Mobile first, cloud first: Nadella's new mantra | PCWorld - 1 views
“We have sort of talked about how our strategy going forward is about devices and services,” Nadella told Hauser and the Webcast audience. “And I’ve said this in my email: This business of ours is exciting, because we don’t really respect tradition and what we’ve done in the past; it’s really about innovation, and looking forward. And for us what is going to define Microsoft going forward is a mobile first, cloud first world.
iamchongd on 10 May 15The main, new strategy of Microsoft under Nadella.
Nadella emphasized the "mobile first, cloud first," phrasing on a couple of different occasions. Presumably, it's his own spin on personal devices connected to the cloud—another way of phrasing "devices and services."
Nadella emphasized the "mobile first, cloud first," phrasing on a couple of different occasions. Presumably, it's his own spin on personal devices connected to the cloud—another way of phrasing "devices and services."
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