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Bernie Rummonds

The 21st Century Principal: Top iPad Apps for School Administrators - 4 views

    "Top iPad Apps for School Administrators Any technology device is only as good as the software installed on it. Combined with desktop access and Android phone access, I am able to use these applications just about anywhere. These are my iPad application recommendations to administrators."
John Evans

Apps for Administrators: a start - 14 views

    "Recently our administrators were given iPads to use in order to increase efficiency. After soliciting my PLN and doing some hands-on research I have compiled a 'getting started' app list. Here are the apps I encourage you to check out if you are just getting started with using your ipad."
Fred Delventhal

21st Century Walkthrough - 18 views

    Google Forms + iPads, iPods, and iPhones + Administrators via
Bruce Huddleson

iPad Resources for Administrators - 10 views

    Collection of iPad apps for administrators compiled on this site by Mid-Hudson Regional Information Center. 
John Evans

Keeper App Review | Teaching Table - 12 views

    "Today's app review is about Keeper - an app for securely storing and accessing your private information and passwords. Keeper takes the frustration out of having to remember tons of passwords for different websites, and as I've found out, makes quickly accessing different educational and administrative websites a breeze."
John Evans

The complete 1-to-1 laptop or iPad pre-deployment survey | Technology with Intention - 7 views

    "Last Thursday was a great day of professional development as 30 educators from around the Northwest visited Westside's iPad Open House. This was an opportunity for IT directors, teachers and administrators to see students in action and learn about the process of deploying a 1-to-1 iPad program."
John Evans

AirPlay Direct Could Be The Best Business And Classroom Presentation Tool Ever | Cult o... - 0 views

    "If Apple does announce AirPlay Direct, a new version of AirPlay that doesn't require a Wi-Fi network, the company will have made the lives of business travelers, trainers, and educators even easier. It will probably also make network administrators in both business and education a bit happier as well."
John Evans

iPad Diaries Part 2: Classroom Management of iPads - Holt Think: Ed, Creativity, Tech, ... - 0 views

    "In our district, we have not purchased enough iPads for a true 1:1 initiative. Therefore, we need to treat the campus iPads a little differently than if each student had one all the time. "
John Evans

Schools Say: iPads Motivate Kids to Learn | Cult of Mac - 3 views

    "Administrators say the iPads serve not only as a teaching tool, but as a motivator. Staff tells a story of a student who told his parent he "had to go to school" because he knew it was iPad day in one of his classes."
John Evans

Around the #iPad Cornucopia - Podcast Wisdom from 4 Tx Schools - 2 views

    "Thanks to a moment in time--February, 2012--chief technology officers from several districts presented at two concurrent events, TCEA 2012 System Administrator Academy and Texas Chief Technology Officers (CTO) 2012 Winter Meeting. With the help of a colleague, the audio recordings from those presentations are available as a podcast series!"

iPads in the Classroom - 3 views

    Welcome to the BGMS Ipad Instructional Integration blog: Thirty iPads, nine teachers, two administrators and 400 students. Bronx Green Middle School, New York
Mu He

100+ iPad Apps Perfect for High School/Middle School - 16 views

  • If you’re a student, teacher, or administrator at a high school looking into adopting iPads for educational purposes, it’s important to know that the iPad is more than just an easy way to browse the web or visit the app store. Edudemic has published three featured articles on the best iPad apps for the classroom over the last month or so. These are invaluable lists for educators, students and parents. These apps obviously overlap but I thought it might be a good idea to put a link to all three of these articles for those people that share one ipad for multiple users.
    " 65+ iPad Apps Perfect For Elementary School"
John Evans

Teaching like it's 2999: First Time Syncing with the Bretford PowerSync Cart - 4 views

    "Syncing 1 iPad may seem like a piece of cake, but setting up folders, restrictions, web links, and iTunes settings on 30 iPads? Not so cake-like."
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

itouchthefuture [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Apps for Every School Leader t... - 9 views

    "When properly configured, tablet devices like the iPad are great tools for school leaders. There are all kinds of productivity and utility apps that can be used to streamline tasks and help leaders make better use of their valuable time and resources."
    "When properly configured, tablet devices like the iPad are great tools for school leaders. There are all kinds of productivity and utility apps that can be used to streamline tasks and help leaders make better use of their valuable time and resources. Use the links on this page to explore the possibilities. "
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