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Rick West

Starting a Tenure Box - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    Excellent advice on how to start early on gathering the information you'll need for a tenure dossier. Good for those going into academia
Rick West

My First Semester on the Tenure Track - Do Your Job Better - The Chronicle of Higher Ed... - 0 views

    This is a pretty accurate description of the difficulties of the beginning of a tenure track job. It does get better!
Rick West

'But Does It Count?' - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    how does service count towards tenure?
Rick West

Good Deeds That Are Most Punished, Part 3: Research - Manage Your Career - The Chronicl... - 0 views

    good advice on organizing your time around what's important.
Rick West

Graduate School Is a Means to a Job - Manage Your Career - The Chronicle of Higher Educ... - 0 views

  • If offered the option of writing a master's thesis, seriously consider taking it, as it can form the core of your first refereed journal article. Plan out a publishing trajectory to ensure that you have at least one sole-authored refereed journal article before you defend your dissertation.
  • Attend every job talk in your department and affiliated departments religiously. It matters not if those talks are in your field or subfield.
  • Take every opportunity available to present your work publicly.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Make your mistakes in graduate school, where the stakes are low, so that you are a master of the podium when the stakes are high.
  • apply annually to present a paper at your national conference
  • Cultivate a letter writer who is not from your Ph.D.-granting institution.
  • Write your dissertation with an eye to the publications that it will become
  • You must publish enough to get a job without prematurely exhausting your supply of material you will need for tenure.
  • Remember that the best dissertation is a finished dissertation.
  • Do what it takes to satisfy your committee and finish.
  • Be the sole instructor of at least one course
  • Go on the market while A.B.D. because you want to make your worst mistakes while you still have a year of financial support from your home department. Most people who prevail on the market need at least two years to do so.
    An academic career counselor talks about the job search process
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