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Manage Projects Like A Pro On Your iPad [Feature] | Cult of Mac - 2 views

    "here are tons of ways to manage business, school, and home projects. Tracking things like timelines and schedules, resources like people, materials and tools, and keeping it all in an easily read format is quite the challenge, however. We took a look at three different types of software for managing projects on the iPad, starting with the powerful (and premium priced) OmniPlan for iPad. We also took a quick look at iScope, a less expensive yet unique piece of software for managing projects with a more personal feel, as well as the free Wunderlist, a great and free app for just managing tasks."

Your Perfect Solution For Sharing Student iPad Projects | - 22 views

    "There is an ever growing number of teachers and students using iPads for creation projects. Little by little, people are understanding that the iPad is not just a consumption device for reading emails, watching YouTube and checking FaceBook and Twitter. The iPad is a powerful creation device. But an issue arose during the year at my school: How does one share large student videos and other projects with parents? Read ahead to find out."

iPads in Primary Education: Case Study Part 2: How the use of the iPad changed the peda... - 7 views

    "This blog post is going to examine how the iPad was used to improve the pedagogy of a Design & Technology project and allow child initiated learning by motivating the children to discover new skills and knowledge through project based learning. "

Gibbon Fairfax Winthrop HS's iPad Initiative - 3 views

    This is the second year of the GFW High School One-to-One iPad Initiative where every GFW High School student has access to an iPad tablet to use in their classes. Students can use their iPad: -as an organizational tool to track assignments, homework and class projects. -to access the internet to research information needed for class projects. -to create on-line presentations -to word process class papers and projects -to run a variety of applications to enhance their learning experience in class -to read electronic books, tests, newspapers and magazines

Tony Vincent's Learning in Hand - Project-Based Learning at Mobile2012 - 0 views

    "In project-based learning, students work over an extended period of time answering a driving question. The question is so deep that it requires students to create a project to share their findings with others."

Project Noah - 12 views

  • Project Noah is a tool to explore and document wildlife and a platform to harness the power of citizen scientists everywhere.
    Project Noah is a tool to explore and document wildlife and a platform to harness the power of citizen scientists everywhere.  The app is pretty intuitive and turns a smartphone into a scientific tool that takes advantage of the metadata that the phone can track as well as it's ability to gather digital image, audio, and text data. 

Tips2012: Teachers' Voices #1: Richard's iStory | TPACK iPad Project In Schools (TIPS) - 6 views

    "An exciting new feature on the TPACK iPad Project is "Teachers' Voices", featuring teachers` stories and experiences with iPads in education."

New option in the world of Pressure Sensitive Stylus for iPad | iGo With My iPad - 4 views

    "Over on Kickstarter is the Jaja iPad Pressure Sensitive Stylus. The project name is 'Worlds First' which we can't say for certain if they beat Adonit in the design release. While Adonit is showing theirs at shows, Jaja is stating they should have a finished product shipping in April. Jaja has hit their requested money so the project will get funded and the stylus should get built. We want these pens so we hope everyone ships on time!"

Creative APP-titude: iPad Multimedia Tools for Creativitity - 7 views

    "This presentation gives an overview of apps that can be used in the classroom to develop creative learning projects. Drawing, photography, audio recording, and movie making apps are shared along with examples of student projects in a variety of subject areas. "

Woodworking Goes High-Tech with New Woodcraft iPad App | PadGadget - 10 views

    "This is where the new Woodcraft app comes in, allowing you to not only design your next woodworking project but also create a bill of materials, plan for the tools you will need to use and visualize your project as well as carry it through to the finished product."

iProcrastinate - 0 views

    iProcrastinate Mobile, in a nutshell, is a killer homework/task management app for the iPhone. Whether you're a student who needs help keeping track of projects, homework, and exams, a member of the bustling workforce who needs help managing meetings, projects, and TPS reports, or just someone who needs to get a stronger grasp on your schedule, iProcrastinate Mobile is what you've been looking for.

Our iMovie Project - Just iPadding Along - 8 views

    "In DigiDesign club at the end of last term, ten of our Grade 6s were tasked with creating marketing videos for our school. They had to plan their videos by brainstorming ideas with Popplet and then they had to film the video of our school and use iMovie to edit and create the final videos - all on the iPads!"

Pump-Up Your iPad's Volume with this Easy DIY Project | PadGadget - 10 views

    "Even the maximum volume on the iPad can sometimes seem a little quiet, which has prompted many of us to perform thet tried-and-true 'cup your hand over the speaker' trick that gets us a little more sound -which works really well for a quick video clip but isn't terribly practical or comfortable for more than a few seconds."

Wireless Projection with an AppleTV and a VGA Projector at - 12 views

    "This is great if you have an HDTV, but most classrooms do not. This is where the HP HDMI to VGA converter comes in. "
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