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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Philipp Eggenberger

Philipp Eggenberger

Abney and Associates Security 2014 News: Big Returns from Big Data for Security - 1 views

Abney and Associates Security 2014 News
started by Philipp Eggenberger on 25 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
  • Philipp Eggenberger
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    Big data is proving a powerful tool in companies' never-ending struggle to keep data and networks secure.

    Big data, or more specifically data analytics, allows vast amounts of information from disparate sources and often in different formats to be analysed for patterns and anomalies.

    Gartner predicts that, by 2016, 25 per cent of large global companies will have adopted big data analytics for cyber security or fraud detection, up from 8 per cent today.

    Avivah Litan, vice-president and distinguished analyst at Gartner, said enterprises could achieve significant savings in time and money by using big data analytics to stop crime and security infractions. They should achieve a positive return on investment within the first six months of implementation, which she said was too big to ignore.

    From helping pinpoint phishing attempts to screening out scam calls to financial institutions, big data is proving its worth.

    Mathew Benwell, senior information security specialist, IT risk management, at the University of Adelaide, said the university turned to general data analytics tool Splunk when an external security audit revealed problems in dealing with phishing attacks.
    ''Like many organisations, the threat of phishing attacks pose a growing problem,'' he said. ''These attacks could result in compromised accounts, which at times can have a big impact.''

    Mr Benwell said the university had tried a number of traditional security and event management products but had adopted Splunk for its do-it-yourself simplicity.

    He said further security applications had emerged since. ''Our use cases are expanding across more IT teams. It is very much about using the electronic log data to try and build useful security analytic.

    A quite different example of how data analytics tools can aid in security comes from Verint.

    Mark Lazar, Verint's global vice president for identity and fraud solutions, said the company's Impact 360 product uses passive voice biometrics to help call centre operators combat persistent attacks from fraudsters who talk their way past caller verification checks to gain access to bank accounts. From a recording of a caller's voice the system is able to identify that person on subsequent calls.

    Data analytics make this information even more powerful.

    "We can take a fraudster's voice and track it across time and across accounts and see what they are doing to attack a call centre and from that we can develop patterns of how they do their calling: what is the frequency of the calls, what is the order in which they do certain kind of transactions. Those patterns are very different from the patterns that genuine customers use when they're calling."

    Gartner's Litan said the real security benefits of big data are yet to emerge. "Big data analytics is ahead of most organisations' abilities to successfully adopt them, and most vendors have barely begun to prove their software's effectiveness, so it's still early days for this market," she said.

    She urged organisations to start small, but think big and develop a road map that encompasses multiple applications.

    "The return on investment on big data analytics is typically too big to ignore."

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Philipp Eggenberger

Abney and Associates Blog Reviews: Forums focus on consumer fraud prevention | MagCloud - 2 views

abney and associates blog reviews Forums focus on consumer fraud prevention
started by Philipp Eggenberger on 31 May 13 no follow-up yet
  • Philipp Eggenberger
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    Muriel Sedergren said she'd receive three or four calls a week but knew enough never to bite on the caller's news that she had won a big lottery prize.

    "My first question is 'what's this going to cost me?'" Sedergren said.

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    She said the next sound was the click of the caller hanging up.

    Unlike Sedergren, however, many Vermonters, especially seniors, fall prey to lottery and other scams, and wind up losing hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

    Related Forum:

    The attorney general's office and its Consumer Assistance Program, along with the University of Vermont, logged more than 1,700 scam complaints last year.

    It's the reason why AARP is holding forums around the state to educate Vermonters on how to prevent being a scam victim.

    The state's list of scams closely tracks the Federal Trade Commission's nationwide list, which has exploded in recent years.

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Philipp Eggenberger

Warning issued following online romance scams | Abney Associates Hong Kong Cybercrime R... - 2 views

Warning issued following online romance scams abney associates hong kong cybercrime reports
started by Philipp Eggenberger on 09 May 13 no follow-up yet
  • Philipp Eggenberger

    Warning issued following online romance scams, abney associates hong kong cybercrime reports

    Abney Associates Hong Kong Cybercrime Reports: Warning issued following online romance scams
    West Mercia Police are warning people looking for romance on the internet to be on their guard against fraudsters who will leave them broken-hearted.

    The police warning follows a recent rise in the number of online romance scams.

    Robin Longmore, from the Economic Crime Unit, said: "The number of reports dropped dramatically about a year ago following publicity concerning a woman who was tricked into giving nearly £40,000 to a conman who wooed her for several months on the internet and then over the phone.

    "However, it appears we are being blighted by romance scams once again. There has been a big increase in recent months and we suspect some members of the public have lowered their guard and consequently more victims are being identified."

    Mr Longmore, a Financial Intelligence Development Officer, said: "We are particularly concerned that people are inadvertently acting as 'money mules' in such scams, allowing their bank accounts to be used to launder criminal funds from other similar scams.

    "They may not realise this at the time as they are caught up in the excitement of a possible romance, but they may just find themselves on the wrong side of the law if they engage in such activity.

    "We have seen on numerous occasions, members of the public allowing funds to be transferred into their accounts having been told by the scammer that their own account has been compromised or some other similar reason.

    "They are then asked to move the funds on to another person, or more usually, asked to withdraw the funds and send them overseas via a money service business."

    He said internet dating sites were a major source for scammers to identify victims and advised anyone suspecting they may be a target, to report it to the site concerned and also to Action Fraud through the website or via its phone number 0300 123 2040. Also, most importantly, no money should be sent and contact should be broken off immediately.

    Mr Longmore said it was difficult to get a true picture of the scale of romance scams as such offences were under-reported. "People don't want to admit they are victims, or they are too embarrassed to make a complaint.

    "Broken hearts and disappointment are obvious risks in online dating. However, people need to be aware of how to keep themselves safe from fraud while meeting people through the internet."

    Warning issued following online romance scams, abney associates hong kong cybercrime reports

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Philipp Eggenberger

Valkoinen talo huutaa Kiinan, Korean ja tietoverkkorikollisuutta - 1 views

Valkoinen talo huutaa Kiinan Korean ja tietoverkkorikollisuutta
started by Philipp Eggenberger on 14 Mar 13 no follow-up yet
  • Philipp Eggenberger

    Valkoinen talo huutaa Kiinan, Korean ja tietoverkkorikollisuutta

    Obama hallinnon alkuun kansallinen turvallisuus virkamies sanoi maanantaina Yhdysvaltain "hyväksy Pohjois-Korean ydinalan valtioksi" ja kehotti Kiinan johtajat tekemään cyber liittyvät rikokset kukistamaan.

    Puhe Affair Hienosto think tank New Yorkissa kansallisen turvallisuuden neuvonantaja Thomas E. Donilon sanoi, että Yhdysvallat tarvitsee Kiinan Ohje kumpaankin.

    "Yhä useammin Yhdysvaltain yritykset puhuvat vakavia huolenaiheita hienostunut, kohdennettuja varkauksia liikesalaisuuksia ja valmistajakohtaisten teknologioiden kautta cyberintrusions, joka on peräisin Kiinan ennennäkemättömän," hän sanoi.

    "Presidentti alas, tämä on tullut käännekohta ja keskustelua Kiinan kaikilla tasoilla hallitusten," Mr. Donilon sanoi aikana laaja-alainen puhe, joka myös esitteli vaikuttimet takana Obaman hallinto itse kuvattuja ulkopolitiikan "pivot" Aasiaan.

    Osalta "cyber käytössä varkaus," Mr. Donilon sanoi, että Yhdysvaltain viranomaisten "on" Kiinan johtajat tunnistamaan kiireellisyys ja laajuus sekä riskejä siihen liittyy kansainväliseen kauppaan ja maine Kiinan teollisuuden maailmassa ongelma.

    Hänen kommenttinsa spesifisyys ilmestyi räätälöitävä suorana vastauksena kommentteihin viikonloppuna Kiinan ulkoministeri, joka hylkäsi viimeaikaiset syytökset, että Kiinan sotilaallinen on ollut laaja-alaista hakkerointi hyökkäykset Yhdysvaltain ja muiden ulkomaisten tavoitteita.

    Viime kuussa yksityinen vartiointiliikkeeseen Mandiant Corp. Aleksandrialainen, sanoi, että se oli jäljitetty cyberattacks 115 yhdysvaltalaisten yritysten - kuten puolustus urakoitsijat-yksikkö Kiinan sotilaallinen.

    Vaikka hän ei käsitellä erityisiä syytöksiä, kuten toi Mandiant, Kiinan ulkoministeri Yang Jiechi sanoi, tietoverkkorikollisuuden tehdään Kiinaa vastaan oli pelkästään poliittisin perustein mustamaalauskampanjaa.

    Mitä voidaan pitää merkkinä Kiinan johtajat, jotka eivät avaa työskentelemään - tai ainakin puhua - Yhdysvaltojen viranomaisten kanssa Mr. Yang myös vaativat yhteistyön tehostamista tietoverkkorikollisuutta kansainvälisten viranomaisten asiasta.

    Tunteisiin vaikutti yhtyisivät hänen sanoihinsa New Yorkissa maanantaina Mr. Donilon, joka sanoi, että Yhdysvallat ja Kiina, "maailman kaksi suurinta taloutta, sekä Internetissä, riippuvaiset on tiennäyttäjänä ongelman ratkaisemiseksi."

    Kiinan mukaan voimakkaasti herra Donilon huomautusta Pohjois-Koreasta.
    Vastenmielisyys kohti Washington Pohjois-Korean johtajat on laajentunut vuodesta 12 helmikuu, kun Pjongjangin teki sen kolmannen testin ydinräjähteen.

    Vaikka Mr. Donilon sanoi Obama hallinto ei "seisovat" kun Pohjois-Korean tavoitteena on kehittää ydinasein ohjus, jotka voidaan kohdistaa Yhdysvaltoihin, hän korosti, että "näkymät sillä rauhanomaisen ratkaisun myös edellyttää"Yhdysvaltain koordinoidaan tiiviisti"Kiinan kanssa.

    "Uskomme, että yksikään maa, kuten Kiina, pitäisi asioida tavalliseen Pohjois-Korean, joka uhkaa naapureilleen kanssa", hän sanoi. "Kiinan kiinnostus vakaus Korean niemimaalla puoltaa selvä polku päättyy Pohjois-Korean ydinohjelmasta."

    Kiina ja Yhdysvallat, toimi viime viikolla hyväksyessään uuden YK: n turvallisuusneuvoston päätöslauselman-viides niin resoluutio vuodesta 2006 - tiukennettuja pakotteita Pohjois-Koreasta.

    Ulkoministeriö antoi maanantaina nimitysten kolme Pohjois-Korean virkamiehistä jotka sanotaan, että on sidottu suoraan maan ydinohjelmasta varojen jäädyttäminen.

    Nimityksiä samaan aikaan samankaltaisia toimia kohti Pohjois-Korean Yhdysvaltain valtiovarainministeriö maanantaina ja seuraa liuskekivi ulkoministeriön viime viikolla tekemät nimitykset.

    Valkoinen talo huutaa Kiinan, Korean ja tietoverkkorikollisuutta

Philipp Eggenberger

Experts: China heeft gehackt meeste van Washington - 1 views

abney and associates technology warning hong kong Experts: China heeft gehackt meeste van Washington
started by Philipp Eggenberger on 25 Feb 13 no follow-up yet
Philipp Eggenberger

Yes, Facebook May Owe You $10; That Email Isn't a Scam - Zimbio - 1 views

abney associates news internet technology
started by Philipp Eggenberger on 06 Feb 13 no follow-up yet
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