The Mobile Native: 50 Shades of Mobile - 6 views
'Appy kids making big bucks - 3 views
Formative Feedback for Learning app - 1 views
7 iPhone and iPad apps for business that have just been made free - News - Real Estate,... - 12 views
"As a business professional, you may be looking for ways to cut back on your budget while still maintaining productivity and effectiveness. It doesn't matter in which industry you work; there are simple ways to accomplish your goals while staying within your budget. Here are seven iPhone and iPad apps that once cost from $0.99 to nearly $43 but are now free:"
iPhone 3G S has been unlocked - 0 views
Who needs a key? IPhone app unlocks and starts car - - 5 views
The Viper SmartStart is the latest example of automotive electronics functions migrating into Apple iPhone and other smartphones,
A California company Tuesday will announce an iPhone application and car receiver that will enable users to lock, unlock and remotely start their car with the phone rather than the car's key fob.
A California company Tuesday will announce an iPhone application and car receiver that will enable users to lock, unlock and remotely start their car with the phone rather than the car's key fob.
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