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Brett Lowey

Google's Self-Driving Cars: 300,000 Miles Logged, Not a Single Accident Under Computer Control - Rebecca J. Rosen - The Atlantic - 1 views

Trevor Sweetland

The Secret Government Laser That Instantly Knows Everything About You - 1 views

  • a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 50 meters away
  • From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body
  • Their plan is to install this molecular-level scanning in airports and border crossings all across the United States.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • quickly identify explosives, dangerous chemicals, or bioweapons at a distance
  • ten million times faster—and one million times more sensitive—than any currently available system
  • can be used systematically on everyone passing through airport security
  • penetrate clothing and many other organic materials and offers spectroscopic information, especially for materials that impact safety such as explosives and pharmacological substances.
  • incredible biomedical and industrial applications
  • easily transported for use in many environments
  • molecular-level feedback at distances of up to 50 meters in just picoseconds
  • attached to a computer running a program that will show the information in real time
  • you might start seeing them in airports as soon as 2013
Trevor Sweetland

Beware, Tech Abandoners. People Without Facebook Accounts Are 'Suspicious.' - Forbes - 1 views

  • mass murderers Anders Breivik and James Holmes both lacked much of a social media presence
  • a missing Facebook account raises red flags
  • The idea that a Facebook resister is a potential mass murderer, flaky employee, and/or person who struggles with fidelity is obviously flawed
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • increasingly, it’s expected that everyone is on Facebook in some capacity
  • job seekers and employers wonder aloud about what it means if a job candidate doesn’t have a Facebook account
Brant Bobby

iOS 8 uses randomized MAC addresses when scanning for Wi-Fi networks - 2 views

    Yay privacy!
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