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Flashlight Worthy - Handpicked Book Recommendations - 0 views

    This is a great website of different kinds of lists of books. Helpful if you are trying to find just the right book for someone!
Melissa McElroy-Elve

Reading A-Z: The online guided reading program with downloadable books to print and ass... - 0 views

    This and its associated websites from Learning A-Z are great resources for setting where books at home or in the classroom need to be supplemented.
Mandy Burkard

Recorded Books K-12 - 0 views

    Recorded Books K-12-for the students that just don't want to read.
Bernadette Pasek

100 Feminist YA Books - 1 views

    A list of feminist friendly young adult books for the boys and girls and inner child in your life.
Cheryl Seymour

Straight Talk on Race: Challenging the Stereotypes in Kids' Books - 4/1/2009 - School L... - 0 views

    Great article that could help with collection development in school libraries. Also, a great way to assess if a book is appropriate for the school library collection.
Cheryl Seymour

Resources for Librarians - Center for Children's Books - 0 views

    Great resource for public and school librarians. Tips are give on what to do when a book in your library is challenged. The bibliography is very helpful and gives brief summaries about children's books. If you are interested in storytelling techniques this site has some useful tips.
Katie St. Laurent

Machines are the Easy Part... - 0 views

    Free e-book on technology integration in schools
Katie St. Laurent

What happens when there's advertising in books? « Kindle Review - Kindle 3 Re... - 0 views

    Provocative breakdown of the issues involved
Teena Lauth

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online - 0 views

    A place to catalog your books, magazine, anything you want.
Teena Lauth

Welcome to Shelfari! Read, Share, Explore! - Shelfari - 0 views

    This is another virtual sharing library, can be placed within a website and shows covers of books - great for school library page
    Social sharing library that can be embedded on site. Good for school library website.
Bernadette Pasek

What constitues and open book exam in the digital age? - 1 views

    The issues of plagiarism and cheating when using internet tech in schools.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I really liked this article, because it seems to honestly address the questions without purporting to know all the answers. A professor friend of mine has calculated the amount of paper he has saved by going to digital testing, and it's significant, but there are the obvious downsides of realizing that some students are able to test well due to quick searching ability rather than because they actually know the subject matter. Careful time limits on the testing may be one partial answer to the problem - if there isn't time to look everything up and still complete the test, at least there's some assurance that some of the answers came straight from the student's knowledge base, but it's not the only or even an ideal answer. Thanks for posting this thought-provoking piece.
    Bernadette, this was a riveting article! As a HS teacher in a school where students are "not allowed to have electronics during the school day" (I put this in quotes because the kids can perform tiny miracles on their phones without ever taking them out of their pockets--or looking at them!), we are constantly plagued with this question. Merri, I like your idea of presenting a timed test, where students have free access to the Internet. In making the transition from paper to digital, there are many sacrifices to be made--perhaps time is one of them? Thanks, ladies!
    This is great! Thanks for sharing Bernadette... it is definitely something to think about
my mashable

Amazon Says it's an Embarrassing, Ham-Fisted Cataloging Error - 0 views

    In response to nearly two days of angry online commentary, particularly on Twitter, said on Monday that "an embarrassing and ham-fisted cataloging error" had caused thousands of books on its site to lose their sales rankings and become harder to find in searches.
Jennifer Sullivan

untitled - 0 views

    Great NY Times article profiles model librarian in NYC school. Also talks realistically about our standing in today's economy.
    This is who we are...forget the stereotypes!
Gail Brisson

The Future of Reading - In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update - Series - - 0 views

    Looks like we both found this article valuable!

Kindle 2 To Launch Feb. 24; Twitterverse Weighs In - 2/9/2009 - Library Journal - 0 views

    Kindle 2 just came out today. Since some of us were having a converstation about it earlier, I thought I would share this with you all.
    A few Pro's and Con's of Kindle from a librarian perspective via those on twitter.
Rebecca Buerkett

Dashboard | Diigo - 0 views

    Various library bloggers have posted reviews of children's views.
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