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Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US until 9/11 - 0 views

    Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds dropped a bombshell on the Mike Malloy radio show, guest-hosted by Brad Friedman (audio, partial transcript).

Vblogger: This ain't no recession - 0 views

    no recession tell all the people that has lost their jobs that

Government's Swine Flu "Czar" To Become ABC Medical Reporter - 0 views

    The government's swine flu "czar" has been hired by ABC News as a senior medical reporter, in the latest example of a prominent government mouthpiece shifting to become a prominent media mouthpiece.

Army National Guard Advertises for "Internment Specialists" - 0 views

    Doubt the government plans to impose martial law and round up dissidents and other malcontents? Well, the Army National Guard is advertising for qualified personnel to work as Corrections Officers and Internment/Resettlement Specialists.

Undermining Human Nature: Mass Media & Eugenics - 0 views

    Throughout the last half of the 20th century, the Unesco eugenicists have left no means unused to control the growth of populations worldwide. The mass media, they reckoned, was by far the most effective instrument through which population control policies could be distributed and implemented. But where to test the effectiveness of such a campaign? Surely not in the western world, where outright propaganda and trickery would backfire on the propagandists in a hurry. They would have to find another testing ground, one more poverty-stricken and needy; and therefore easily overwhelmed by Unesco and UNFPA-personnel with their textbooks of tyranny.

American Patriots United - 0 views

shared by Aaron G on 01 Aug 09 - Cached
    It's A Simple Answer After All

American Daily Review - US & World Politics - Why Bother Teaching - 0 views

    Since congregational bills are so good that they do not need to be read by any congressperson, I propose we should have these current leaders have their brains injected with some concoction which will cause them to be dyslectic, then the congressional bums may actual desire to read the bills because they can't.

American Daily Review - US & World Politics - The Need to Fight Against Socia... - 0 views

    Socialized medicine has become the talk of the day. This is not only unfortunate. It is harmful and we have a responsibility to speak out. Socialized medicine has led to a drastic reduction in services and in quality of care in every nation it's been tried. The elderly and the infirm are always the hardest hit.

American Daily Review - US & World Politics - Adoption, Homosexuality, and Ch... - 0 views

    Coming soon to America, preferential treatment for gays, and a loss of jobs for Christians daring to disagree with the gay lifestyle. Why not? It's happening in Canada and Britain. In fact, in the United Kingdom a Christian doctor got kicked off an adoption panel because she wished to abstain from voting on cases regarding adoption by gay couples.

American Daily Review - US & World Politics - Sinister Triumvirate: Stimulus,... - 0 views

    Connecting the new health care bill to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the liberals' PASS ID legislation shows a long term plan by the Left to manage your access to medical treatment and provides government with the tools necessary to control virtually every aspect of your life.

Alex Jones' Prison » Arkansas State Health Department: Mandatory V... - 0 views

    Legal council tells concerned caller that American citizens must accept enforced shot in event of mass swine flu vaccination program

Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity - 0 views

    We bring to the attention of our readers this 2005 article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. published by The article sheds light on the collusion between Big Parma and the US government and the dangers associated with vaccines produced by major pharmaceutical companies. This article is of particular relevance to the current debate on the H1N1 swine flu virus and plans by the WHO, The Obama Administration and Big Pharma to develop a swine flu vaccine. The article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. documented "the government's efforts to conceal alarming data about the dangers of vaccines."

World's Largest Science Group Rejecting Man-made Climate Fears - 0 views

    An outpouring of skeptical scientists who are members of the American Chemical Society (ACS) are revolting against the group's editor-in-chief - with some demanding he be removed - after an editorial appeared claiming "the science of anthropogenic climate change is becoming increasingly well established."
1More | News & Features | Flu scare a boon to body-bag sales - 0 views

shared by Aaron G on 01 Aug 09 - Cached
    Pandemic fears creating customers far and wide for Toronto company's sombre product line

Governments Stockpile Pandemic Body Bags - 0 views

    TREVOR OWEN recently shipped several thousand of the thick plastic bags - sewn in its Scarborough factory and touted for their ability to "prevent leakage and seepage of bodily fluids" - to Alberta. It is bidding on a contract to supply Ohio with 12,500 of the white woven polyethylene pandemic bags.

Causes of Depression Yet To Be Addressed - The International Forecaster - 0 views

    More disruptions for the US dollar and UK Pound, international financial system too weak, GDP numbers are phony, more devaluation and default, Globalization a disaster, Purging the system still a good idea, Abolish the Fed, Gold and Silver your only safe haven, What can the market possibly do under such stress?.... As we enter August we are getting closer a

Hate crime bill goes against Constitution - 0 views

    On the Senate floor, John McCain, R-Ariz., cut to the unconstitutional core of this bill and all such "hate crime" legislation. Leahy's bill, as of this writing, the president is eager to sign.

Connecticut Survivalist Alliance: Vibrant Response 2009 Info/Rumors - 0 views

    While the Patriot (Sovereign-Citizen) and Militia communities has been focused on National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09), the far more upsetting "Vibrant Response 2009" exercise is being held right now at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The exercise is being held by the chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive (CBRNE) Consequence Management Response Force, or CCMRF (pronounced "Sea-Smurf").

Army National Guard Advertises for "Internment Specialists" - 0 views

    Doubt the government plans to impose martial law and round up dissidents and other malcontents? Well, the Army National Guard is advertising for qualified personnel to work as Corrections Officers and Internment/Resettlement Specialists.

The Raw Story » Hodgman: To solve health crisis, let homeless sell organs - 0 views

    "Diagnosis: Great idea," he said on Thursday night's show. "Prescription: Pay for healthcare by letting people sell their organs." Hodgman claimed that a healthy human kidney is worth $160,000, "And we all have two of them, like big, fat money bags nestled right here behind the spleen."
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