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Wye Keen Wong

Notes & Neurons | World Science Festival - 0 views

  • Is our response to music hard-wired or culturally determined? Is the reaction to rhythm and melody universal or influenced by environment?
  • cross cultural demonstrations
    "If music be the food of life"... can it help with our discussion of international culture & communication? An incredibly interesting science festival that considers music and it's place in human reactions.
shi chen

How iPods killed the boombox star - 0 views

  • We lost something valuable when private playlists replaced public noise
  • ''rock and roll ain't noise pollution''.
  • Rock and roll can be noise pollution.
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  • But things changed a little with the arrival of the Sony Walkman, and then a lot when we entered the iPod age.
  • Today, playing music has become a much more private experience.
  • In the iPod age, everyone has their own private soundtrack as they walk the streets, which means the streets themselves no longer have a soundtrack
  • With the white buds in our ears - a modern look that sends a clear message of ''do not disturb'' - we are oddly vacant in urban spaces even as we inhabit them.
  • The loss is not only the music we no longer hear, but all the acts of having music foisted upon us that we no longer experience - and what these acts mean.
    the sadness about using new technology
    From time to time, some Aussie teenagers play their music real loud on the train, through the use of their mobile, which is very annoying and disturbing to other commuters. I guess, even though ipod is widely used nowadays, it hasn't stopped the noise pollution completely~
xinning ji

Modern Japan - Entertainment - Popular Music - 0 views

  • Japan has the sixth-largest population in the world; the music industry generates billions and billions of dollars worldwide every year.
  • Japanese popular music is all commercialism and void of any artistic merit
  • The late 90's also saw some more western-style artists, such as Dragon Ash and Utada Hikaru explode onto the scene.
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  • Born in New York, the 16-year old Utada debuted in 1999 and though she looked just like another idol, she was clearly something completely new. She wrote and sang her own songs with a soulfulness beyond her years.
Adinda Silitonga

BIG DAY OUT 2010 - Music Festival - Auckland, Gold Coast, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, ... - 4 views

    I know this might have nothing to do with the class, but I know that you wanna know about this. :D
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    such a good lineup
    how was it? Did anyone go?
    Nad, It's the line up for the 2010, on Jan 26. And for me, it's not a really good line up, because the soundwave line up is so frickin' good, i was expecting more for bdo. but still, i wanna go......
    heheh salah baca ya akuu... ini lah akibatnya of being sick! mmm i see. cause i thought it was based on last week music festival.. hehehe
    love it!
Maria D'Amato

Aussies call an end to just phoning on mobiles - 0 views

  • Using mobiles for just calls and texting is a thing of the past, as a third of Australians now check emails on their handsets and more than 70 per cent access mobile entertainment and information services.
  • In spite of the global financial crisis, the use of mobile phone services has continued to grow in the past year as more Australians buy internet-enabled smartphones, the 2009 Australian Mobile Phone Lifestyle Index reveals.
  • In last year's survey, just 7 per cent of respondents accessed social networking sites from their handsets, but this figure has jumped this year to 32 per cent, with half of those accessing the sites daily.
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  • General web browsing is also on the rise, with 21 per cent of respondents visiting websites on their mobile phones at least once a day.
  • Half of Australians used or bought entertainment services on their mobiles at least once a month, with games, ringtones and music downloads the three most popular categories.
  • Accessing the web, video, music and information on mobile phones was now well and truly mainstream.
  • The survey showed mobile phone service use was now "a commodity as opposed to a luxury for many Australians".
Maria D'Amato

Sony Walkman overtakes iPod in Japan - 0 views

  • Sony's Walkman digital music player outsold Apple's iPod in Japan last week for the first time in more than four years, according to electronics research firm BCN.
  • Sony, whose Walkman cassette players pioneered the portable-music industry in the late 1970s, gained market share after introducing models including the W series of cordless players that sell for under $US108.
  • Sony has gained customers seeking less expensive products and those seeking high quality by broadening its lineup,” Kazuharu Miura, an analyst with Daiwa Institute of Research, said by telephone. “But you can't really say Sony regained its competitiveness against Apple unless it improves its market share in the U.S. and Europe.”
    • Nora Ibrahim
      Correct me if I am wrong, but I have always found Japanese citizens very nationalistic and Sony is a Japanese company. Could that have an impact on the consumer's choice?
glen donnar

Hip-hop helps build bridge for city's newcomers - 0 views

  • A dynamic music program is helping migrants connect to their new home
  • His experiences as a migrant give him the perspective needed to work with other newcomers."There's a system, and many people get trapped in that system," he says. "They put you in a housing commission flat when you first arrive as a refugee
  • I was battling a lot of things, like racism and stuff, and hip-hop helped me understand a lot of things about the government, about what happened back in Africa — it gives me more self-confidence to be here. So if I face racism I don't take it personally, I think, 'Maybe I need to educate you about some stuff.' "
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  • Both MCs have day jobs as youth workers and that can feed into the hip-hop workshops.
  • "You've got to understand how much the media affects young people, in so many ways," says Azmarino. "For example, the African community — what happened a few years ago in Kensington was all over Channel Seven, and it made them feel like they were a gang. That's like putting oil in the fire. They're teenagers and they're already feeling all those things, and then they were getting disrespected by the whole of Melbourne."
glen donnar

The TV Watch - Ultimate Media Moment - Michael Jackson's Memorial Service - - 0 views

  • most everybody around the world stopped what they were doing — on television, on the Internet and on the street — to look and listen.
  • as the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, showed in 1997, communal sorrow is moving, public frenzy is alarming, but the two together make for irresistible television.
  • Brian Williams of NBC, who sat on a special platform outside the Staples Center, told his colleague Lester Holt that the public had a way of deciding for itself what matters, “despite, at some times, the news media’s better wishes.” He added ruefully, “And this is an event because it is.”
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  • Most anchors tried to define Mr. Jackson’s place in pop culture and American history. His popularity is universal, but his death was commandeered to mark a milestone in African-American history. Nancy Giles, an actress and CBS News commentator, said on MSNBC that he was “a trailblazer in the same way President Obama is.”
  • That homage, as much as the music, was the measure of the event’s success: for at least one day, the Jackson camp managed to take command of the coverage, setting the agenda for the news media as well as the mourners.
Tony Sullivan

Background Briefing - 5 July 2009 - Cairo, a divided city - 0 views

  • Cairo
  • Mr Berry: When you walk in the gate it's nice. It gives you the impression that maybe you have a place in Australia maybe, maybe it feels like you in Australia, maybe somebody else, OK, maybe in Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else in the world, maybe in Italy, maybe somebody has the same feeling like Oh, this looks somewhere in Rome, somewhere in Greece
    • Tony Sullivan
      Describes 'gated communities' for the affluent, being established in desert areas beyond the border of Cairo city.
  • Mr Berry: Golf, it's a very prestigious thing.
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  • Not everyone back in Cairo is happy about the obsession with golf courses. Professor of Landscape and Architecture at Cairo University, Mohammad Refaat says they are a status symbol and the game doesn't come naturally to Egyptians
  • Mohammad Refaat: The first golf course that was created in these new developments was in Katameya Heights. It started - why is that? Because we started to have the Japanese in Egypt. The Japanese, they love golf, and we have several firms with Japanese managers, so it became a luxury to provide the service for them. But I believe that we're never going to be golfers as Egyptians, and I don't know, it's irritating now, because whenever you go, whenever you get a project, even in my private office, they say, 'Ah, the golf', and then we start doing the compound. The main idea of the golf from the owners' point of view is that to provide value for the people so that he can start to sell.
  • Mohammad Refaat: The thing is that I feel that we are Westernising ourselves. The thing is that due to the effect of the media, everybody wants to live in a Dallas, or in a Falconcrest or one of these things that we used to see when we're kids.
  • And they did not understand the Egyptian culture. If I speak about myself, I'd rather live in what we call the hara, or the alley, the old alley that we have, you know, when you have people all living in one street, of having all the services in the street, what we call the philosophy of the extended family. This is very, very Egyptian.
  • Anwar Sadat
  • opened up the country to the world, and very significantly, for the first time, all Egyptians could travel overseas.
  • Egyptians from all classes went abroad to get jobs in Gulf countries. They came back with money and with an appetite for things like shopping and luxury living. Some also brought back new ideas about Islam. It was more conservative and fundamentalist.
  • teachers, engineers, medical doctors, peasants, the large peasant migration
  • get passports, go and work in Jordan, in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, come back. Some of them also in Saudi Arabia perhaps never ever encountering women, right? And coming back with new notions of segregation, of headscarf, of Islamisation
  • Hagar Cohen: In Cairo today more and more women are segregated and wear the burqa, which is the full head and body cover. But everyone likes the shopping, and the new and glitzy malls are full of people in all kinds of dress
  • It can be uncomfortable now for women in western clothes, who don't wear scarves, because conservative men and women clearly show their distaste. This mix between consumerism and a very religious lifestyle is sometimes known as 'petro Islam'
  • Mona Abaza: They have different notions and variations of Islamic ideologies. There is a difference between a 16-year-old kid who is out of a family of 10 living in a slum, and a schoolteacher who lives long years in Saudi Arabia comes back, very much influenced by what I call the petro Islamic ideology, Saudi Arabian consumerists, very much into conservative accommodationist kind of religion, enjoying a shopping mall but at the same time dressing in Islamic code for instance. So marrying certain forms of consumer culture, but giving it a flavour that can look Egyptian, so that you convince yourself that you are different.
    • Tony Sullivan
      Also discussed in relation to Salafism, a quietist social current encouraged by Saudi Araba, in 'The fever under the surface', The Economist 25 July 2009, p11-12, part of a special report on the Middle East.
  • the gated communities inside. the more upmarket, the faster they're selling, and they have names like Beverley Hills, Hyde Park and Dreamland.
  • Another kind of cultural reference for all of this is old Egyptian movies from like the 1950s you know, black-and-white films, where the setting was very, very often the Pasha's villa, which always had a very grand staircase, and a very grand entrance. This is the sort of lifestyle that Egyptians haven't had access to since the 1950s because of the crowding and so on and so forth. So now it's sort of become a lifestyle option for wealthy Egyptians that wasn't really there. So you can now have your own Pasha's villa.
  • Hagar Cohen: Dina Hussanein says she isn't comfortable living in a place with a name like 'Beverly Hills'. Dina Hassanein: That's a very sad thing, because we have a remarkable history and civilisation and yet, you know, we can't think of any Arabic word of our own that we could use to name the places. So I can tell you, Beverly Hills Egypt is nothing like Beverly Hills California
  • Hagar Cohen: Dina Hassanein is a modern woman. She lives on her own, and has a fiancé who lives nearby. She is very beautiful and smartly dressed in Western clothes. She has a job which involves interaction with all sorts of people
  • Hagar Cohen: Dina Hassanein and other residents have to rely on Old Cairo for almost everything, including shops, restaurants, and health services. There are also no local street markets, little shops or stalls, or workshops. In some places, the rules even forbid them. Big supermarket chains can be found easily, but you have to drive to get to them
  • Said Sadek: And you have rulers who believe in gated communities. Mubarak himself, lives in Sharem el Sheik or Borg el Arab, isolated, always isolated. The ruling elite in Egypt are isolated. And so you can tell by this political orientation of the elite that this is what they want, an isolated community because they cannot meet the demands of the masses. There are 40% of Egyptians below poverty line, earning less than $2 a day. And so this abject poverty amidst people who have a lot of money, may drive people to be envious
  • Very poor quality housing found in slums and shanty towns is expanding in Cairo
  • r Cohen: What in terms of sewage and garbage services? Are they available? Manal Tibe: We are talking about no water, so don't talk about sewage and garbage
  • Hagar Cohen: Manal Tibe says that the government isn't doing anything to improve conditions in slums, but has been very generous to private developers of gated communities. The desert land is subsidised by the government as well as the price of fuel, electricity and water. And that makes expenses in gated communities very low.
  • Manal Tibe: More hatefulness from poor to rich people and also to the government. Now, poor people that they want revenge, and this is being interpreted in some crimes against rich people.
  • Hagar Cohen: Dina Hassanein is missing city life, but at the same time she says that she doesn't fit in there any more
  • Dina Hassanein: It's not that I don't want to live there, it's just that our realities are very different, the places that we go are very different. If I were to walk into a slum I might get torn apart. You can't just walk in wearing normal clothes like we do into a place like that. I can barely walk down the streets without getting harassed actually, because it's a much more conservative society, so it's just different, it's almost impossible for these worlds to intermingle.
  • Hagar Cohen: These two very different worlds are on display inside some of Cairo's shopping malls. Western music there is piped through just as it is in any Australian city. This shopping mall is in the suburb of Giza. It's one of the most exclusive ones in Cairo. There's a care there serving Caesar salads and cappuccinos. Just across the road is the Giza Zoo, which is a popular hanging out venue for poorer families
  • This shopping mall
  • It's only a few days before Christmas when we're here, and in this Muslim country, it's ironic that Christian carols are playing throughout the atrium. Mona Abaza: It's a mix of definitely well-to-do Egyptians, and lots of expatriates, foreigners coming. You can see the Christmas decoration. During Ramadan they make Ramadan decorations, tents and Islamic style, and in Christmas they put Christmas decorations
  • Mona Abaza: There is this idea that the old downtown city is now slowly being depopulated by its, let us say, middle class. It used to be a very important commercial centre. It is now losing out this significance, because the centres have been now little by little moving out. So the idea is to get out of the city, because as if it's the inside is rotten, and it's very interesting how the poor can easily look at the lifestyles of the rich. Now this is evidently a bit of a problem for the rich, so that is why they opted for the American Dream, which is getting out and walling off.
  • Mona Abaza: If you look at it just visually, the problem is slums. One can easily say that the view is that as if the whole of Cairo is consisting of slums. Now the past 20 years, the neo liberal ideology of the government is to try and handle the problem of slums, and the way they handle it is as if it's an evil, a cancer that has to be drastically eliminated, with violence, because they consider and they believe that in slums, that we have the breeding of terrorist ideology, Islamist, poverty, violence etc. Now all this is quite often very over-exaggerated. I mean it's a form of discriminating the poor, that's clear. But you have the issue also of the city now experiencing a new form of cleaning up geared towards of course the encouraging of tourism and sites of consumption. So the cityscape is taking place as a huge space for consumer culture and tourism
  • Hagar Cohen: The American University, where Professor Abaza lectures, has also moved out to the desert and is now based in a town called New Cairo. She says it's a bad move, because a whole generation of well-off young people will be isolated, away from historical Cairo or the old Egyptian culture
  • Mona Abaza: You might be astonished but my students, 18 years old, 19 years, have never for instance known anything about downtown, have never even gone to downtown.
  • You will find the American fast food and the Egyptian fast food, and Italian, Mexican. Upstairs there is a McDonald's and Kentucky
  • Towheid Wahab: There is a rule here in the University. There's no mosque, there's no church, there's no temple, there's no monastery. All the people here are equal to do their religion by their own
  • Max Roderbeck: There are good reasons why they want to move, because you get a nice amount of space, you can re-brand yourself with a new image of being something that looks very modern instead of something that's fitted into a shabby old neighbourhood. There's certainly a trend, I mean there are quite a lot of institutions that have moved out.
  • Max Roderbeck: The danger of Cairo being hollowed out is pretty real. And I mean, some of the things that a city needs to be vibrant, seem to be already been pulled out of the centre of Cairo. I've seen other places where downtown becomes either a hollow shell, or ends up just being a sort of transport hub, you know, a sort of junction of roads and things. And I think it's a very real danger with Cairo.
  • Hagar Cohen: Somehow, Cairo has always managed to function as a lively city, says Max Roderbeck, but this time around, things are different
  • These satellite towns were developed in this way because of the government's quick sale of the land to private hands. They wanted to make a return quickly, and big villas and golf courses were in demand. But they don't work as lively urban centres, says environmental architect, Abbas el Zafarany
    The complexities of globalisation evident in Egypt's largest city and its surrounds
Christoph Zed

BBC NEWS | Technology | Europe's net refuseniks revealed - 0 views

  • more than one in four Europeans had never used a PC
  • People above the age of 65 and the unemployed were the least active online
  • Nearly 70% of people under the age of 24 use the internet every day, compared to the EU average of 43%. But this same group is reluctant to pay to download or use online content, such as music or video, with 33% saying that they would not pay anything at all.
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  • make access to digital content an easy and fair game
    I wonder how the east-west divide impacts this, keeping the expansion to eastern European countries in the last few years in mind.
xinning ji

Craig D. Lindsey on pop culture overload - Lifestyles - News & Observer - 0 views

  • More media outlets appear to be reporting entertainment news more than hard news. You go to your nearest Rite-Aid and find racks of tabloid magazines, usually reporting on the same thing in their cover stories.
    • xinning ji
      compared with pop culture with high culture, is it pop culture is easier understood and more entertainning than high culture? Also in my opinion, pop culture can be dominated by any social groups, such as people in low class, middle class or high class. But high culture traditionally was the interest among middle and high classes.
  • I remember 1999 as a grand year for pop culture. Pop music was bombarded with boy bands, singing Lolitas and Latino heartthrobs. George Lucas was ready to unleash the first chapter of that dismal "Star Wars" prequel trilogy. Stanley Kubrick gave us his final film, "Eyes Wide Shut," after he passed away that year.
  • Pop culture has become one big guilty pleasure -- a gluttonous, confectionary hodgepodge that you know is bad for you but you just can't keep away.
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  • junk-food culture
  • It's more than just actual entertainment. It's all this extraneous mess that people seem to care about now.
Chaya Seewoonarain

I Was At Woodstock. And I Hated It. | Newsweek Culture | - 0 views

    Stop being nostalgic for the 40-year-old concert. It was wet, crowded, and overhyped.
Wye Keen Wong

Muslims Barred From Malaysian Black Eyed Peas Show | Hip Hop News > - 0 views

  • Muslims in Malaysia have been prohibited from going to a Black Eyed Peas concert that is sponsored by Guinness.
  • Last week, 32-year-old fashion model Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno became the first woman to be publicly canned for drinking alcohol in a hotel lounge in 2008
  • "Muslims cannot attend. Non-Muslims can go and have fun
Tammy Nguyen

Vegemite and new name | Kraft and vegemite | Julian Lee - 1 views

    Now I had my first Vegemite just last week at a friends.. Mmmm Yummy. I probably am glad I didnt try the new Vegemite though.. Cos a lot of my friends didnt like it.
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    Why would you want to change such an iconic name? Isn't it part of the Australian psyche, featured even in popular music?
    Could it be a subtle marketing gimmick? Just a thought.
    it's a marketing strategy no doubt about it. perhaps they would like to reconfigure their brand?
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