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Melissa Kendall

Dirty Markup · Tidy and Beautify your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code - 1 views

    Cleans up HTML/CSS/Javascript I've seen many of these in the past, this one seems to work quite well.
Melissa Kendall

Looking for a better JavaScript unit test tool - Stack Overflow - 1 views

    A discussion of the Pros/Cons of unit testing in JS
Jonathan Gilbert

You Can't JavaScript Under Pressure! - 1 views

    How long will it take you to write five JavaScript functions? My time was 3 minutes, 9 seconds. I was held up in the last one because I couldn't remember off the top of my head how to identify an array. I was using the typeof operator instead of Object.prototype.toString :-)
    The ending video is pretty epic. :-)

John Resig - Asm.js: The JavaScript Compile Target - 2 views

    Like many developers I've been excited by the promise of Asm.js. Reading the recent news that Asm.js is now in Firefox nightly is what got my interest going. There's also been a massive surge in interest after Mozilla and Epic announced ( mirror) that they had ported Unreal Engine 3 to Asm.js - and that it ran really well.
Paul Everton

FightCode - Killing Robots for Fun - 1 views

shared by Paul Everton on 22 Mar 13 - No Cached
    Code robots in javascript and watch them fight.
Paul Everton

A List of Programming Screencast Series - 1 views

    Since I publish a screencast series, I'm curious what other programming screencasts people watch. So I asked around. Here's the list, based on feedback as well as my own bookmarks. Railscasts - Ruby on Rails Destroy all Software - Ruby, Python, Unix, software design. Code School - Ruby, Rails, iOS, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, etc.
Melissa Kendall

Goal Stacker - A task motivator focused on what you can do today. - 1 views

    Awesome Goal tracking. Tempted to use it fro the time tracking feature
Paul Everton

CodeCombat: Multiplayer Programming - 1 views

shared by Paul Everton on 24 Oct 13 - No Cached
    Learn programming with a multiplayer live coding strategy game. You're a wizard, and your spells are JavaScript. Free HTML5 game!
Melissa Kendall

Breach - A browser for the HTML5 era - 3 views

    Everything in the browser is a module, a web-app running in its own process. Construct your own browsing experience by selecting the right modules for you.
Melissa Kendall

A sneak peek at the radically new Angular 2.0 - JAXenter - 1 views

    Details have emerged about the next major release of Angular - which is making some pretty major changes.
    ([ng-flip=(╯°□°)╯︵ (table) ┻━┻])
Chris Ventura

Winnipeg.js Event - 5 views

    The Winnipeg.js group is having an event at Canadian Tire's sweet new data centre. Apparently the folks at the data centre have been planning to help build the user group community in the city.
Brant Bobby

ComcastifyJS by theonion - 1 views

    With all this internet going around, sometimes you just want to experience the thrill of a long page load. Give your users the chance to enjoy a little slice of the future by slow loading your website's images with ComcastifyJS!
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