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AOL earns $1.4 million - 0 views

    AOL Inc., in its first earnings statement as a standalone company, reported a profit in the fourth quarter despite a 17 percent drop in revenue.
Ryan Hagan

Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner | Uncrate - 0 views

    Used to be scanning in film required either a flatbed scanner with a special compartment inside or a standalone scanner - neither of which were particularly cheap. Soon you'll be able to do it with nothing but your phone and the Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner ($50)

Live Share Tips: Stock Investment Calculator - 0 views

    A financial calculators is an electronic calculator that performs financial functions commonly needed in business and commerce communities. It has standalone keys for many financial calculations and functions, making such calculations more direct than on standard calculators.

SBI's net profit grew 25 percent in the second quarter - 1 views

    SBI's standalone net profit in the second quarter rose 25 per cent to Rs 3879.07 crore in the same period of the previous year to Rs 3100.41 crore Thakbank improvement in the asset quality.
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