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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Katy Miller

Katy Miller

Year 2012, Religion, & Bible Spin (May 10, 2008) - 0 views

  • A good example of televangical misdirection at work is Joel Osteen. This man is about as transparent a huckster as you can get. This guy is DEVOTED to material wealth while dressing it up as the "Will of God". Holy Cow! How can people listen to that soft voiced, toothy salesman and call themselves "Christians"? His pitch is wealth gathering. He should change his name to Tony Robbins and call a spade a spade, since he comes across more as a Neuro Linguistic Programmer rather than someone concerned with the Beatitudes taught by Christ.
    • Katy Miller
      I think that this is funny because I don't like the way that Joel Osteen preaches either... he always reminds me of a saleman
Katy Miller

end of the world, the antichrist,abomination of desolation,second coming of christ,sign... - 0 views

  • The many "false prophets" that will deceive many, in v.5; it corresponds to the 1st seal, the "white horse" (Rev.6:2). The False Prophets are also mentioned in v.11, and in v.24, during the Great Tribulation
    • Katy Miller
      Well false prophets have been happening forever.... look at Jim Jones or Marshall Applewhite the Heaven's Gate leader
    This subject has always interested me... it scares me... but still interests me at the same time. I like reading about it and I like the Left Behind series. I definently do not want to be around when it happens.
Katy Miller

The Christian paradox: - 0 views

  • Only 40 percent of Americans can name more than four of the Ten Commandments, and a scant half can cite any of the four authors of the Gospels. Twelve percent believe Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. This failure to recall the specifics of our Christian heritage may be further evidence of our nation's educational decline, but it probably doesn't matter all that much in spiritual or political terms. Here is a statistic that does matter: Three quarters of Americans believe the Bible teaches that “God helps those who help themselves.” That is, three out of four Americans believe that this uber-American idea, a notion at the core of our current individualist politics and culture, which was in fact uttered by Ben Franklin, actually appears in Holy Scripture. The thing is, not only is Franklin's wisdom not biblical; it's counter-biblical. Few ideas could be further from the gospel message, with its radical summons to love of neighbor. On this essential matter, most Americans—most American Christians—are simply wrong, as if 75 percent of American scientists believed that Newton proved gravity causes apples to fly up.
Katy Miller

History of Djinn folklore - by Hannah Barton - Page 2 - Helium - 0 views

  • he will try and stray as many of Adam's descendants off the path to their deity during his period of respite. God accepts this as Iblis says, and lets him and his children roam the earth to test the wills of Adam's children. The rest of that story says he was sent to earth with Adam and Eve after he was able to lure them into eating the apple. On the Day of Judgement, it is assumed that Iblis will be sent to Jannaham, the Islamic form of Hell.
Katy Miller

History of Djinn folklore - by Hannah Barton - Helium - 0 views

  • When Adam and Eve were "born", the Djinn refused to worship Man. The ethereal beings were considered perverse and vicious, and wouldn't conform to worshipping Man, even though prophets were sent out to save them. Therefore, they were banished from the Earth and sent to live in islands far across the sea. According to the Qur'an, the Islamic Holy Book, Iblis was one of the more important Djinn. When God (Allah) ordered him to bow before Adam and prostrate himself, Iblis refused, seeing Adam as inferior to him as he was made of clay. God then cast him out of heaven until the Day of Judgement came upon the Earth. It is We Who created you and gave you shape; then We bade the angels prostrate to Adam, and they prostrate; not so Iblis; He refused to be of those who prostrate. (Allah) said: "What prevented thee from prostrating when I commanded thee?" He said: "I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay." Qur'an 7:11-12 Iblis was cast out of heaven and given the title of "Shaitan", roughly translated as "evil" or "devil". He defiantly claims that if the punishment for his act will be witheld until the Day of Judgement,
    • Katy Miller
      In Christianity this is the story of Lucifer
Katy Miller

History of Djinn folklore - by Hannah Barton - Page 3 - Helium - 0 views

  • King Suleiman
    • Katy Miller
      I read in other articles, King Solomon
Katy Miller

Is the Jehovah's Witness religion Christian? | Christian Apologetics & Research Mini... - 0 views

  • To support its erring doctrines, the Watchtower organization (which is the author and teacher of all official Jehovah's Witness theology), has even altered the Bible to make it agree with its changing and non-Christian teachings.
  • They are strongly encouraged to have friends and acquaintances that are only JW's, thereby keeping outside examination to a minimum
  • . They are told to shun those who leave their group
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The Jehovah's Witnesses are discouraged from looking into Jehovah's Witness history or old Watchtower literature
Katy Miller

What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe - - 0 views

  • Service in the armed forces or any form of allegiance to government is prohibited
  • Blood transfusions, along with ingesting blood, are considered wrong, as God said the soul is in the blood. Bone marrow transplants are left to the individual conscience
Katy Miller

YouTube - Scientology Vs South Park - 0 views

    MSNBC news coverage
Katy Miller

YouTube - Scientology: What are YOUR crimes? - 0 views

    Download here: claims their critics are criminals, yet THEY are the ones who commit crimes to silence them.This video is...
Katy Miller

YouTube - Scientology Crazy Followers - 0 views

    Interesting video I came across of some wacko Scientologists harassing some camera guy (Mark Bunker) who disagrees with Scientology. They even tried to follow him home and they've picketed his actual home.
Katy Miller

L. Ron Hubbard's last refuge - 0 views

  • That morning the chapel was contacted and informed there was a body that was to be gathered and cremated immediately, although the man died a day earlier. Gassett and Bang were told to make sure there was no foul play
  • Gassett and Bang arrived at the ranch where they were met by Hubbard's attorney, Earle Cooley, and his doctor, Gene Denk. "It was like, ‘Here's what happened and we don't want anything else going on here,'" Gassett remembered of their conversation. "‘We just want you to take the body and do the cremation.'"
  • The message from Cooley and Denk was clear that Hubbard was to be cremated immediately. Hubbard had drafted a new will that stated there would not be an autopsy because it violated his religious beliefs. The will was signed, dated, and imprinted with Hubbard's inked thumbprint. The new will, giving more assets to his family than a previous version, was dated the day before he died. At the time he was worth about $25 million.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • That day, Scientologists were not told that Hubbard died, instead, "L. Ron Hubbard discarded the body he had used in this lifetime ... ." He had achieved a spiritual level "unimaginable," which was achieved "in an exterior state." No longer needing his body and unencumbered by its limits, Miscavige explained, Hubbard could continue to research more advanced levels of Scientology: Operating Thetan, referred to as the OT levels. The crowd broke into raucous applause.
Katy Miller

How to Start a New Religion - 0 views

    • Katy Miller
      In the late 1940s, pulp writer L. Ron Hubbard declared: "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion" -Reader's Digest reprint, May 1980, p.1... He later created the Church of Scientology...
  • How to Start a New Religion
  • Creating a New Religion
Katy Miller

Charles Manson - Biography of Charles Manson - 0 views

    • Katy Miller
      Ok, so I decided that I dont ever want to live in California. It seems like thats the place that people either start their cult or relocate it to. People's Temple, Heaven's Gate, Manson Family, Scientology, Children of God/The Family and many more... I guess thats why some people call it "Cultifornia"
  • he began to get a following. In 1968, he and several followers drove to Southern California.
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