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Summary of the Amazon S3 Service Disruption in the Northern Virginia (US-EAST-1) Region - 0 views

    At 9:37AM PST, an authorized S3 team member using an established playbook executed a command which was intended to remove a small number of servers for one of the S3 subsystems that is used by the S3 billing process. Unfortunately, one of the inputs to the command was entered incorrectly and a larger set of servers was removed than intended.

MTP #15 BA: A. Harvey - počítačové videnie ... - 4 views

    Adam Harvey je umelec a výskumník žijúci v Berlíne, ktorý sa vo svojom diele zaoberá dopadom sledovacích technológií. Je autorom projektov ako CV Dazzle, kamufláž pred počítačovým videním; Stealth Wear, "anti-dronová" móda, či The Privacy Gift Shop, online trhovisko pre umenie namierené proti sledovaniu. Harvey učí kurz o vplyve sledovacích technológií na Newyorskej univerzite.

Is PostgreSQL good enough? - 0 views

    Web/app projects these days often have many distributed parts. It's not uncommon for groups to use the right tool for the job. The right tools are often something like the choice below. Redis for queuing, and caching. Elastic Search for searching, and log stash. Influxdb or RRD for timeseries. S3 for an object store. PostgreSQL for relational data with constraints, and validation via schemas. Celery for job queues. Kafka for a buffer of queues or stream processing. Exception logging with PostgreSQL (perhaps using Sentry) KDB for low latency analytics on your column oriented data. Mongo/ZODB for storing documents JSON (or mangodb for /dev/null replacement) SQLite for embedded. Neo4j for graph databases. RethinkDB for your realtime data, when data changes, other parts 'react'. ... For all the different nodes this could easily cost thousands a month, require lots of ops knowledge and support, and use up lots of electricity. To set all this up from scratch could cost one to four weeks of developer time depending on if they know the various stacks already. Perhaps you'd have ten nodes to support. Could you gain an ops advantage by using only PostgreSQL?
    I was playing a bit with OrientDB because the licensing model is not that pricey as for Neo4j. Anyway, after having really bad experience ( I returned back to CouchDB, although it's not a graph db. But while I was searching for more data, I found this: and this: so I'm pondering with an idea to give postgres(no)sql a chance :)

Amazon EBS Update - New Elastic Volumes Change Everything | AWS Blog - 2 views

    New Elastic Volumes Today we are launching a new EBS feature we call Elastic Volumes and making it available for all current-generation EBS volumes attached to current-generation EC2 instances. You can now increase volume size, adjust performance, or change the volume type while the volume is in use. You can continue to use your application while the change takes effect.

The Internals of PostgreSQL for DBAs and developers - 1 views

    PostgreSQL is an open source multi-purpose relational database system which is widely used throughout the world. It is one huge system with the integrated subsystems, each of which has a particular complex feature and works with each other cooperatively. Although understanding of the internal mechanism is crucial for both administration and integration using PostgreSQL, its hugeness and complexity prevent it.

Google Infrastructure Security Design Overview | Google Infrastructure Security Design ... - 0 views

    Learn how security is designed into Google's technical infrastructure. Google uses this infrastructure to build its internet services, including both consumer and enterprise services.

Why We Don't Do Fixed-Price Software Projects (And Neither Should You) - 1 views

    A few years ago, I took on a freelance project to implement an Internet Explorer component in C++. I was billing a healthy hourly rate on other projects at the time, but this particular client insisted on a fixed price. In a bout of temporary insanity, I made an exception.... Every developer knows that accurate software estimation is not possible even when perfect information is available about project requirements (i.e. practically never).....
    podobne nazory na estimate trvania taskov som cez vikend cital aj v tomto clanku , odhady veru nie su easy
    Z toho clanku "death to JIRA" vypichujem: For some reason many companies today seem to be terrified of the prospect of writing more than a couple of paragraphs of clear and simple prose. But a well-written 8-page document can define the nuances of a complicated system far better than a whole cumbersome flotilla of interlinked JIRA tickets. ... Feature planning is about communication. JIRA is fundamentally a terrible way to communicate the requirements of a complex system. Words in a row, if written well, will always be better. A v dost vela veciach suhlasim.

Fingerprints are Usernames, not Passwords - 2 views

    jedna pekna prednaska z 2015 len pre pripomenutie, ze fingerprinty ani ine casti biometrie nie je vhodne pouzivat na autentifikaciu
    Presne tak, ja som sa to este na skole u doc Jana Hudeca ucil. Ten vzdy srandoval ze ako presvedcit pouzivatelov, aby to neakceptovali je strasit ich moznostou odseknutia prstov. Len ked chce niekto nieco kupit tak to niekto vyroby a preda.

MLMU Bratislava - Machine Learning Meetup Bratislava - 1 views

    Machine Learning Meetups (MLMU) sú pravidelné stretnutia ľudí, ktorí sa zaujímajú (nielen) o strojové učenie. Prídťe si vypočuť a inšpirovať sa zaujímavými prednáškami o cutting edge technológiách, skúsenostiach, nástrojoch a aplikáciách v praxi od top speakerov v Bratislave.

Which programming languages have the happiest (and angriest) commenters? - 2 views

    It's officially winter, so what could be better than drinking hot chocolate while querying the new Stack Overflow dataset in BigQuery? It has every Stack Overflow question, answer, comment, and more - which means endless possibilities of data crunching. Inspired by Felipe Hoffa's post on how response time varies by tag, I wanted to look at the comments table (53 million rows!).

I Wrote a Faster Sorting Algorithm - 0 views

    These days it's a pretty bold claim if you say that you invented a sorting algorithm that's 30% faster than state of the art. Unfortunately I have to make a far bolder claim: I wrote a sorting algorithm that's twice as fast as std::sort for many inputs.

Oracle targets Java non-payers - 1 views

    Oracle is massively ramping up audits of Java customers it claims are in breach of its licences - six years after it bought Sun Microsystems. A growing number of Oracle customers and partners have been approached by Larry Ellison's firm, which claims they are out of compliance on Java. The moment you, as an organisation, are delivering something where Java is distributed to end users - something more and more companies are doing by distributing apps through which customers can obtain products and services - that is not general-purpose any more… and Oracle wants to make money from that. Nestudoval som to dokladne, no verim,ze na Slovensko faktury tak skoro prichadzat nebudu :)
    Nuz, dufajme... Resp. este inak: tu diskusiu o (ne)distribuovani Javy by sme mali dotiahnut do konca.

How To: MALLOC_ARENA_MAX - Infobright - 0 views

    MALLOC_ARENA_MAX - starting with GLIBC Version 2.10 and higher, a new feature has emerged to help address memory locations and proximity to processor cores. Prior to this feature, everything stayed within one memory pool, so the data didn't get "closer" to the cores. . However, we have discovered that when fully utilized in CentOS/RHEL 6.x, this functionality can also generate negative side effects as excessive memory utilization.

Quick, Draw! - 2 views

    This is a game built with machine learning. You draw, and a neural network tries to guess what you're drawing. Of course, it doesn't always work. But the more you play with it, the more it will learn.

Appropriate Uses For SQLite - 3 views

    paradny writeup use caseov, kedy je vhodne pouzit sqlite DB

The Myth of RAM, part I - 6 views

    If you have studied computing science, then you know how to do complexity analysis. You'll know that iterating through a linked list is O(N), binary search is O(log(N)) and a hash table lookup is O(1). What if I told you that all of the above is wrong?

Adopt New Tech Before Everyone Else - 2 views

    One glaring constant in your career is that the technology you'll use for your craft will regularly change. When this happens you have a choice: hold on to what you know or become an early adopter, exploring the next thing. It's the early adopters who take the early lead towards mastering the newest tools will have a greater chance of wining the race for new client opportunities.

Linux Performance - 3 views

    Brutalna stranka obsahujuca kopec infogragik, linkov, toolov, slideov ohladom performance monitoring a tuning na Linuxe

Image Tragick - 0 views

    There are multiple vulnerabilities in ImageMagick, a package commonly used by web services to process images. One of the vulnerabilities can lead to remote code execution (RCE) if you process user submitted images. The exploit for this vulnerability is being used in the wild.
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