iear - Volume Purchasing Program -Step By Step Instructions - 22 views
iApp Purchases - 27 views
An alert:
New Dream Symbolism & Creativity App - 12 views
This fall I released my first iPhone/iPad app, called "In Your Dreams." The app is based on my previously published (Bulfinch/Little Brown, 2001) book and card set on dream symbolism, "Box of Dream...
Qik iPhone & iPhone 3G Video Streaming | - 0 views
a great, free alternative to purchasing an app or hijacking your iphone to stream video.
Qik is a homebrew 3rd party native App that can be install via Cydia under the 'Multimedia' category. It ties in with their free video web service that you need to register for. all you do is open Qik press record and it will start streaming live audio and video from your iPhone to your Qik account where it can be viewed from anywhere in the world. You can obviously select whether a video is publicly viewable or not.
10 Things You Never Knew You Could Do On Your iPad: Apple News, Tips and Revi... - 13 views
Enable Multitasking Gestures When Apple released Xcode 4 to the Mac App Store, it also exposed the ability for anyone to enable the multitasking gestures on the iPad. Once enabled, you can use five fingers to swipe up and down to reveal the multitask bar, left and right to navigate through open Apps on the multitasking bar. You can also perform a five finger pinch to close the App you are in and return to the home screen. To enable multitasking gestures, you must first purchase Xcode 4 from the Mac App Store ($4.99) or simply download it from the Apple Developer Connection (ADC) if you are already a member. Then launch Xcode 4 and select the Organizer tool from the Window menu (or click Shift+Command+2). Attach the iPad to your Mac and click on the enable development button. Log on the the ADC and click through the error messages if they are presented. Finally, on the iPad go to the General setting in the Settings App and you will notice a new setting near the bottom labels “Multitasking Gestures”.
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