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Belinda Recio

New Dream Symbolism & Creativity App - 12 views

This fall I released my first iPhone/iPad app, called "In Your Dreams." The app is based on my previously published (Bulfinch/Little Brown, 2001) book and card set on dream symbolism, "Box of Dream...

dreams symbolism journal creativity reference digital art

started by Belinda Recio on 16 Dec 10 no follow-up yet
John Evans

Type the Degree Symbol in iOS with a Tap & Hold on the 0 Key - 4 views

    "Ever wondered how to type the degree symbol on the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch virtual keyboard? Me too!"
Belinda Recio

I just released my first iPhone/iPad app, called "In Your Dreams." - 1 views

Hope it's okay to tell the group? The app is based on my previously published (Bulfinch/Little Brown, 2001) book and card set on dream symbolism, "Box of Dreams." In Your Dreams App Every night...

iPad Dreams Interpretation Illustrated Journal Symbols Dictionary Creativity

started by Belinda Recio on 16 Nov 10 no follow-up yet
Kathleen N

Products - 0 views

    This price point should be possible on the iTouch as well. iAugComm V1.0.0 $4.99 iDEAL Group's Augmentative Communication application is designed to enhance the communications abilities of people who are unable to speak. iAugComm provides a symbol-based method of communication that uses the Text-To-Speech (TTS) library for Android. Google Android is a free software platform and operating system for mobile devices.
    iAugComm V1.0.0 $4.99 iDEAL Group's Augmentative Communication application is designed to enhance the communications abilities of people who are unable to speak. iAugComm provides a symbol-based method of communication that uses the Text-To-Speech (TTS) library for Android. Google Android is a free software platform and operating system for mobile devices.
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