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qualitypoint Tech

Chance to become QTP expert. We are launching One-to-one online QTP Training program. - 0 views

    I am happy to announce about launching our online QTP training program.\nPeople who bought my eBook about Software Testing and QTP Automation used to ask about QTP training from me or any other good QTP training program.\nBut, I hesitated to offer any QTP training as I am spending most of my time developing our company "QualityPoint Technologies".\nAnyway, recently I have decided to spend some time for providing online QTP training also.
qualitypoint Tech

Willl QTP Certification Give you any Benefit? | QTP Book - 0 views

    I used to get emails from Software Testers who bought my eBook about Software Testing and QTP Automation.
qualitypoint Tech

eBook for learning Software Testing And QTP Automation - 0 views

    This eBook will be useful for learning Software Testing and it covers from Basics to Best practices about learning and using QTP (Quick Test Professional) which is more popular among Software Test Automation Tools.
qualitypoint Tech

Published eBook for learning Software Testing and QTP - 0 views

    Few months back I have released draft version of ebooks for learning Software Testing and QTP automation.Today, I am happy to publish another version of these eBooks for those people who prefer to pay than seeing advertisements.
qualitypoint Tech

Inexpensive Group/Batch Training program for learning QTP - 0 views

    I added a polldaddy survey asking opinion about Group/Batch training. \nFew people preferred Group training than the one-to-one training as the price can be less for the Group training.\nThe price for this Group training is $175 USD only.Note that $175 is only for the first batch only.\n
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