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John Evans

Technology Integration for Math Engagement » iPad Integration in the Classroom - Training Session - 1 views

    "Today, provided a new venture in the field of technology integration for me, as I was granted the opportunity to lead a staff development training on iPads. As I look back, I now see how I was roped into this position. Here is the short version: "Dan, could you use a set of 20 iPads in your math classroom?" My response, "Absolutely, thank you!" Response back a few months later, "Okay, you got them…by the way would you lead an iPad training?""
John Evans

iPaddiction: iPad Camera & YouTube Becomes Great Tool For Sharing Revolutionary War - 1 views

    "The iPad camera integrated with our YouTube channel has TRULY been an integral digital tool in our learning environment. We have been all about "telling the story" of U.S. history. Over the last two days, our students have acted out major events from the Revolutionary War. We used a script written in Google Docs and shared on the iPad as our play script along with numerous camera persons to capture the story and discover the learning."
Mark Kabbbash

Connect with friends using an iPhone GPS app contact locator system called iLOCi2. - View Message - 0 views

    develops and integrates 2-way GPS people finding technologies that seamlessly integrate with consumer products and enterprise applications. The company, utilizing the miniaturized global positioning system (GPS) tracking and cellular location technology, offers a GPS and cellular location platform that enables subscribers to track in real time the whereabouts of people, pets, or high valued assets through its customizable transceiver module, wireless connectivity gateway, middleware, and viewing portal.
Dean Mantz

iPads in the Classroom: Integration Matters | Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning - 14 views

    Joshua A. Danish says it takes a village to effectively integrate new technologies such as the iPad into elementary classrooms. As we reported recently, some school districts are investing in iPad2 touchpad tablets in kindergarten classrooms. In an opinion piece published in the Indianapolis Star, Indiana University assistant professor Joshua A. Danish says that though tablets such as the iPad have potential to be a powerful tool for teaching and learning, educators shouldn't jump the gun.
John Evans

Six Examples of iPad Integration in the 1:1 Classroom | Edutopia - 1 views

  • 6) Digital Literacy by Andy Marcinek (@AndyCinek on Twitter) Objective: Demonstrate what you have learned throughout this class. Consider the Google Zeitgeist 2011 video we watched prior to break. It should work as a demonstration of what you learned as opposed to a retelling of applications and ideas you learned. NOTE: I'm not looking for a PowerPoint presentation. Requirements: Creatively show what you have learned from the course. You may want to demonstrate how you will use these skills in the future. You may want to highlight one application or multiple applications that appeal to you. You may want to present on a specific subject such as digital health and wellness, digital identity, social media, privacy or creative commons. You may want to create something entirely new using the applications and ideas you gleaned from this course. You may want to create a movie trailer for this course. You may want to create a documentary about this course. Or, you may want to do something completely different. Grading: You will be graded on your ability to clearly demonstrate to an audience your learning over the past few weeks. I will be looking for the following items in your final work: Creativity Engagement Understanding Proficiency Presentation Participation (in class) Examples: Google Zeitgeist Video 2011 Educational Technology Course Projects from - Dr. Alec Couros Joe Sabia: The Technology of Storytelling Presentations and demonstrations will begin on January 11th and conclude on January 13th. STUDENT WORK LINK:
    "At Burlington High School in Burlington, MA, we are entering our eighth month of a 1:1 iPad initiative that began in September 2011. Don't get me wrong, we think the iPad is a great device for learning and gives each of our students a dynamic learning tool that can be used across the content areas and to accomplish a variety of tasks. Many of the critics claim that we are backing our students into a corner by giving them one brand and one skill set to learn exclusively on one device. This is not the case at Burlington. Furthermore, I have support. "
    A showcase of assignments used with iPads in a 1:1 program.
Debora Gomez

Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many | Edutopia - 5 views

    • Debora Gomez
      Effective teaching with technology integration to engage students
  • technology tools and a project-learning approach, students are more likely to stay engaged and on task, reducing behavioral problems in the classroom.
John Evans

Integrating the iPad/iPhone/iPod into your classroom - literally with Marco Torres | Miss Spink On Tech - 5 views

    "As a result of today's workshop, I thought I would share some of the apps and ideas that were discussed. Some, I had heard about but never tried and there were also lots of new ones. The focus was on students using most of these apps to create- not just regurgitate information or play drill and practise games."
Mu He

Apps Continue to Define the Mobile Marketplace - 2 views

  • Three years ago, we knew nothing about apps, and now they’re an integral part of our daily lives. Mobile gaming was virtually unheard of, except for a few iterations of solitaire. Now we can play PC quality games like Infinity Blade and Call of Duty right on our phones and tablets.
     Three years ago, we knew nothing about apps, and now they're an integral part of our daily lives. Mobile gaming was virtually unheard of, except for a few iterations of solitaire. Now we can play PC quality games like Infinity Blade and Call of Duty right on our phones and tablets.
Dean Mantz

Apps in Education: So what's on the iPad for the kid in your class with a Hearing Impairment? - 2 views

  • There are many students with hearing loss that are integrated into mainstream schooling. These students struggle with the day to day situations that we simply take for granted or do not really have a full appreciation of. 
    There are many students with hearing loss that are integrated into mainstream schooling. These students struggle with the day to day situations that we simply take for granted or do not really have a full appreciation of.  Are there apps available to give these kids a leg up?  The simple answer is YES. These apps have been sourced as one way that the technology integration that happens in your room may be shared with all your students. These are apps that your hearing impaired students could use to make their everyday school live a little easier.
John Evans

A Startling Real-World Account of iPad Integration | Edudemic - 7 views

    "What if your school had the means to purchase a piece of education technology for your classroom? What would you pick? Given the choice, a school in the UK went right for the iPad (as you probably guessed from the title of this article). Why did they pick iPads? Because that's what the students, faculty, staff, and parents all wanted to as fast as possible. They had the option to have netbooks, laptops, and other education technology but it was iPads all the way."
John Evans

18 Snapshots Of iPad Integration | TeachThought - 9 views

    "More than 600 school districts in America have brought iPads into the classroom. Had they waited a bit longer, they could have taken advantage of studies like these to know whether the iPad movement is the wave of the future of education, or a waste of valuable resources."
John Evans

Technology Integration for Math Engagement » Math Stations and Screencasting on the iPad - 1 views

    "We started our math station activities today. How these look will vary throughout the year; today they were able to 'move' from activity to activity while staying at their own table. The first two stations provided students with directions on how to finish two different projects that we had started previously."
John Evans

How is the iPad being used around the U.S.? | Nearpod - 12 views

    "Technology is changing many of our everyday lives' aspects. It is almost impossible to find someone who does not have a technological device that they use daily. The iPad is undoubtedly the most popular among Americans. Its benefits (quick and easy access to the Internet, portability, and applications for almost anything that you can think of) are facilitating its adoption and integration into almost every field of study and work. This infographic shows the state of iPad usage in the U.S., focusing on the Educational field, which is currently the one who is adopting mobile devices at the fastest pace. It was made using statistics from a 3-month period ending June 2012. "
John Evans

30+ Free Apps for Celebrating & Learning About December Holidays : Teacher Reboot Camp - 12 views

    "Tis the season to be jolly, especially with the newest interactive and multimedia apps available to celebrate. Children, adolescents, and teens can create very meaningful gifts for friends and family members or get into the holiday spirit by using the suggested apps below. The apps are very easy to use, often free, and have various multimedia options. These apps integrate images, audio, text, video and extras."
John Evans

5 Tips For Making The Most Out Of The Notes App [iOS] - 1 views

    "In any application round-up - mobile or otherwise - about work, education or GTD, you'll see the most advanced conglomeration of note-taking applications. Often, the applications already present on the operating system are ignored. Likely, this is because these applications generally don't amount to much. However, on Apple products, they do. The Notes application that was already available on iOS systems like the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, can these days also be found as an integral part of the Mac OS X operating system."
John Evans

iPadU: Slide to Unlock Learning - 1 views

    "On July 11 and 12, 2013, Grant Wood AEA will be hosting a conference to celebrate and expand upon innovative classroom integration strategies for the iPad. Join us for two days for workshops that will guarantee exciting, hands-on learning experiences that you can use to enhance teaching and learning in a K-12 classroom."
John Evans

iPad Built In Text to Speech: Speak Selection « - 9 views

    "A very techno-skilled young teacher, Lindsay, was in a session with me on Friday. I could tell pretty quickly that she is keen on learning and has a lot of iPad expertise. During a discussion on uses for Dragon Dictation (an app that converts voice to text), Lindsay shared the speak selection feature of iOS as a complimentary technology. Great! I had never thought of tying dragon dictation to the voice over feature of the iPad before to give you a fully integrated speech-to-text-to-speech again experience."
John Evans

iPads at Burley: Interactive Anchor Charts - 8 views

    "A while back I wrote a post about two great resources for math instructional videos. I enjoy exposing kids to these instructional videos because it gives them the opportunity to hear other teachers and students explain things. After much hemming and hawing I've found a way to easily and quickly make and integrate my own videos into my classroom. "
John Evans

STEM iPad Priorities - DEN Blog Network - 5 views

    "As we strive to integrate 21st C STEM learning, there are a few Apps that I find specifically related to building a strong STEM App Foundation."
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