Members of the European Parliament.
  • The European Parliament voted almost unanimously against Acta on this basis by adopting Written Resolution 12. This included the statement that "economic and innovation risks must be evaluated prior to introducing criminal sanctions where civil measures are already in place" and that all documents related to the negotiations be made publicly available. That doesn't really matter because Members of the European Parliament haven't been consulted. It is even being negotiated outside of existing trade bodies such as the World Trade Organisation and the World Intellectual Property Organisation.
  • Acta has been largely negotiated behind closed doors, with many participating parties being forced to sign NDAs before being allowed to see Acta documents.
  • It is undemocratic
    • Haris F
  • It blurs the lines between piracy and counterfeiting
  • Piracy and counterfeiting are not the same thing.
  • Counterfeiting generally requires the person receiving the copied goods to be deceived into thinking it is real.
  • If you treat Chinese manufacturers who create counterfeit DVDs or medicines in the same way you treat individuals sharing not-for-profit in their homes you know that you will have problems."
  • They are trying to sneak through a lot of the copyright stuff by pretending it's about counterfeiting
  • It criminalises copyright infringement when there are civil sanctions already
  • According to the controversial Article 23, criminal penalties should be applied "in cases of wilful trademark counterfeiting or copyright or related rights piracy on a commercial scale", although the phrase "commercial scale" is not clearly defined and specifically removes the intentionality, i.e. it doesn't matter whether a company intends to make a profit from the pirated content, it only matters whether it has the scale of a commercial operation. Criminal sanctions should also be made available for those "aiding and abetting" infringement on a commercial scale. Critics argue that this means that ISPs and data centres would potentially be liable for aiding and abetting any commercial website that features a copyright infringing piece of content. "This is the nuclear weapon against any actor on the internet," says Jérémie Zimmermann. He believes that the criminal section of Acta will be used as a weapon to ensure that ISPs cooperate with rights holders. As the Sakharov laureates warn: "In the name of copyright enforcement, the European Union and other signatories would be bound to put pressure on internet actors, compelling them to monitor and police the network."
  • Acta takes away from democratic governments the right to set their own copyright policy or patent policy.
  • How does it compare with Sopa and Pipa?
  • However, while Sopa and Pipa were designed to extend US law to foreign infringing sites, Acta writes the law internationally, and takes away power from democratic governments to tweak their own copyright law.
  • Acta bypasses the sovereign laws of participating nations, forcing ISP's across the globe to adopt these measures.
    • Haris F
      Important note!
  • cs argue that Acta could hinder developing countries' ability to choose policy options that best suit their domestic priorities.
  • India has argued that Acta's levels of enforcement far exceed anything agreed under the WTO and says it could "short-change legal process, impede legitimate competition and shift the escalated costs of enforcing private commercial rights to governments, consumers and tax payers.
  • Acta hangs on a vote from the European Parliament, which awaits the outcome of a report by the International Trade Association (INTA). The treaty will be discussed over the next few months before voted on in June. Meanwhile, Poland plans to ratify Acta on 26 January. The treaty will still need to be ratified by the European Parliament and member states individually. If Acta is not ratified there it will get rejected in its entirety.
  • You can write to your MP or your MEP.
Omar Sow

Video Games & the Brain: 14 Facts We Now Know | Accredited Online - 0 views

  • bad language in games can actually have the same effect
  • Of course, the bigger issue at hand may be bad parenting, as nearly all games with extreme profanity are recommended for users 18 and up.
    • Omar Sow
      No surprise
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • "blow your mind."
  • It could be because of the addictive effects of video game
  • . While there is no formal diagnosis of video game addiction in the medical literature at present, the similarities it shares with other compulsive psychological addictions, like gambling, may make it a legitimate disorder.
    • Omar Sow
      So they really can be addictive? It's not just a joke anymore....
  • might even help children better develop their brain
  • visual acuity, attention, and certain cognitive functions
  • skills that translate well into real-world applications.
  • l. Underuse of this area of the brain was, in one study, shown to cause difficulty concentrating and socializing, as well as mood alterations and changes in behavior
  • ideo games can keep users on the edge of their seats, but that might not always be a good thing
  • Kids who played non-violent, collaborative games were much more likely to be helpful and cooperative with their peers than those who played neutral or violent games, proving that games can have a positive impact on behavior.
  • In one study, teen males who play violent games were compared to those who played few or no games
  • Regular video gameplay can improve hand-eye coordination.
    • Omar Sow
      This is obvious.
  • Playing video games may be therapeutic for those struggling with trauma.
  • Video games are becoming part of treatment programs for a number of conditions, most prominently PTSD
    How do video games affect the brain?
zane dickey

My TED talk: 7 ways games reward the brain | Tom Chatfield - 1 views

  • Don’t have grades, for example:
  • you create a whole spectrum of larger and smaller objectives that help people take take ownership of their progress, and keep them feeling they are progressing and succeeding – as well as targeting particular sets of skills.
  • Don’t punish failure.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Rapid, clear, frequent feedback.
  • the one that couldn’t be predicted
    • zane dickey
      Point 7. What if it was also in the collaboration with others for GOOD....not just shooting and killing but actually fostering something great. Much of this I believe is framing.
    What do you think?
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