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Maria Papazoglou

Reading in the Digital Age: Using Electronic Books as a Teaching Tool for Beg... - 2 views

    Excellent journal article which proves eBooks can be beneficial to students learning to read.
Maria Papazoglou

SLAV Connects's Public Library | Diigo - 2 views

    A list of the eBook Providers and content worthy of further investigation.
Maria Papazoglou

slavconf » TodaysMeet - 0 views

    Some useful websites at today's SLAV Conference on creating econtent and ebooks.  Useful for visioning the future of the LRC.
Maria Papazoglou

A Champion of the Book Takes to the iPad - - 0 views

    A champion of the book publishes eBook and justifies change of attitude.
Maria Papazoglou

Will Gutenberg laugh last? | ROUGH TYPE - 0 views

    An interesting article on the fate of books:  digital vs print.
Maria Papazoglou

Travis's Excellent (Ereader) Adventure - 1 views

    Some excellent advice for setting up an ereader lending program in a school library.
Maria Papazoglou

Fiction Express - Schools - Home - 1 views

    Fiction express for schools.  Students are offered interactive e-books where they control the plot.  Worth investigating with students.
Maria Papazoglou - The Online Literature Library - 0 views

    An online library of literature.  The aims of the site are to bring real books to people through the internet.
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