The system and revenue model is markedly different from SL, however: instead of
fostering user-created content in a single world, Multiverse is a network of
worlds accessible by the client software. It comes with e-commerce tools built
into the system, so developer’s can earn an income, while Multiverse makes money
by taking a 10% cut of that revenue.
movie-to-MMO tie-ins are planned
famed MMO academic Ed
Castronova is already using Multiverse to develop the education-oriented MMO
Multiverse client software helps users to create a network of other worlds; links to Hollywood may lead to movie tie-ins; Ed Castronova to develop the education MMO "Arden"
Comprehensive journal including articles on how to use gaming in the classroom, detailed instructions on implementing certain technologies, policy and funding implications, and more. Something for everyone involved with education, IT, administration and management.
Global Kids--site has information about gaming in public schools and an innovative High School for Global Citizenship in Brooklyn, partially funded by the MacArthur Foundation
Resources and websites for a wide variety of educational needs - virtual field trips, classroom management techniques, games, ideas for commemorating holidays and events, etc.
Remember when you were young and you were tasked with the role of wagon leader and solely responsible for the fate of your fellow pioneers as you traversed the dangerous trail connecting Independence, Missouri to Oregon's Willamette Valley? If you're anything like me, you failed miserably at your duties, with settlers dying off faster than you could hunt and catch food. But very soon, you'll be able to redeem yourself.