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Instant Findability on WordPress Search Engine - 0 views

  • search engine launched before a year, after the launch of the search engine the searches made on Wordpress search engine is innumber millions. Recently Wordpress announced an a significant update: instant findability. This feature allows searcher to view all latest related post with the feature "most recent results" available on the search page.
my mashable

Google Web Search Switch to new Ajax-Powered Search Results - 0 views

    Google recently tested a new interface for search results. The test didn't include any new feature and Google even loaded the standard search results page to display the results. An important notable change is the new format was that Google didn't load a new page to display the results and browsers didn't send proper referrals when clicking on search results.
my mashable

How to Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines - 0 views

    Search engine optimization doesn't have to be complicated. As long as you follow the instructions below, you can optimize your blog within 30 minutes.
my mashable

Add Google Search and AdSense to Your Mobile Website - 0 views

    Google search can be found integrated on tons of sites across the Web, including this one. Now, Google is extending that functionality to the mobile Web, where publishers can now integrate Google search and earn money on the revenue generated from clicks on mobile ads.
my mashable

TMI? TrueScoop Offers Free Public Record Search on Facebook - 0 views

    If you already think social networks give you a bit more information than you want about some people, TrueScoop's new Facebook application might make you cringe. It's completely free public records search, a service that lots of websites charge for, usually so potential employers can do background checks.
Mandy Burkard

Spific Search - 0 views

shared by Mandy Burkard on 01 Apr 09 - Cached
    great search engine
Jocelyn Ozolins

Sweet Search - 1 views

    vetted search engine specifically for students - highly recommended
    see also: for a links list that is very targeted, researched and organized.
Mandy Burkard

DocJax - Docs right everywhere !!! - 0 views

    search for doc's, pdf's, ect
my mashable

20 SEO Checklist for your Website in Searchmasters '09 - 0 views

    An SEO Checklist for your Website. These Search Engine Optimization tips are easy to achieve but can dramatically help increase traffic from Google to your website and also improve user experience at the same time.
Rebecca Buerkett

7 things social bookmarking - Google Search - 0 views

    General beginner article about social bookmarking
my mashable

Qapacity: A More Social Home for Your Small Business - 0 views

    If you're a small business or a one man/woman show, how are you promoting your business online? On the flip side, if you're looking for a consultant, photographer, or a web design company, where do you start your search?That's where Qapacity jumps in; they're hoping to be the middle-man for professionals and service seekers, adding a few unique touches to make the process painless on both sides.
my mashable

Intresting Quotes About Google by Twitter Users - 0 views

    We all know Google Inc. is an American public corporation, earning revenue from advertising related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing. But here is the intresting part, we know a lot about Google and about their products and services, In the screenshot let me show you what according to some intresting Twitter users Google is all about.
my mashable

"AwesomeBar" a Real Awesome About Firefox 3 - 0 views

    It's simple with the new "AwesomeBar" this is a completely revamped URL bar in firefox 3. it lets you use the URL field of your browser to do a keyword search of your history and bookmarks. No longer do you have to know the domain of the page you're looking for - the AwesomeBar will match what you're typing (even multiple words!) against the URLs, page titles, and tags in your bookmarks and history, returning results sorted by "frecency" (an algorithm combining frequency + recency).
my mashable

Amazon Says it's an Embarrassing, Ham-Fisted Cataloging Error - 0 views

    In response to nearly two days of angry online commentary, particularly on Twitter, said on Monday that "an embarrassing and ham-fisted cataloging error" had caused thousands of books on its site to lose their sales rankings and become harder to find in searches.
Kat Buturla

This one next... - 0 views

    This is a lot of fun to play with. And you can use it with students who are at a loss of what to read next - pretty accurate suggestions.
Bernadette Pasek

What constitues and open book exam in the digital age? - 1 views

    The issues of plagiarism and cheating when using internet tech in schools.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I really liked this article, because it seems to honestly address the questions without purporting to know all the answers. A professor friend of mine has calculated the amount of paper he has saved by going to digital testing, and it's significant, but there are the obvious downsides of realizing that some students are able to test well due to quick searching ability rather than because they actually know the subject matter. Careful time limits on the testing may be one partial answer to the problem - if there isn't time to look everything up and still complete the test, at least there's some assurance that some of the answers came straight from the student's knowledge base, but it's not the only or even an ideal answer. Thanks for posting this thought-provoking piece.
    Bernadette, this was a riveting article! As a HS teacher in a school where students are "not allowed to have electronics during the school day" (I put this in quotes because the kids can perform tiny miracles on their phones without ever taking them out of their pockets--or looking at them!), we are constantly plagued with this question. Merri, I like your idea of presenting a timed test, where students have free access to the Internet. In making the transition from paper to digital, there are many sacrifices to be made--perhaps time is one of them? Thanks, ladies!
    This is great! Thanks for sharing Bernadette... it is definitely something to think about
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