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Paul Everton

Nine Inch Nails New Album Finished, Out This Year | News | Pitchfork - 1 views

    , full-length Nine Inch Nails record, which I am happy to say is finished and frankly fucking great. This is the real impetus and motivation behind the decision to assem
Paul Everton

Ben Affleck Is the New Batman - 1 views

    Ben Affleck will star as the new Batman, according to Warner Bros. More to come...
Melissa Kendall

Sony beefs up FE lens lineup with 4 new optics, including Zeiss 35mm f/1.4, lens conver... - 1 views

    One of the big complaints aimed towards Sony's popular A7-series of full-frame mirrorless cameras is the lack of a robust native lens lineup. In a concerted effort to stem that tide, Sony continues to expand their FE lineup with the introduction of four new FE lenses, including their first f/1.4 lens for the FE-mount, a Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 optic.
Paul Everton

Hacker News - 1 views

Chris Ventura

New Nexus 7 up for pre-order at Best Buy with Android 4.3 and $229.99 starting price - 1 views

    Best Buy leaks the new Nexus 7.
Melissa Kendall

Firefox 36 Adds HTTP/2 Support and Pinned Tile Syncing - 1 views

    Mozilla has released version 36 of open-source desktop browser Firefox. The update's biggest change is support for the newly-released HTTP/2 standard. Other new features include syncing for pinned tiles on new tab pages and the addition of localization for the Uzbek language. The new version of the browser will no longer accept certificates signed with 1024-bit RSA keys.
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