orn with all of our brain cells, but now we know that the brain can grow new neurons-and that physical exercise and mental stimulation can facilitate their growth,
Different people have different interests and learn differentl
we engage people in their own interests, they are more awake and alive."
"immersion" areas with supplemental resources that allow students to dig deeper into a subject, and materials rotate with the units
nce. They also learned the strategy of body mapping, in which the teacher touches a part of his body when introducing a concept verbally, providing the brain with another reference point to help it remember-and recall-the concept.
create an environment that maximizes learning.
building, they are met with calming, darker colors, which prepare the brain for learning
Blues can cause the brain to release 11 neurotransmitters that relax the body, while black and other dark colors can lower stress.
Plants, lamps, and curtains filter natural light, and there's an absence of clutter. "It creates a learning environment that feels more like a well-kept living room," Shafer explains.