We have often been receiving complains on browsing problems, reported by the Google Chrome users. There could be a number of reasons instigating such issue.
Many users have recently reported a malfunction of their firewalls, either Windows incorporated or a third party. While you start your Antivirus for scanning and fixing purposes, it displays with an error code 0x80070424. This error indicates the loss of 'Base Filtering Engine (BFE) Service'. This service is essential for the functioning of most of the firewalls. In its absence, the AVs are not able to perform filtering processes to identify and eliminate the threats.
Code 19 errors usually arise in case of any malfunction of device drivers. Typically, the devices found in this state are optical drives like CD/DVD-ROM Drive or USB Cards. Non-appearance of CD/DVD-ROM Drives designates this kind of error and results from the corrupt registry values for the applicable registry key.