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Cheryl Seymour

Education World ® Technology Center: Who's Talking Online? - 0 views

    The article is a great example of the debate surrounding the use of social networking in schools.
    Article discusses the controversy pertaining to whether schools should ban social networking sites or teach students how to use the sites appropriately.
Christina Evola

Welcome to RateMyTeachers | - 2 views

    Social networking tool that provides "feedback." enables parents and students to rate high school teachers on easiness, helpfulness and clarity.

Second Life (finally) gets a direct competitor: Multiverse - 0 views

  • The system and revenue model is markedly different from SL, however: instead of fostering user-created content in a single world, Multiverse is a network of worlds accessible by the client software. It comes with e-commerce tools built into the system, so developer’s can earn an income, while Multiverse makes money by taking a 10% cut of that revenue.
  • movie-to-MMO tie-ins are planned
  • famed MMO academic Ed Castronova is already using Multiverse to develop the education-oriented MMO Arden.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Second Life, which is still far from ideal as a platform for game development
    Multiverse client software helps users to create a network of other worlds; links to Hollywood may lead to movie tie-ins; Ed Castronova to develop the education MMO "Arden"
my mashable

TMI? TrueScoop Offers Free Public Record Search on Facebook - 0 views

    If you already think social networks give you a bit more information than you want about some people, TrueScoop's new Facebook application might make you cringe. It's completely free public records search, a service that lots of websites charge for, usually so potential employers can do background checks.
my mashable

3 Ways to Harness the Social - 0 views

    Social media allows for an immediate way to interact and engage with people and companies online. There are the obvious sites that allow for social networking, but social media done right can aspire to be so much more. We thought we'd highlight three notable Twiistup showoffs who are doing big things with social media.
colleen brind'amour - 0 views

    Social networking site for educators.
Alice Leach

TeachersFirst: The web resource by teachers, for teachers - 0 views

    Blogs, advice, and resources for teachers by teachers.
my mashable

Intresting Quotes About Google by Twitter Users - 0 views

    We all know Google Inc. is an American public corporation, earning revenue from advertising related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing. But here is the intresting part, we know a lot about Google and about their products and services, In the screenshot let me show you what according to some intresting Twitter users Google is all about.

Can I choose which Applications show up on my network? - 0 views

    someone shared this on twitter and I thought it would help as we are working on Nings this week.
my mashable

Facebook Clones Friendfeed's "Like" Feature - 0 views

    Facebook seems to get more similar to FriendFeed every day. The latest, the addition of an "I like this" link on News Feed items, is one of the more significant challenges to the lifestreaming service yet, as it essentially duplicates a major component of what makes FriendFeed tick - a simple, one-click display of indicating your liking of a specific item in a stream of activities and a view of all of the other people that have also liked it.
my mashable

5 Facebook Features We'd Like to See Integrated Into Mobiles - 0 views

    The Wall Street Journal claims that Facebook is talking to Nokia, but also Palm and other mobile phone manufacturers, trying to get a deal to better integrate Facebook's services into mobile phones.

YouTube - Networked Student - 0 views

    I'm sure some of you have seen this as I found it through our reading, but I thought it was worth sharing in the group.
Teena Lauth

The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte - 0 views

    Interview with the author of "Grown Up Digital" Don Tapscott. Technological trends in education, understanding the educational needs of kids today.
amerique wilson

social networking wiki - 3 views

socialnetworking libraries wiki

started by amerique wilson on 17 Feb 09 no follow-up yet
Angelic Wright

PBS Teachers Embraces Social Networking and Bookmarking Tools - 0 views

Basic conversations with teachers on Web 2.0 Technology

education technology

started by Angelic Wright on 13 Feb 11 no follow-up yet
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