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mn.html - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 16 Mar 12 - No Cached
    TeX4ht was created by Eitan Gurari at Ohio State University. Eitan died unexpectedly in June 2009; we dedicate future development to his memory. The new TeX4ht home page is Please see that page for current development information. Work towards a first release is underway, but will take time to complete.

How to generate footnotes without numbering/mark ? I just... - Q&A - 1 views

    Back to: TeX, LaTeX, etc.: Frequently Asked Questions with Answers [Monthly] FAQS.ORG makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the posts. Each post is the personal opinion of the poster. These posts are not intended to substitute for medical, tax, legal, investment, accounting, or other professional advice.

Conference Posters in Linux with TeX - 1 views

    The poster I prepared can be seen here in pdf format. The source files can be downloaded also. The format is A1, portrait, with two columns of text/images. The title and author names span both columns at the top. In my own opinion, the poster is not bad.

HOWTO convert LaTeX to OpenOffice .odt and MS Word .doc [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums - 1 views

    I have recently (finally!) had success in converting a LaTeX document into OpenOffice (and thence into MS Word), and thought I'd publicise how I did it, in case this can be of help to others.

Special symbols LaTeX - 1 views

shared by anonymous on 24 Jan 12 - No Cached
    When used within the affiliation field of the proposal form, the \`, \' and \= need to be specified as \a`, \a' and \a= since the affiliation is in a tabbing environment.

Join PDF files in linux - 0 views

    20 October 2009 at 1:00 PM | Posted in GNU/Linux cli | Leave a comment Hello linux users: in this post i will show how to join two or more PDF files into one.

A Beamer Quickstart - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 24 Feb 12 - Cached
    Rouben Rostamian Original date: December 2004 Last revision: See date at the bottom of this page

Header/Footer in Latex with Fancyhdr - 1 views

    Creating headers and footers in Latex can be done by using the package "fancyhdr". This is a short introduction, showing the most important features of the package. If you know "fancyhdr" and are looking for something particular, refer to the fancyhdr-documentation.

LaTeX:Symbols - AoPSWiki - 3 views

    This article will provide a short list of commonly used LaTeX symbols. Negations of many of these relations can be formed by just putting \not before the symbol, or by slipping an n between the \ and the word. Here are a few examples, plus a few other negations; it works for many of the others as well.

LaTeX: Beamer-Klasse - 0 views

    Wer schon immer mal Präsentationen halten wollte, die auch die schwierigsten Formeln richtig darstellen, sollte sich mal ein wenig mit der Klasse beamer ausseinandersetzen. Dabei können die Folien durchaus graphisch ansprechend mit verlinkten Navigationsstrukturen, Farbübergängen oder Videos gestaltet sein. Außerdem ist es einfach mehrere Versionen (z.B. Handout, Artikel ...)

How to make a presentation with Latex - Introduction to Beamer - Latex - - 1 views

    Saturday 14 July 2007, by Astozzia, Nadir SOUALEM All the versions of this article: [English] [français] We shall see in this article how to make a presentation with LaTeX, using the powerful class Beamer. If you want to make an outstanding "stressfree" presentation and bring your ideas or your work under a whole new light, let's get started!!!

LaTeX/Packages/Installing Extra Packages - Wikibooks, open books for an open world - 0 views

    From Wikibooks, open books for an open world Most LaTeX installations come with a large set of pre-installed style packages, but many more are available on the net. The main place to look for style packages on the Internet is CTAN ( ).

LaTeX Patent references - 0 views

    Are you reviewing both patent literature and academic literature? Do you use Bibtex to keep track of your academic references? Have you been frustrated by the lack of bibtex support for patent citations? Hopefully this tool can help. Below is quick tool I made to convert patent information in the RIS format to Bibtex format.

TikZ package examples - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 18 Sep 11 - Cached
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