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John Evans

An Infographic Guide to Google Apps for the iPad - Shake Up Learning - 35 views

    "Using Google Apps on the iPad can get sticky! Historically, Google and the iPad have not played well together. But we have come a long way in the last couple years! There are now tons of apps for iOS devices that integrate well with Google, and Google has release several official apps for the iPad. There is hope, Obi Wan, Google and Apple can play nice! The infographic embedded below details the most useful Google apps for the iPad. These are the apps that I find most useful not only for teachers, but any Google user. Take a look, download, and explore the wonderful possibilities of using Google Apps on the iPad! (Note: There are a few apps that were designed for the iPhone, but worth mentioning for the iPad as well.)"
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: A Nice Primer on Google Apps for the iPad - 12 views

    "Google Apps for the iPad is a small site built by Google Certified Teacher Jill Galloway. The site addresses a lot of common questions about using Google Apps on iPads. Additionally, you will find some helpful tips for first time users of Google Apps on iPads. If you're just getting started using an iPad, Google Apps for iPad is a good reference to look at."
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

How Do You Find Good Educational Apps? | MindShift - 11 views

    "There are a lot of amazing new educational apps out there, whether you're looking for native apps or Web apps, apps for your mobile phone, for your tablet, or for your laptop. There a number of app stores too where you can find and download them: Apple's iTunes and its Mac App Store, the Amazon Appstore, Google's Android Market, the Chrome Web Store, the Google Apps Marketplace, GetJar, and so on."
John Evans

Cautionary Apps: Episode 9 « techchef4u - 6 views

    "This is a supplement to "Appy Hours 4 You" Blog Talk Radio Show: Episode 9 - "Cautionary Apps". In this episode we were joined by Susan Reeves (App-tastic ITS and Google Certified Teacher). Our topic was cautionary apps: how to review apps, where to find the best apps, and the pedagogical practices behind selecting appropriate apps for classroom use. We also shared a specific list of cautionary edu apps and how teachers can avoid or better prepare instruction around these selections by previewing and preselecting content."
John Evans

A List of Great Google Apps for your iPad - 15 views

    "So you are looking fog Google best apps for iOS ? Well you landed in the right place. I have just finished compiling and reviewing a bunch of Google apps that you can use on your iPad. All of these apps work perfectly well and can have some educational value as well."
John Evans

PadGadget Weekly App Series - Best Productivity Apps for iPad Owners | PadGadget - 4 views

    "For today's Weekly App Series we've found eight great apps to add to your iPad collection. We have included eight productivity apps in this week's bundle. Our editorial team goes through the data, picks the best and most interesting apps and then brings them to you on a regular basis."
John Evans

PadGadget Weekly App Series - Medical Apps | PadGadget - 4 views

    "For today's Weekly App Series we've found great apps to add to your iPad collection. We have included six essential medical apps in this week's bundle. Our editorial team goes through the data, picks the best and most interesting apps and then brings them to you on a regular basis."
John Evans

Google Drive iPad App - Why Did They Even Bother? - iPad Insight - 1 views

    "The Google Drive app for iPad and iOS was released last week. In my post about the release of Google Drive and Chrome for iPad I spoke too soon, in saying that it was good to see that both these apps have proper iPad versions."
John Evans

PadGadget Weekly Apps Series - Apps for College Students | PadGadget - 0 views

    "For today's Weekly App Series we've found great apps to add to your iPad collection. We have included five essential apps for college students in this week's bundle. Our editorial team goes through the data, picks the best and most interesting apps and then brings them to you on a regular basis."
John Evans

PadGadget Weekly App Series - Apps for Staying Healthy | PadGadget - 2 views

    "For today's Weekly App Series we've found eight great apps to add to your iPad collection. We have included eight apps for staying healthy in this week's bundle. Our editorial team goes through the data, picks the best and most interesting apps and then brings them to you on a regular basis."
John Evans

Hands On With Google+ for iOS - 7 views

    "iPad owners who are fans of Google+ got some good news today, as Google released the universal binary for its iOS app, making an iPad version something better than just a Web interface or a x2 iPhone app. So we thought we'd go hands on with the new software to see what it has going on."
John Evans

PadGadget Weekly App Series - Holiday Baking Apps | PadGadget - 3 views

    "For today's Weekly App Series we've found eight great apps to add to your iPad collection. We have included these eight apps to help you find the best holiday baking recipes in this week's bundle. Our editorial team goes through the data, picks the best and most interesting apps and then brings them to you on a regular basis."
Gary Thackrah

IOS App Development in Melbourne - Australia - 0 views

    gSoft Production Media, a Melbourne, based App Development Company. We can turn your ideas into powerful marketing tools or lucrative apps in Apple's App Store or the Google Android Market. We offer top-of-the-line app development  services for iPhone, iPad and Android platforms.
John Evans

Mr. Reader: RSS With a Mustache | iPad.AppStorm - 1 views

    "Mr. Reader is one of the apps that syncs with Google Reader and has become my RSS app of choice on my iPad. The app is a full featured RSS app with abilities to add subscriptions, manage subscriptions, and share content across several services. The app also brings in unique features such as creating themes and different ways to mark items as read to make it stand out from the crowd. "
John Evans

Google releases updated photo enhancement app SnapSeed, Free with new filters too | iGo... - 4 views

    "We have talked about the photo enhancement Universal app SnapSeed before. The free photo tuning app offers the features of the higher end photo editing apps with a nice finger interface. Import a image, choose what you want to do to the image, move your finger up/down to choose which tool to use, then a left/right swipe to adjust the amount of the effect to apply. A particularly nice feature SnapSeed provides is pinpoint tuning. For example, lighten just a single spot of an image rather than applying a full image filter."
Adam Mills

Apple rep says AT&T responsible for Google Voice app rejection - 0 views

    The saga between Google Voice, Apple and AT&T continues. Today, a chat transcript emerged that seems to pin blame on AT&T for the application being rejected from the App Store.
John Evans

PadGadget Weekly App Series - Apps For Valentine's Day | PadGadget - 1 views

    "PadGadget Weekly App Series - Apps For Valentine's Day"
John Evans

Google brings YouTube to the iPad | iGo With My iPad - 10 views

    "With the introduction of iOS6, we received and lost features and apps. One item lost was the Apple app for playing YouTube videos. You can still load and play video movies, or watch videos via the ABC and NetFlix apps. But lost was the app specific to playing videos available through YouTube, instead we have had to go to our Safari browser and navigate to our YouTube account."
John Evans

Getting started with Google Docs for iOS | How To - CNET - 15 views

    "Google announced at its annual developer conference Thursday that it's bringing Google Drive to iOS devices. Google Drive was released soon after the announcement. It's a free and universal app, designed for both the iPhone and iPad."
John Evans

This Week's Must-Have iOS Apps: Chrome, Weather Neue, Analytiks & More [Roundup] | Cult... - 1 views

    "Despite months of speculation, many doubted Google would ever bring its terrific Chrome browser to iOS. But the search giant has put an end to the rumors by finally releasing it, and it's kicking off this week's must-have apps roundup. We also have a new weather app for those who like to keep it simple, arguably the best Google Analytics client for iOS, and more"
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