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Home/ International Politics of the Middle East/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sarah Romano

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sarah Romano

Sarah Romano

Meeting on Iran's nuclear programme cancelled - 0 views

    "Correspondents say the news marks a setback for efforts to present a unified front on Iran in the face of continued defiance from Tehran. The Iranians are under UN Security Council sanctions for refusing to stop enriching uranium. "
Sarah Romano

Militants Kill Afghan Police Officers in Two Attacks - 0 views

    It is assumed that these attacks took place in order to discourage Afghan citizens from joining the police force.
Sarah Romano

Obama receives Nobel Peace Prize - 0 views

    "In his Nobel speech, Obama expounded on the concept of 'just war' and the necessity of the use of force. "I do not bring with me today a definitive solution to the problems of war," Obama said. 'What I do know is that meeting these challenges will require the same vision, hard work, and persistence of those men and women who acted so boldly decades ago. And it will require us to think in new ways about the notions of just war and the imperatives of a just peace.'"
Sarah Romano

Coordinated Bombings in Baghdad Kill at Least 121 - 1 views

    These bombings were carried out presumably as a protest of elections in Iraq that are supposed to take place in January.
Sarah Romano

How Obama Came to Plan for 'Surge' in Afghanistan - 0 views

    This article seems to be defending Obama's recent decision to send more troops to Afghanistan.
Sarah Romano

Taliban vow to fight US troop surge in Afghanistan - 0 views

    Obama says that his priority is to not allow the Taliban to over the government.
Sarah Romano

Senators question 2011 Afghan exit plan - 0 views

    Many are very critical of Obama's plan. They say that he is foolish to set an "arbitrary" deadline for withdrawl.
Sarah Romano

Oil Companies Look to the Future in Iraq - 0 views

    Experts think that Iraq is on the path to becoming one of the leading "oil-producing nations" in the world.
Sarah Romano

Obama Issues Order for More Troops in Afghanistan - 0 views

    On Sunday, Obama shared his decision with Cabinet members to send more troops to Afghanistan.
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