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Maria Papazoglou

Infinity Ring preview - YouTube - 0 views

    The Infinity Ring is a book series as well as a game and might potentially engage students who enjoy combining their interests with technology, games and reading.  The subtitle inviting you to fix the breaks in history make it very intriguing.  Potentially learning by play.
Maria Papazoglou

Inanimate Alice - About the Project - 0 views

    Inanimate Alice is a digital novel about a young girl who grows up to be a video game designer.  Requires the reader to drive the action forward at their own pace and uses multimedia including text, images, music, sound effects puzzles and games to enhance the narrative.
Maria Papazoglou - 0 views

    This is a great game which teaches students how to shelve books.
Maria Papazoglou

Story Monster - 2 views

    Story Monster is a fun online literacy game that uses the moving image to promote student learning.
Maria Papazoglou

Shelve-it! | Mrs Lodge's Library - 2 views

    A cute game for students to learn about shelving.  A little more simple than Order in the Library.
Maria Papazoglou

Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | ... - 0 views

    A student response system which helps teachers engage their classroom through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops and tablets.
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