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surani demel

Astonishing discovery ancient Egypt pyramids are not the biggest - 0 views

    This breath taking discovery has been found in 2005 by dr. Semir Sam Osmanagich born in Bosnia and resident of Houston (USA) also author, researcher and businessman. Dr. Semir Sam Osmanagic holds Ph.D. in Sociology of History about The Mayan Civilization.
Evanta Technologies

Cognos Online Training Course - Evanta Technologies - 0 views

    Our Cognos online Training course designed to make you an expert in using Cognos and learn all that is required to make use of framework manager, report studio similar to query studio, analysis studio, event studio and reports.
tech vedic

How Can I Block a Number from Calling My Cellphone? - 0 views

    Want to get rid of unwanted calls? Don't know how to manage your blocking options?? Then we are here with this tutorial to help you further.

anti-ageing rose & cinnamon face toner (with MSM) 120ml - 2 views

    Slow down and smell the roses. I'm a wonderfully balancing and pore-refining toner for all skin types. You will find in me the timeless symbol of Cupid's love, roses, to soften and balance your skin.
    Underneath my bamboo helmet I'm packed with active ingredients including MSM, witch hazel, thyme and cinnamon to help restore pH balance, tighten your pores and protect your skin.
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