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Pooja Runija

Biology- Is This The Future Of All Next Gen Technology? - 0 views

    Biology is a new science and technology series that are now able to tell the stories behind the guiding system embedded in your body. Smartphones mapping features with the body are great for getting directions, until you lose signals.
Pooja Runija

MobilePundits: Best Mobile App Development and Outsourcing Service Provider - 0 views

    App Development Company in UK for iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows, PhoneGap. Hire our skilled app developers in London, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Manchester.
Pooja Runija

Apple iWatch Puts Entire SmartWatch Market in Standby Mode - 0 views

    The Apple Watch puts whole industry on standby mode. Maybe it's because they want to see if there are any tricks the other company release or how the market reacts to the way you interact with the watch. Apple understands that, they are making real smartwatches and if they had a killer features, it immediately would have the attention of the world's biggest tech press.
Pooja Runija

How Internet of things booming in the technology market? - 0 views

    Today we are living in a world where everything is smart like Smartphones, Smart TV, Smart watches, Smart cars etc. Our out of the box thinking enable us to think beyond the imagination and that is the only reason today we have invented all those things which were supposed to be impossible in the earlier days. Moving ahead, Internet of things is the latest buzz in the world of technology these days. The most important fact is that it has potential to impact how we live and also how we work.
Pooja Runija

Why Windows10 is a Big Charm of 2015? - 0 views

    MICROSOFT this morning drew back the curtain on the operating systems by kicking off Windows 10 with a mob of business-friendly features and also with some surprises.
Pooja Runija

How to Make an Engaging Relationship with Your App Customers? | Blog - 0 views

    As it is fact that, 80% of business sales depends upon approx 20% of customer base. Devoted customers are the backbone for every business and companies, who works to bring back some new customers and helps in turn them into repeat buyers.
Pooja Runija

Windows 10 upgrade to existing users at no cost | Blog - 0 views

    If someone is using Windows 7 or 8, he will get a free upgrade, irrespective of whether he has paid for it or not. "Anyone who is having a competent device can upgrade to Windows 10, including those with pirated copies of Windows.
Pooja Runija

Facebook Is Coming Soon With Its New Virtual Reality Experience - 0 views

    Facebook has started virtual reality versions of its apps by ensuring that, very soon you will see a world where sharing a friend could become as common as sharing post using an app.
Pooja Runija

New Yahoo Mobile Development Suite for App Makers - 0 views

    Yahoo has acquired many small startups and big companies over the years but still not in a good position. Last year Yahoo acquired mobile analytics firm "Flurry" and CEO Marissa Mayer stated that Yahoo is a "mobile first company." 
Pooja Runija

Apple Watch Is Ready For Your Wrist Now - 0 views

    Well, after the biggest success of the iMac, iPod, MacBook, iPad and iPhone, the date has finally arrived when Apple Watch (say iWatch) confirmed by filling in some of the blanks at its March 9 media event in San Francisco.
Pooja Runija

How Drones Are The New Gateway For App Developers? | Blog - 0 views

    In our childhood we all had flew remote airplanes which were a very common toy of those days. Now a day this remote airplane is coming with advanced technology features like sensors, monitors, chips, battery backup etc. and named as 'Drone'. Now after the IoT, Drones are so new which is typically tracked by mobile industry market research to shape up the new ways of users and app developers.
Pooja Runija

How Google Tracks Your Every Movement? | Blog - 0 views

    Google is perhaps more than any other company that truly valued your information and known for its privacy inclination. But now with moving towards online world, Google is also interested in following you offline, because they understand the information is power and its proper usage can give them some more information also.
Pooja Runija

Why Mobile Apps Development Is a Big Charm of Today's World? - 0 views

    Latest survey over 700 companies asking them if they have developed any mobile apps to help them with service, supply chain management, purchasing, logistics, maintenance or sales support. In answer, only 6% said "yes," which is very low rate among many smartphones and tablets in use by businesses of all category.
Pooja Runija

Windows10 Hidden Features - 0 views

    The announcement of Windows 10 by Microsoft has raised the curiosity among the Windows users to know about the features in the Latest Edition. No doubt, it is a major release that will span all hardware from PCs to phones and try to address the ills that have dogged Windows 8. Here I am discussing the top most hidden features of windows 10. Read the post and find out what Windows 10 have for you in the box!
Pooja Runija

Why some apps get rejected on Apple App Store? - 0 views

    Apple is well known for its unique and effective technology insight. With over 1.21 million apps Apple ended the year 2014, and with each of those apps, developers knew well about how Apple is stickler for rules.
Pooja Runija

Artificial Intelligence, Is the Future of New Age of Smartphones - 0 views

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a leading technology concept. It is not just something coming in the distant future, AI systems are everywhere around us, it already involved in our daily life in the form of virtual environment.
Pooja Runija

How BigData Lead To More Accurate Analysis For Enterprises? - 0 views

    'BigData', most of the time you have heard this term, right? But what exactly it is? How can it paving the pathway for mobile app development? Let's look closely at how Big Data will affect you directly or indirectly.
Pooja Runija

1.6 percent of Android devices eaten by Lollipop - 0 views

    Android 5.0 Lollipop is finally out to establish itself on the market share radar. Lollipop was able to make 1.6 percent of Android devices its home reported from latest version of the Android Developers Dashboard. That percentage stands for all Android devices that were seen at the Google Play store during the week of February 2.
Pooja Runija

How to use free apps as money maker? - 0 views

    Generating revenue from the free apps is not like dip and sip, once you developed an app, the next step is to submit it to the app store (Apple/Google Play/Windows). But a question always arises in your mind is "How much should my application price?" and therefore evaluate to keep it either free or paid can be difficult.
Pooja Runija

Will the Apple Watch Change the Game ? - 0 views

    Wearable devices and gadgets are now the latest fashion these days. They have successfully made a strong place in the human life. Google glasses, Smart watch, Smart wrist bands are some of the example of the wearable technology.
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